OrderFlow charts dated 04th Sept

OrderFlow charts dated 04th Sept

OrderFlow charts – 30 min duration of the Nifty and the BankNifty July Futures showing the Buy side and the sell side imbalances


Trading order flow allows a trader to see the specific price where a trade has hit the market, along with the volume of that trade. This information is extremely valuable and allows a trader to generate substantial revenue by using this information to trade.

30 Min Bnf Bid 2 Orderflow Charts Dated 04Th Sept 30 Min Fp Nf 2 Orderflow Charts Dated 04Th Sept Delta Stack 2 Orderflow Charts Dated 04Th Sept Delta Stack Bn 2 Orderflow Charts Dated 04Th Sept


09:02   Vtrender Live : (09:00) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/270-532-164
(09:01) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts- https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/901861661

09:06   Shai : (09:06) Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-03rd-sept/

09:16   Shai : (09:16) Shai : Maintain a SL of 11609 for the NF overnght longs

09:28   Shai : (09:28) Shai : NF overnight BTST stopped

09:51   Shai : (09:51) Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty 27808 sl of 27740 tgt 27920.

10:05   Shai : (10:05) Shai : Maintain a new SL of 27725 of the BNF longs. WE will hold

12:05   Shai : (12:05) Shai : Intra- Buy Nifty 11623 sl of 11603 tgt 11673/ 11690

12:12   Shai : (12:12) Shai : Book out the BNF longs at 27800- 27810 here

12:38   Shai : (12:38) Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty again 27830 sl of 27735 tgt 27965.

12:42   Shai : (12:42) Shai : Intra day- Book profits in Nfty at 11647 here

12:52   Shai : (12:52) Shai : Intra Keep a New NF buy above 11652 sl of 11619 tgt 11690.

13:01   Shai : (13:00) Shai : exit the BNF longs at 27815

13:49   Shai : (13:49) Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 27685 ls of 2777 tgt 27550

