Participantwise Open Interest – 6th JAN 2020

FIIs added net 6K short Index Futures, 13K short Index CE, net 9K long Index PE and net 8K short Stocks Futures contracts today.  FIIs net positions in Index Futures is marginally short now. They were net sellers in equity segment for ₹104 crore. 
Clients added 4K long Index Futures, net 101K long Index CE and net 6K short Index PE contracts while reducing exposure in Stocks Futures.
Traded volumes today were above average in Nifty and Banknifty futures.


Daily changes in FII Open Interest 


Daily changes in Client Open Interest 


Daily changes in Prop’s Open Interest 


Daily changes in DII Open Interest 


Daily changes in Index Future OI of all participants


Total Nifty/Banknifty OI and daily OI changes


Latest participantwise derivative ownership in %


FII Index Future exposure & Nifty – 2019


Nifty Spot & Current Month Future Open Interest

Ns06Jan Participantwise Open Interest – 6Th Jan 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props

Banknifty Spot & Current Month Future Open Interest

Bns06Jan Participantwise Open Interest – 6Th Jan 2020 Client, Dii, Fii, Open Interest, Participantwise Oi, Props