OrderFlow charts dated 23rd July 2018
OrderFlow charts – 30 min duration of the Nifty and the BankNifty July Futures showing the Buy side and the sell side imbalances
July Futures :
August Futures :
09:02 Vtrender Live : (09:00) Vtrender Live: options link- https://join.me/168-898-916
(09:02) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/855867949
09:54 Shai : (09:54) Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26930- 35 sl of 26845 tgt 27085.
10:13 Shai : (10:13) Shai : Hold the BNF with sl of 26835 . We will exit the intra on a higher price
10:20 Shai : (10:20) Shai : exit from the BNF longs at 26875-885 here
12:46 Shai : (12:46) Shai : Intra : short Nifty 11037 sl of 11059 tgt 11007
14:01 Shai : (14:01) Shai : NF intra day stops taken. Exit
15:17 Shai : (15:17) Shai : Positional BNF part book at 27095 . Ride the rest with SL at cost 26900.
09:00 Vtrender Live : options link- https://join.me/168-898-916
09:02 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/855867949
09:04 Shriram : Good Morning Shai and everyone!
09:04 Shai : GM all
09:05 Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-20th-july/
09:05 Shai : https://vtrender.com/weekly-outlook-for-the-week-dated-23rd-july-to-27th-july/
09:05 Shiv : GM All
09:05 Abhay : Gm Shai n All
09:09 Shashwat : Gm Shai and All 🙂
09:11 Tulajaram : GM Shai and all.
09:12 Manjunath : GM all…
09:13 Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:16 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:18 Shai : NF attemting a drive
09:18 Shai : still arly days
09:18 Shai : early*
09:22 Shriram : The screen seems to be frozen. Is it only for me?
09:22 Shai : it’s fine. anyone else?
09:22 Uttam : working fine
09:23 Praneeth : shai, your view on usdinr pls
09:23 Shai : 11060 and 11082 obj of the drive
09:24 Shai : USDDINR same view. It’s in a bracket 69.14 to 68.35
09:24 Shai : buy low sell high
09:24 Praneeth : cool, thanks shai
09:26 HK : yes it is frozen
09:26 Shriram : There is a 10sec to 60 sec delay between screen refresh.
09:31 Shriram : Zerodha is facing some issue with charts too !!!
09:31 Manjunath : right
09:34 Shai : reset done
09:34 Shriram : Thank you.
09:34 Shai : NF needs to take out that 11060 seller for more today
09:34 Shai : supp at 11026
09:43 Abhishek : shai whats ur view in BNF? tested PDay high and low in first min bcoz of hdfcbank.
09:45 Uttam : Shai 30min chart of Aug needs a little adjustment on GoToMeeting
09:45 Uttam : NF
09:54 Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26930- 35 sl of 26845 tgt 27085.
10:00 Boppanna : Shai any BNF ref at 25960 ?
10:01 Shai : taken out the varaible font option for NF for now. Will find a better way to display that this evening. It’s fine for BNF for now
10:01 Shai : NF is an OTD but on low volumes + B hasn’t extended abv that 11060 prev supply
10:02 Jitender : & 2 minor pink bands in jul n aug
10:03 Shai : yes
10:04 Shai : 18th JUly auction second POC at 11060
10:05 Shai : BNF has got two wild triggers at 27007 and 26766 off the open ticks
10:06 Shai : yes 19th July POC- (10:00) Boppanna : Shai any BNF ref at 25960 ?
10:06 Boppanna : thx
10:11 Shai : hmm. morning longs pushed up in BNF
10:13 Shai : Hold the BNF with sl of 26835 . We will exit the intra on a higher price
10:16 Shai : if this low holds we should boucne
10:20 Shai : exit from the BNF longs at 26875-885 here
10:30 Kathir : gm shai all
10:31 Himanshu : we have poistional BNF longs @ 26900 still open ?
10:32 Shai : yes that is open
10:36 HK : BNF is a absolute kichadi today
10:37 Abhishek : BNF retest of micro
10:40 Jitender : dpoc & POC same in bnf
10:40 Praneeth : GM All
10:40 Himanshu : ok shai
10:42 Praneeth : C couldn’t extend B, D should extend C now
10:47 Uttam : BNF does a 80% down & then now up
10:51 Jitender : bnf forming a bell
10:51 Jitender : so far
10:57 Jitender : wide IB + (10:40) Jitender : dpoc & POC same in bnf+ bell= prem eating
10:59 Shai : yes. very little edge for a mega directional intra move
10:59 Boppanna : Shai on the delta stack LLT Sell/Buy Vol levels show an X
10:59 Boppanna : ?