13:50   Shai : (13:50) Shai : sl is 27777

14:14   Shai : (14:14) Shai : Book intra day BNF 27643 here

14:35   Shai : (14:34) Shai : Short Nifty 11552 sl of 11580 tgt11510

15:17   Shai : (15:17) Shai : Exit from the NF at 11570

15:18   Shai : (15:18) Shai : Positional 11800 ce at tgt 46. Book fully


09:00   Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/270-532-164
09:01   Kathir : GM shai all
09:01   Vtrender Live : 30 min charts- https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/901861661
09:05   Shai : GM all
09:05   Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:06   Shai : https://vtrender.com/evening-marketprofile-report-dated-03rd-sept/
09:06   Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:07   Haresh Nathani : Suprabhat
09:08   Haresh Nathani : Rupee @71.33
09:09   Kathir : F 71.53
09:09   Abhay : Gm All
09:12   TP : GM All.
09:15   Upendra : Hello all
09:15   Upendra : GM to all
09:16   Shai : Maintain a SL of 11609 for the NF overnght longs
09:17   Jitender : red bank 27.8 ce 220-160 done…peaceful day now 🙂
09:17   Jitender : band
09:19   Mihir : Congratulations Jit.
09:20   Abhay : Congrats Jit:)
09:20   Jitender : tx guys
09:20   TP : +1 jit
09:20   Shai : green at 11610. yesterday’s late buyers still in
09:20   Jitender : tx TP
09:21   Shai : their job is to get past 11650
09:21   Shai : else they can be cornered
09:21   Shai : above 11650 is an easy 40 point ride to 11690
09:21   Kathir : congrats jit
09:22   Jitender : tx bro
09:23   Praneeth : +1 jit
09:24   Jitender : tx P
09:25   Shai : That was a good one Jit and really quick . +1
09:25   Jitender : tx Chief..last few days bnf open is getting sold..& usdinr+bonds wud have got that 1st reaction
09:26   Uttam : +1 Jit congrats
09:26   Jitender : tx
09:26   Uttam : NF was doing a ORR up but BNF looking weak
09:26   Uttam : unable to get back into pday range
09:26   Uttam : spike in both getting accepted
09:27   Shai : pinks
09:28   Shai : NF overnight BTST stopped
09:29   Kathir : vix 13.7
09:30   Mihir : Sold bnf around vwap 🙂
09:30   Mihir : out with 100. trailing half.
09:30   Jitender : congrats man
09:31   Mihir : Thanks Jit.
09:32   Mihir : Booked all.
09:36   Jayesh : congrats Mihir
09:36   Praneeth : shai, bnf next support at 27535?
09:36   Uttam : super Mihir
09:37   Jitender : bnf in free fall
09:37   Uttam : yep USDINR hurting it?
09:38   Shai : BN broken 4 week lows
09:38   Mihir : Thanks everyone.
09:38   Uttam : BNF has done 3IB on weekly timeframe also
09:38   Jitender : bond yeilds also
09:38   Uttam : 27739 was weekly swing in spot
09:38   Mihir : Bond and Dollah!
09:38   Jitender : but mkt seems 2 have woken up yday
09:38   Shai : 71. has been hit in uSDINR F , so tem pause is tere
09:38   Kathir : congrats mihir
09:38   Uttam : so below it can head to 27423 as broken the extension handle of 27630
09:39   Jitender : Hk wud b dancing with joy
09:39   Mihir : Oh yes.
09:39   Uttam : he is a genius, decalred a positional short on Friday close itself
09:40   Jitender : yh
09:40   Uttam : big IB and a drive down
09:41   Mihir : OP-RA = 11578.15 Low 578. Wow.
09:43   Uttam : spot taking sup at prev swing low of 11532
09:44   Shai : 27920 a buyer is stuck
09:49   Kathir : Mihir 27800 ce low 20
09:49   Mihir : Nice. See if it holds.
09:50   Mihir : Since last evening many magic lows were made and broken. So You need to use OF as the first tool of reference before trying it.
09:50   Kathir : and 28200 pe high 6
09:50   Kathir : yep
09:50   Mihir : Give me 615 I am out.
09:51   Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty 27808 sl of 27740 tgt 27920.
09:51   Shai : save stuck buyer mission launched in BNF
09:51   Mihir : Lol Shai. That buyer gave me 100 and now riding longs.
09:54   Shai : I’ve taken off the option screen for some time. The bid ask spread is messed up distorting charts
09:54   Shai : we get some stability we will restore
09:55   Shai : lots of open drive downs in ptions today
10:00   Jitender : 800-820 in bnf gettn sells
10:01   Himanshu : today is open drive or open test drive?
10:02   Jitender : ORR
10:03   Himanshu : but gap up was small
