Weekly changes in Participantwise Open Interest
FIIs have added 108K short Index Futures, net 241K long Index CE, 483K long Index PE and 152K short Stocks Futures contracts this week besides liquidating 144K long Index Futures and 52K long Stocks Futures contracts. They have also covered 29K short Index PE contracts during the week.
FIIs have been net sellers in equity segment for ₹41721 crore during the week.
Clients have added 118K long Index Futures, net 196K long Index CE, 461K short Index PE and 218K long Stocks Futures contracts this week while covering 149K short Index Futures and 44K short Stocks Futures contracts. Besides they have also liquidated 409K long Index PE contracts.
Proprietary traders (PRO) have added net 7K long Index Futures, net 437K short Index CE, 289K long Index PE and 170K long Stocks Futures contracts this week while covering 98K short Index PE and 26K short Stocks Futures contracts.