11:00 Shai : yes Xmeans it is larger than prev ones
11:03 Shashwat : Shai – regarding the intent in the delta stack, should it be read into during the expiry week? or would it work better during rest of the month?
11:15 HK : NF vols sucks
11:16 Shriram : Shai, in the delta stack, there is a red line drawn at 26927.50. May I know the significance of this?
11:17 Shai : Intent works on volumes and any indicator of volumes in settlement week will have a fairly big percentage of rollovers which are a 0 bias volume. Hence Intent will be better and more significant when rollovers do not play a role
11:18 Mihir : Good Morning everyone. Shai more edge to the room. Thanks.
11:18 Shashwat : Sure, thank you Shai
11:18 Shai : Fri closing prices- (11:16) Shriram : Shai, in the delta stack, there is a red line drawn at 26927.50. May I know the significance of this?
11:18 Shriram : Got it, thx, Shai.
11:18 Uttam : yes HK we have the 2nd lowest vols in IB for this series in NF
11:20 Mihir : Shai quick question. In last 2 hrs all the NF volume is in Larger font. Does it mean we have larger volume playing throughout this 2 hour period?
11:22 Shai : No Mihir.
11:22 Shai : have taken out the variable font for NF. will add it later
11:22 Mihir : Okay thought so 🙂 Thanks.
11:23 Mihir : Uttam: 114 on that straddle now 🙂
11:23 Mihir : 11050.
11:26 Shashwat : Shai – also, havent seen PDD and NDD labels on the delta stack recently. Is there another way to read those?
11:27 Abhishek : alos on gotomeeting OF ZERO everwhere
11:28 Uttam : yes Mihir even the 11000 straddle gave a gap down plus drive open & from 153 now down to 125
11:32 HK : BNF a bit explosive in second half
11:39 Uttam : BNF still in the first 15min range with a 3-1-3 profile in the making
11:42 Uttam : BNF still balancing in the last 2day balance whereas NF making higher value today & part of that A still has singles today
11:43 Mihir : Uttam 3-1-3 is excess at both ends with thick value area?
11:43 Uttam : 3-1-3 is tails at both ends & balance in between
11:43 Mihir : Okay.
11:43 Mihir : Break of either side will have fun moves.
11:43 Shai : the PDD and NDD have been taken our . The stack charts do not have delta configured now- (11:26) Shashwat : Shai – also, havent seen PDD and NDD labels on the delta stack recently. Is there another way to read those?
11:44 Shai : has been set to remove smalller sizes hence the 0’s – (11:27) Abhishek : alos on gotomeeting OF ZERO everwhere
11:45 Shai : Filter for GoTo has been set at 10 lots . Any size of less than 10 lots will not show up on Go To screen
11:45 Abhishek : okay
11:45 Shai : Idea is to see quickly where the big volumes are
11:47 Shai : spx futures headed back to 2806/ 2810
11:49 Uttam : LLT sell vol coming in at 11050 levels here?
11:49 Uttam : near sVAH also
11:49 Uttam : dVAH*
11:54 Uttam : vols builing up in both at 11045 & 26920 levels
11:54 Uttam : overlapping POC on 30mins
11:57 Uttam : NF planning to give a DD up?
12:00 Mihir : BNF needs to stay up and above that 930 with good vols for further move.
12:02 Uttam : NF has been OTFing up since that pull back of 11027
12:02 Uttam : 11056.2/11060 now needs to be crossed & can spike up
12:03 Jitender : ITC alone giving 25 points in nf
12:05 Mihir : Does anyone in the room have more info on ITC?
12:05 HK : @Uttam, what was the PB low in BNF, 840?
12:06 Uttam : 26830 HK
12:06 HK : Thanks man
12:06 Uttam : VAL of the 2day bell
12:06 Uttam : 🙂
12:07 Uttam : (12:02) Uttam : 11056.2/11060 now needs to be crossed & can spike up…NF making a high og 11056 so far
12:10 Uttam : 11056.2 taken out
12:11 Mihir : Please take bnf also with you uttam 🙂
12:11 Uttam : BNF 2day VAH at 26943 so needs to get some buying above it
12:14 Uttam : today’s pbh high in BNF also exactly there
12:14 Uttam : 26942.5
12:16 HK : BNf for 878
12:25 Uttam : red box & llt sell in NF at vah
12:38 Shashwat : What is the qty required to be classified as LLT in Delta stack?