10:03   Uttam : BNF OTD down & NF ORR I think
10:03   Jitender : bnf also went up after open
10:03   Uttam : 33k buyer in BNF
10:04   Uttam : yes Jit probed higher at open and then drove down as was a swift move
10:04   Uttam : but Shai will need to confirm
10:04   Jitender : k
10:05   Shai : Maintain a new SL of 2772 of the BNF longs. WE will hold
10:05   Shai : 27725*
10:07   Shai : Open type is OTD
10:10   Himanshu : (10:07) Shai : Open type is OTD .. thanks sir
10:11   Azmath : b
10:12   Shai : NF at vwap
10:12   Shai : finally a respnse is here for the sell off from yesterday
10:16   Uttam : BNF has on stuck buyer at 27850 also Shai?
10:16   Uttam : one*
10:17   Praneeth : shai, whats ur view on this week bnf expiry?
10:18   Shai : Little early for that
10:19   Praneeth : ok..
10:19   Shai : depends actaully on the quality of this response
10:19   Praneeth : we will get to know by eod
10:19   Praneeth : ?
10:19   Shai : yes
10:19   Praneeth : ok
10:19   Shai : weak BNF below 2790 now
10:19   Praneeth : when are u expecting sc in bnf? above what level?
10:19   Shai : above that can force shrt covering else down
10:19   Shai : 27960*
10:19   Jitender : pain at 27900 with poor pcr at 0.38
10:20   Jitender : 27600 has sum supp as per 6.6 PCR
10:20   Praneeth : ok..
10:21   Jitender : but wats flummoxing today is that the 150+ prem in bnf is still persisting
10:21   Jitender : wich is nt gd for bulls relatively
10:21   Jitender : n we r now highly oversold
10:21   Uttam : yes Jit even HK was mentioning that yesterday that premium still being the same inspite of the fall
10:21   Jitender : so fluid situation
10:21   Praneeth : ok..
10:23   Jitender : bnf still stalling here (10:00) Jitender : 800-820 in bnf gettn sells
10:24   Jitender : so basically excel shett+ DIIs+MF on one side & worsening macros on other
10:24   Jitender : sheet
10:35   Uttam : spot breaking lows in BN
10:37   Uttam : looks like buyers forced to exit in BNF
10:39   Jitender : if 27.6 writers r forced 2 cvr…more drop willcum
10:40   Uttam : 27560 is sup in BN Spot so has tagged that
10:40   Uttam : lets see if it can hold
10:41   HK : GM All
10:41   Uttam : enjoying your positional shorts on a Cruise HK 😉
10:41   Jitender : Hey Rockstar….
10:42   HK : OMG **runs**
10:43   HK : I am done near IBL Uttam
10:43   Uttam : nice HK 🙂 congrats
10:43   HK : Started buying NF and BNF with 4% risk
10:43   HK : on capital
10:44   HK : 12200 and 28800 on radar
10:44   Jitender : Shai..any poss of crude analysis ?
10:47   Shai : for crude I don’t have short term data
10:47   Jitender : k
10:55   Boppanna : D/E makes a lower low in BNF then next obj 27400?
10:56   Sandesh : @66 27800 ce long
10:56   Francis : what’s the potential target for 3IB on upside #NF
10:57   Azmath : Spike negated the 3IB setup na yesterday
10:58   Uttam : spot did not make 3IB in Nifty
11:00   Francis : ohh,,, ok just looked at NF
11:01   Kathir : @ uttam – 27739-700**. here bnf is
11:01   Uttam : yes Kathir 🙂 27700 is a weekly vpoc
11:01   Himanshu : uttam can u please repeat 3IB rule…
11:03   TP : BN low doesn’t look secured . weekly -However, a failure in September below 27650 would annul those plans
11:04   Shai : BNF a b in the making
11:04   TP : +1
11:05   Uttam : @Himanshu when we have a 3IB day it could mean exhaustion in the shorter term so the next day one can look to go contra post IB with IBH/IBL + filter as SL for a contra trade
11:06   Himanshu : thanks uttam.. thanks a ton
11:06   Uttam : it is RK’s observation & set up so thanks to him 🙂
11:07   Himanshu : 🙂
11:08   Francis : SBIN might save BNF today
11:11   RK : 3IB and spike rule clash yday..so we need to check follow through today and which says spike is being accepted with value below spike low..ultra bearish as of now..so if smone wants to play 3IB then better to play only on very extreme with tight SL as that would be highly contra trade considering environment
11:12   RK : and if you are following spike rule then short every rise into spike low with stops well inside spike..sofar that gave 2-3 good trades..so decide your context and play accoridingly
11:13   Shai : 1
11:13   Shai : spike lows at 11620
