Trading Room Charts- 11th Feb 2014


The BNF FEB stayed above the vwap of 10260 which was a 2 day vwap. Today was an inside day and the vwap of the past three days is now at 10263.

Breakout points to initiate trades would be 10315 on upside and 10214 below


The composite BNF chart shows single prints near 10210 below. This means that Monday’s spike was not accepted by the market which was lower in the close. Auction therefore has to march up to see if there is new interest at the other end.


The Nifty futures was also inside and in the same value. Profile was balanced and a Normal day.


The 3 day vwap is at 6075. The range to break on upside will be 6096 and down below will be 6054.