12:45 Abhishek : nifty vwap broke with reds
12:46 Shai : Intra : short Nifty 11037 sl of 11059 tgt 11007
12:46 Abhishek : 🙂
12:47 Shai : It’s relative to the volume of the day and not a preprogrammed input- (12:38) Shashwat : What is the qty required to be classified as LLT in Delta stack?
12:49 Shashwat : ok, thank you
13:03 Jitender : Shai..tab 2 pls
13:12 Shai : NF has to go lower to get new buyers interested
13:12 Shai : still i a normal day in both
13:13 Jitender : 72k red in nf
13:31 Shai : 12- 14 point range 3rd hour now
13:33 Jitender : (10:57) Jitender : wide IB + (10:40) Jitender : dpoc & POC same in bnf+ bell= prem eating(10:59) Shai : yes. very little edge for a mega directional intra move
13:34 Jitender : bnf almost fevicoled at 26900
13:41 Mihir : Test.
13:41 Kathir : Pass
13:41 Mihir : 🙂
13:41 Mihir : How is everyone awake? 🙂
13:42 Mihir : Especially on a Monday.
13:43 Mihir : Ah bnf goes for the upper half of the profile.
13:44 Kathir : mihir awakr now ?
13:44 Mihir : Full and final.
13:44 Jayesh : Mihir tune jaga diya BNF ko
13:44 Mihir : With a bnf trade 🙂
13:44 Kathir : 27080 high ?
13:45 Jitender : ys
13:45 Kathir : stuck buyer there jit ?
13:45 Kathir : 25k
13:46 Kathir : bnf
13:47 Jitender : not on 27080
13:47 Jitender : in 5min
13:47 Jitender : on 30mins ..its shown….
13:47 Jitender : we need a refesh
13:47 Kathir : ok
13:48 Boppanna : Shai that 77k the wild card ? 10:05 Shai : BNF has got two wild triggers at 27007 and 26766 off the open ticks
13:50 HK : can do more 11:32 HK : BNF a bit explosive in second half
13:51 Uttam : good greens at 11055-60 Shai? they need to go berfore can fall ?
13:51 Kathir : +1
13:51 HK : NF shorts stopped?
13:52 Mihir : @Jayesh 🙂
13:52 Mihir : Kathir. Fully wide awake. Went to book positions. 🙂
13:53 Kathir : congrats mihir 🙂
13:53 Praneeth : +1 Mihi
13:53 Praneeth : Mihir
13:53 Kathir : any news for banks ?
13:53 Mihir : Thanks guys 🙂
13:53 Shiv : the bnf chart cant be seen
13:54 Mihir : Keep it above PDH.
13:56 Jitender : Congrats Mihir
13:56 Praneeth : DD possible in bnf?
13:56 Mihir : Thanks Jit that was a sweet and a fast trade 🙂
13:56 Mihir : Kara do Praneeth 🙂
13:57 Mihir : I think it will rotate here for a bit
13:57 Mihir : pdh and ibh rough references.
13:58 Mihir : above 11074 we see fireworks in NF?
13:59 Mihir : Operator punch in NS.
13:59 Kathir : (09:54) Shai : Intra : Buy BankNifty 26930- 35 sl of 26845 tgt 27085.
13:59 Kathir : this is completed
13:59 Mihir : does his target 🙂
14:00 Kathir : 🙂
14:00 Kathir : nf pink band at top
14:00 Mihir : HK mentioned about this. Kudos.
14:01 Shai : NF intra day stops taken. Exit
14:01 Shiv : Not able to see Order flow chart in BNF 30 mins
14:02 HK : Many congrats Mihir
14:05 Shai : led through by BNF this move
14:06 HK : NF is weak
14:10 Jayesh : NF for 11084?
14:11 Shai : yes
14:21 Jitender : Maruti 9400-9625 🙂
14:24 HK : Uttam BNF extn handle at 27010?
14:25 Uttam : yes HK IBH whcih is at 27007
14:34 Mihir : Does your figure Jayesh 🙂
14:34 Jitender : 26.4pe still avail at 17.5 🙂
14:34 Mihir : Jit get it in single digit then transfer to pe 🙂
14:35 Jitender : its fr eating only
14:35 Jitender : 26.3-26.6 pe ..total 80 bucks
14:35 Jayesh : Yep Mihir 🙂
14:36 Jayesh : Mihir ..not on slack?