11:13   Uttam : singles in spike & value lower to more downside in NF coming RK?
11:13   Shai : allow a few points around that
11:13   Shai : C stopped at 11625
11:13   RK : and be awre that NF VWAP is being chopped both side..so seems still the fight is on..be nimble with any trade on size
11:14   RK : *aware
11:14   RK : Uttam as of now yes..need to have balance above 11635 now to remove bearish bias for the day
11:15   Uttam : thanks RK
11:15   Himanshu : thanks RK
11:15   RK : now the play is between dev values
11:15   Azmath : Thanks RK
11:15   RK : 2 rounds over
11:15   Jitender : bnf is the easier one today…nf has gt IT to supp it
11:15   Uttam : yes nice bell also so far in NF
11:16   RK : C period noisy then D did dVAL and E did dVAH f or G could again tag dVAL
11:18   Uttam : RK when you short on rise to spike lows, targets would be vwap & dVAL is it?
11:19   Uttam : if E makes higher high then D & C we could be headed for a DD up?
11:20   RK : Uttam yes VWAP/dPOC/dVAL depends on distrance
11:20   RK : distance
11:21   RK : now E low at dPOC 11610 should hold to look for higher move else chop down again
11:21   Uttam : +1 RK
11:24   Mihir : Ping pong setup so far. (09:41) Mihir : OP-RA = 11578.15 Low 578. Wow.(09:50) Mihir : Give me 615 I am out.
11:25   Mihir : Today’s open is the line that is tested once so far.
11:26   Mihir : Nice notes RK.
11:27   HK : Bulls are having extra large
11:28   Mihir : Hari 🙂 Congratulations.
11:28   Uttam : BNF still unable to get above vwap
11:28   Mihir : Need to learn how you hold with conviction.
11:28   Uttam : probable FA at lows
11:29   HK : NF extn handle coming
11:30   HK : thanks Mihir, I learnt it from here only from Shai and RK, they are my teachers
11:30   Uttam : you giving a DD up in NF HK 🙂
11:30   HK : look at the delta from yday
11:31   HK : 30 mins, bulls are loading up, they will forced to liquidate below 11480 only
11:31   Mihir : Uttam above 634 take 30.
11:31   Uttam : that needs a refresh I think as on stack both green & red overlapping
11:31   Mihir : very fast.
11:31   Mihir : I might be wrong.
11:35   HK : BNF is in very bad shape
11:37   Shai : messed up with that premium
11:37   Uttam : 175 points premium!!!
11:37   Shai : for a long time it is actaully 2 different instruments being traded one is BNF spot and the other is BNF fut
11:38   Shai : lot of option writers will get wrecked between today and thurs
11:38   Jitender : now 3.6 (10:20) Jitender : 27600 has sum supp as per 6.6 PCR
11:38   Jitender : ys Shai
11:38   Mihir : Jit are more downside bnf?
11:38   Jitender : below 780-820 zone..yes
11:39   Jitender : its meetn selln in this zone
11:39   Jitender : longs abv 820..will get quick 70-80 points
11:39   Mihir : Yes.
11:40   Jitender : m dwn to 1/4th of my orignal qty…
11:40   HK : PSU banks are bullish
11:40   Mihir : Just observing now. Took me too long to get DT yest. Squandered my orignal score.
11:40   Jitender : today is not the day to go all in
11:40   Mihir : Yessire.
11:40   Mihir : Sides and 20% qty trading.
11:40   Jitender : got saved by an pre fed order in the last rise in bnf yday..was heavily avged
11:41   Jitender : else wud have ended in a good loss
11:43   Jitender : btw Tulsian was shoutn 29k on bnf start of Sept series & kept on repeatn it till yday
11:44   Jitender : hez bankn on adv tax numbers to take indexes up
11:44   RK : another confirmation for this here with D had wick at lows and closing at highs and E having wick at top and closing at lows //(11:13) RK : and be awre that NF VWAP is being chopped both side..so seems still the fight is on..be nimble with any trade on size//
11:45   Uttam : pink band in BNF
11:45   Jitender : 11800ce just 18 points away from Shai’s tgt of 46
11:45   Uttam : fresh sellers?
11:45   Jitender : awesum call…have nvr shrted an option so early in series…just did this one…perfect trade
11:46   Jitender : sry 12 points away
11:46   Uttam : +1 Jit
11:46   Mihir : +11800
11:47   Mihir : Jit I have never shorted naked option yet in my trading career.
11:47   Mihir : I think I have a phobia 😛
11:48   Jitender : i have a habbit of shrt..cant seem to buy….i buy only bnf on fri & nf options till 1st 7 days of series
11:48   Jitender : else F2 is my natural press
11:48   Mihir : hehe.
11:50   Praneeth : hangseng 0.9% up, i think this FPI issue affected bnf
11:53   Jitender : yday DII had a bigger sell than FII
11:53   HK : Jit redemptions have started and new funds stopped coming in in SIP
11:53   Jitender : good..keep tat up
11:54   Jitender : & get mkts to fair val of 9k 😉
11:54   HK : i think FIIs will go aggressive with buying
11:54   Jitender : k
11:54   Jitender : btw tis is a first of currency at lowest & mkt at highs
11:55   HK : idea is get retail exit at midcap/small caps at low valuationa and perk it up
11:55   HK : just a theory
11:55   Jitender : hmmm
11:56   Mihir : vwap bounce. chai pani done.
11:57   Shai : anyone tracking OI of Nifty intra day?
11:57   Shai : is the change very big for a 11.55 am ?
11:57   HK : take BN to 830 man
12:00   Mihir : No significant change in OI between 11:41 to 11:59.
12:00   Mihir : 13.5K contracts added so far.
12:00   Mihir : Via our statsman.
12:01   Mihir : Suyog
12:01   Uttam : from morning 7L added? 2.57 CR it was at yesterday close & now it is 2.64 CR
12:02   Shai : great info thanks
12:02   Shai : that means 10L
12:03   Shai : yeah we were aaround 2.52 with 1 CR taken off on expiry day
12:03   Uttam : cool 🙂
12:04   Uttam : BNF approaching vwap
12:05   Shai : Intra- Buy Nifty 11623 sl of 11603 tgt 11673/ 11690
12:05   Uttam : so OI increasing & NF not falling means buyers coming in Shai?
12:05   Jitender : 19k at top in bnf
12:06   HK : 830 pending Jit
12:06   Uttam : big buyer at vwap
12:06   Uttam : SL order could be Jit?
12:06   Uttam : or initiative buyer?
12:07   Jitender : buyr
12:07   HK : TP are you there in the room?
12:07   TP : yes HK.
12:08   HK : @TP is BN 27800 CE+Pe is a sell considering the premium
12:09   HK : not urgent, please take your time
12:11   TP : Price wise not sure but vix wise yes as vix is still in higher range 13.5 i guess and Shai had given 14.4 as upper extreme .
12:12   Jitender : 27.9 is a naked sell fr thrus..if 830 of yrs is not taken out Hk
12:12   Shai : Book out the BNF longs at 27800- 27810 here
12:12   TP : another worry for seller would be how the premium is adjusted closer to expiry.
12:12   Shai : we will continue with the NF which is showing better bullishness
12:14   Francis : Does this webinato freezes for you guys, i have been facing it every 2-3 hours
12:15   Azmath : nope
12:15   Jayesh : Nope…might happen bcoz of slight internet connection breaks
12:17   Shai : 27670 number to watch on spot
12:17   Francis : ok.. thanks… will try IE
12:18   Shai : above that one round to 27780/ 27800 pending
12:18   Shai : spot has stopped at a POC from mid july
12:18   Uttam : (10:40) Uttam : 27560 is sup in BN Spot so has tagged that(10:40) Uttam : lets see if it can hold
12:18   Uttam : BN spot 100 points up from lows
12:19   Shai : +1
12:19   HK : BN done 830, pls dont spike up
12:20   Jitender : +1 Uttam
12:20   Mihir : HK little more greedy for bnf.
12:20   Mihir : 900 lelu?
12:21   HK : @Mihir, until is USDINR settles down, no posnl longs in BNF
12:21   Mihir : Okay half booking kept at 855
12:23   HK : @Mihir some fresh downside in BNf open with today move
12:23   HK : anyway, let Boss of BNF can tell
12:23   Mihir : I am riding from lows. Intra views for me ony.
12:23   Mihir : Booked out. itchy fingers. 848
12:36   Kathir : hdfcbank breaks day low
12:38   Shai : Intra – Buy BankNifty again 27830 sl of 27735 tgt 27965.
12:39   Shai : amking a correction to that earlier exit we made since vwap is being managed well here
12:42   Mihir : NF you beauty.
12:42   Shai : Intra day- Book profits in Nfty at 11647 here
12:42   Mihir : 94k reds here.
12:43   Shai : yes
12:43   Shai : just when BN threatened to pull away one of the NF longs of yesterday is exiting at cost
12:51   Shai : No harm done
12:52   Mihir : Yes longs booked out. Price confirming that.
12:52   Mihir : Looks like it.
12:52   Shai : Intra Keep a New NF buy above 11652 sl of 11619 tgt 11690.
12:53   Shai : crosses abv 11652 should swing it higher