14:36 Mihir : Oh might have muted.
14:36 Mihir : No notifications there.
14:38 Praneeth : +1 jit
14:39 Praneeth : shai, bnf for 27180?
14:39 Mihir : Praneeth today only? :))
14:39 Praneeth : 🙂
14:40 Mihir : Some longs booking in bnf?
14:40 Praneeth : we r yet to witness SC
14:41 Shai : NF may want to finish around 11106 today
14:41 Shai : high risk longs with 11058 as stops
14:42 Shai : BNF 27003 as supp iclose close
14:59 Uttam : 1L buyer in NF
14:59 Shai : NF still probing upwards
14:59 Uttam : Shai Aug OF agains needs adjustment
14:59 Shiv : BNF tgt for today ?
15:00 Shai : 27104/ 27134
15:01 Shiv : Thanks Shai
15:02 Mihir : 11040 to 11095 done.
15:03 Jayesh : +1 Mihir
15:07 HK : ah 11.1 k is here
15:07 Praneeth : +1 shai
15:07 Shai : 1 Mihir
15:07 Mihir : Shai 🙂
15:07 Shai : +1 Mihir
15:07 Mihir : Test message did it all 😛
15:08 Jayesh : 🙂
15:10 Mihir : https://twitter.com/sweetspottrader/status/1021328973643550722
15:12 Shai : Last chance for the sellets tom at 1120 to come back
15:12 Shai : else we may have settlement around 11220- 250
15:13 Mihir : Big red trying to tame bnf.
15:13 Mihir : But bnf is just warming up. It might do that 274xx levels of shai for settlement?
15:14 Mihir : Shai interesting stuff with the slack chart. So inspite of this big reds it didn’t give sell x alert. So programmed as per the day volume gives far more edge.
15:15 Mihir : 2ib on a wide ib range is the best.
15:15 Mihir : 2.4 points away.
15:16 Shai : 11106- (14:41) Shai : NF may want to finish around 11106 today
15:16 Uttam : super Shai
15:16 Boppanna : +1
15:16 Uttam : 2IB at 1110
15:16 Uttam : 11109
15:16 Mihir : /\ Shai.
15:17 Shai : Positional BNF part book at 27095 . Ride the rest with SL at cost 26900.
15:18 Praneeth : sell intnet is trying to catch buy intnet, so tomorrow flat opening possible shai?
15:18 Jitender : awesum Shai
15:19 Shiv : Shai whats the set up type on BNF come up today
15:19 Shai : NV day
15:22 Mihir : Oh the X came in later in bnf
15:24 Uttam : (12:11) Uttam : BNF 2day VAH at 26943 so needs to get some buying above it…once BNF crossed 26943 no lookong back
15:25 Kathir : + 5 uttam
15:26 Shai : Buy 11100 puts for thse who want totrade Intent. Pullback to 11060 due tom. sl 11127
15:26 Uttam : 27105-110 is the scene of crime in BNF
15:27 Shai : BNF intent is good . Cross above 27100 tom should fetch 300 more points to 27400
15:27 Uttam : sorry SOC is higher 27110 is pullback high
15:27 Shai : we will add back if we get a move abv 27100 tom
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29 Jitender : bnf mmove gave good time to take position in nf around 1.10
15:29 Jitender : bye all
15:29 Mihir : Bye everyone have a super evening.
15:30 Uttam : Thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:32 Praneeth : bye all
10:06 Gaurav : Shai Ceat can be bought for August?
10:56 Shai : yes looks good but strict SL at 1299 for the trade. should do 1410 and 1550 restest if taht holds closing
10:56 Shai : retest*
12:16 Jitender : Shai MT views on Alkylamine & GM breweries pls
13:05 Shai : alkylamines is NSE?
13:05 Jitender : yes
13:08 Shai : gm brew has failed at 752 on the restest and is now a res .minor supp at 660 but should do 570/ 596 before any significant move hgher
13:11 Shai : 550 zone is a super support in alkylamine and has laready bounce off it. Is still a buy of dips till 550 hold sfor restest of 790
13:11 Jitender : tx Shai
15:27 Mihir : Shai: Positionally good entry points for Bajaj Auto can you suggest? Thanks.
15:28 Shai : bajaj at a supp