12:53   Shai : also be open to buy near 11620 spike lows
12:53   Uttam : NF has been OTF up since D
12:54   Uttam : respecting RK’s 11610
12:55   Uttam : spot yet to scale IBH though
12:55   HK : this wretched BNF
12:55   Mihir : Uttam after yest’s emotional extensione of spike. Once we were above it this swipe up was coming.
12:56   Uttam : but surprisingly no swipe up Mihir, poor highs so far
12:56   Mihir : That 107k needs to get counter greens back.
12:56   Uttam : has rather been a slow move up above 11620
12:56   Mihir : Else 620 back and probe up as chief mentioned.
12:56   Mihir : Yes move has been slow.
13:00   Uttam : swing low on 11600ce is 147.8 lets see if it holds 🙂
13:00   Shai : exit the BNF longs at 27815
13:03   Jitender : awesum OF….gave 50 in bnf 🙂 (12:43) Shai : just when BN threatened to pull away one of the NF longs of yesterday is exiting at cost
13:03   Uttam : nice Jit 🙂 congrats
13:03   Jitender : tx…credit is Shai’s man
13:03   Mihir : JIT 🙂
13:03   Uttam : making a nice bell NF so visit to dPOC done?
13:04   Uttam : dpoc moved higher to 11620 same as spike low
13:04   Uttam : needs to hold now
13:04   Mihir : Uttam you remember that 12 pm trade of janak?
13:04   Uttam : yes Mihir
13:04   Mihir : Try doing it at 13:15 to 13:18
13:04   Mihir : Same rules.
13:04   Mihir : change in time.
13:04   HK : have this feeling lot of fresh inventry getting built today
13:05   Uttam : oh you been trading that Mihir?
13:05   Uttam : yes HK even Shai was wanting to know about the same I guess
13:05   Uttam : hinting at the same
13:05   HK : vols say so
13:05   Mihir : Some data mining has been done by Suyog with his scripts.
13:06   Mihir : 1232 and 1318 is the best time to go longs.
13:06   Mihir : 1318 has better reward.
13:06   Uttam : oh okies great info Mihir 🙂 thanks
13:06   Mihir : Suyog checked 4 years data.
13:06   Uttam : BN spot below that 27670 now
13:06   Jitender : 27.93ce from 58-38 (12:12) Jitender : 27.9 is a naked sell fr thrus..if 830 of yrs is not taken out Hk
13:07   HK : congrats Jit, fast finger
13:07   Uttam : NF getting rejected from last week lows
13:08   Uttam : even Spot
13:08   Uttam : high made in this boucne was 11596 & last week low 11595
13:09   Uttam : BNF getting some buyers here at lows of ‘b’
13:09   Praneeth : beauty of MP – bnf from dvah to dval
13:09   Mihir : Praneeth yeah 🙂
13:10   Mihir : Love the chatter in the room today. So much to pick up.
13:10   Praneeth : 🙂
13:10   Praneeth : bnf looks like to follow yesterdays picture
13:10   Jitender : Hk..tx, the secret is nvr letting Mihir’s gf out of sight 🙂
13:10   HK : turning out to be a emotional day
13:10   Praneeth : anyone?
13:11   Uttam : now a move above 11650 in NF will be a nice buy 🙂
13:11   Praneeth : may be close around 510?
13:11   Mihir : Praneeth bas karo 🙂 expiry taak rakho thoda mazaa.
13:11   Praneeth : 🙂
13:11   Jitender : Parneeth wants a 27-27.2k expiry
13:11   Mihir : Are re.
13:12   Praneeth : anything can happen in bnf
13:12   Praneeth : its a beast
13:13   Uttam : 27700 was a vpoc in BN spot & seems to be getting rejected from there once it broke this morning
13:14   Uttam : though Nifty has managed to stay above its weekly vpoc of 11559
13:15   Mihir : Lol (13:10) Jitender : Hk..tx, the secret is nvr letting Mihir’s gf out of sight 🙂
13:15   Mihir : Best is to do what she wants when she throws tantrums.
13:15   Jitender : u know bettr 😉
13:17   Praneeth : 2IB in bnf – 752-286.6 = 465
13:20   Jitender : pain mvs dwn 2 800
13:21   Praneeth : jit you mean 27800?
13:22   Uttam : spot is at 27570 yet pain at 27800?
13:22   Jitender : yh
13:22   Uttam : BN spot did not break that 27560 in this fall
13:23   Uttam : though BNF made a new low
13:25   Uttam : not it breaks
13:25   HK : Shai, can you please post NF BNF correlation chart, been long time since I saw it I guess
13:25   Uttam : now it breaks
13:26   Shai : sure HK ill post
13:31   Shai : 1L liqidation NF changed the up auction
13:31   Jitender : ys
13:32   Mihir : Yes sire.
13:32   Uttam : yep
13:32   Shai : 11570 to be tested agaon
13:32   Shai : sl of 11622
13:32   Uttam : exhaustion at top today so had to get back to day lows
13:36   Uttam : NF also has a probable FA at hgihs
13:37   Jitender : Maruti does 150up & back dwn
13:39   Uttam : was a bounce from being oversold Jit?
13:40   Jitender : didnt’t get u Uttam ?
13:40   Uttam : Maruti was being weak last few days so today’s move was just a bounce from that oversold position
13:41   Jitender : it still oversold…but 9k is a resis now
13:41   Jitender : Shai can gv the lvls…but m looking fr 8600..below 8800
13:41   Jitender : Shai..yr views on Maruti, if poss pls
13:42   Uttam : perfect Jit, it has gone weak on daily charts also giving a sell so any rise in that is a short & yes 8800 200ema on daily so if that breaks can give yoru levels
13:42   Jitender : grt Uttam, tx
13:44   Uttam : P&F also given 2 targets of 8877 & 8444
13:44   Mihir : Responsive guy at dpoc?
13:44   Mihir : seller
13:44   Mihir : /
13:44   Mihir : ?
13:49   Uttam : (09:38) Uttam : so below it can head to 27423 as broken the extension handle of 27630…looks like this will be done today itself
13:49   Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 27685 ls of 2777 tgt 27550
13:49   Shai : 11575- (13:32) Shai : 11570 to be tested agaon
13:49   Uttam : +1 Shai
13:50   Jitender : +1
13:50   Jitender : 23 now 🙂 (13:06) Jitender : 27.93ce from 58-38 (12:12) Jitender : 27.9 is a naked sell fr thrus..if 830 of yrs is not taken out Hk
13:50   Shai : sl is 27777
13:54   Mihir : dpoc close nf?
13:54   Mihir : Green band you beauty.
13:56   RK : NF has almost done 1 ATR down from FA at top
13:57   RK : spike>lower value > stuck OF player at top
13:57   Jitender : +1
13:57   RK : above 595 vwap coming else one more low
14:00   Mihir : RK 595 roughly above dval you seeing vwap rise?
14:00   RK : yes this shouldnt even get to dVAL if gets move up
14:01   Mihir : I am looking to get my exit around dpoc.
14:01   Mihir : Day of scalps it has been for me.
14:02   Jitender : usdinr 71.52
14:03   Jitender : crude 78.75
14:06   Mihir : RK 🙂 592 exited.
14:08   RK : we still have 90mins to kill
14:08   RK : whats in store? NE or Neutral center?
14:09   Jitender : under water now (10:39) Jitender : if 27.6 writers r forced 2 cvr…more drop willcum
14:09   Jitender : 27.4 has a 26PCR..will be a massacre below it
14:09   Shai : BNF is very weak guys
14:09   Shai : don’t try long stunts
14:10   Jitender : +1
14:10   Shai : headed t 27340 and maybe 26800 again
14:10   Shai : bounces to be sold
14:10   HK : i hv shut the terminal
14:11   RK : reds coming in NF
14:11   Jitender : Sha…2mrw is teacher’s day…pls accept my _/\_ in advance
14:11   Jitender : Shai
14:11   Jitender : May God bless us with yr continued guidance & patronage
14:12   Azmath : Shai, RK, Jeet, TP, Uttam _/\_
14:12   Shai : Thank you. learn’t a lot from you and the rest all here too. Happy teachers day
14:12   Azmath : Thank you all
14:12   Jitender : Azmath..m nt in tat league..
14:12   Azmath : Happy Teachers Day
14:13   Jitender : thanks a to fr everythn Shai…love u 🙂
14:13   Jitender : ton
14:13   Azmath : DT funda picked up from you Jit
14:13   Mihir : For me: Azmath to begin as he sowed the seed of MP in my head. And ofcourse all of the room members with the Chief of the ship Shai. Thanks for your guidance 🙂
14:13   Praneeth : Shai, thanks for your guidance, happy teachers day
14:14   Jitender : Azmath..thanks..but lets do the learning together…m in the same boat 🙂
14:14   Shai : Book intra day BNF 27643 here
14:14   Shai : sellthe rise again
14:15   Praneeth : shai, is this possible today?Shai : headed t 27340 and maybe 26800 again
14:15   Shai : now swing view below 27960
14:16   Azmath : _/\_
14:16   RK : 11500 PE holding without breaking IBH
14:17   Jitender : OI wise 11450 is a strong supp
14:18   Jitender : lot of ship abandoning will happen if tat goes
14:18   RK : thanks for the commitment..done
14:18   Mihir : aane do jit.
14:18   Jitender : 🙂
14:19   RK : 119/125 quick there
14:19   RK : now
14:20   Shai : 11480 spot is the big supp
14:20   Mihir : One big red changed NF all by himself.
14:21   Mihir : 555
14:21   Mihir : calling.
14:21   Azmath : 1L Seller H Period
14:21   Jitender : 28.1ce at 9
14:21   Jitender : if sumone wants
14:22   RK : time to book shorts in NF imo
14:22   RK : 11568
14:22   Mihir : Shai
14:23   Mihir : That 5L guy over the settelment period. Did he do his exit or would have built shorts?
14:26   Jayesh : Still 1 more hr left 🙂
14:26   Mihir : Jayesh 🙂
14:27   Praneeth : 465=2IB in bnf
14:29   Shai : That 5 L guy was a short rollover. I think I mentioned it next day here
14:29   Uttam : (13:49) Uttam : (09:38) Uttam : so below it can head to 27423 as broken the extension handle of 27630…looks like this will be done today itself…Spot low 27420
14:30   TP : 200/800 straddle around 100 at vix 13.75 can be a short ,any views.
14:30   Mihir : Oh I would have missed it . He is playing expiry to expiry.
14:30   TP : strangle.
14:32   Shai : oh man BNF
14:32   Jitender : TP..take a call morrow
14:32   TP : yes jit ..if vix goes above 15 we might see 20.
14:33   Praneeth : 450
14:33   Jitender : yday was liquidation…2day shrts wud have been built….if tey r made to slightly cvr…we will get a range
14:33   RK : NF would make carnage below 540
14:34   Shai : Short Nifty 11552 sl of 11580 tgt11510
14:35   Jayesh : USDINR 71.60+
14:35   Mihir : Day to call US clients to clear Invoices.
14:38   Praneeth : bnf low=20
14:38   Shai : hod with 11585 sl
14:39   Shai : trading for a neut ext
14:39   Mihir : Gets his 50 (13:44) Mihir : Responsive guy at dpoc?
14:44   Shai : BNF s a short als o for 27510
14:46   Himanshu : shai stop for bnf?
14:47   RK : NF might do 610 here 565 SL
14:47   Shai : 27680
14:47   RK : second chance for 3IB
14:47   RK : *3IB of yday
14:48   Shai : all yours abv 585
14:48   RK : and all yours below 565 🙂
14:48   Mihir : (13:54) Mihir : dpoc close nf?
14:48   RK : might do heavy damage below 565
14:49   Mihir : Fight is intense over here.
14:49   Mihir : RK what are you seeing at 565?
14:49   Bharat : Meaning RK?
14:49   Shai : my eentry got messed. singles of last week are here
14:49   Mihir : Singles?
14:49   Shai : spot 11498
14:51   Boppanna : 11520 spot 20 dma so the fight
14:51   Shai : singles of last monday
14:51   Shai : toop of juuly mini composite
14:51   Shai : poc of aug series
14:51   Shai : 11480 -11496
14:52   Shai : If RK allows we close as a neut extr and scare the bull in the close
14:52   Shai : and pick a CE at 3.25 🙂
14:52   Jitender : 🙂
14:52   Himanshu : 🙂
14:52   Jitender : back…today’s is wifey’s Bday
14:53   Uttam : wow Jit my daughter’s birthday too 🙂
14:53   Shai : ohh…I’m sure she gets an xpensive gift today
14:53   Jitender : so is AGs…now u can imagine my fate at home 😉
14:53   Shai : Best wishes
14:53   Jitender : tx Shai
14:53   RK : my son birthday today 🙂
14:53   Jitender : pls wish her from my side Uttam
14:53   Uttam : wow…
14:53   Mihir : My ex’s birthday too.
14:54   Jitender : pls wish him Rk frm my side
14:54   Mihir : Omg. Too many birthdays.
14:54   Shai : Best wishes Uttam
14:54   Jitender : lot of grt guys born today
14:54   RK : sure JIt
14:54   Mihir : Happy birthday wishes to respective son/wife/daughter 🙂
14:54   RK : Shai now press the pedal
14:54   Jitender : Mihir..giv me her no..will wish her personally
14:54   Shai : 🙂
14:54   Mihir : Lol.
14:54   Uttam : thanks so much guys 🙂 and best wishes to the birthday girl & the birthday boy Jit & RK 🙂
14:55   HK : Happy Birthday to the little ones and grown ups 🙂
14:55   Jitender : tx Hk
14:55   Jitender : good day today….
14:55   Himanshu : best wishes
14:56   Gaurav : my own birthday also today 😛
14:56   Jitender : wow..happy bday buddy
14:56   Azmath : wow
14:56   Mihir : Gaurav. What man. Shout out na. Happy birthday to you have a profitable year ahead.
14:56   Shai : Oh Happy Birthday Gaurav
14:56   Uttam : wow Gaurav 🙂 Happy Birthday
14:57   Himanshu : lol.. anybody left for birthday announcement .. 🙂
14:57   Azmath : Happy Birthday Gaurav
14:57   TP : Birthaday wishes for all celeberating today .
14:57   Pradeep : BankNifty Birthday tdy 🙂
14:57   Shai : checking if I missed someone in my family also 🙂
14:57   Uttam : Jit started it 😉
14:57   Gaurav : thanks a lot everyone
14:57   TP : Hope bears also get a rebirth today 😉
14:57   Jitender : i do tat..Uttam, don’t i 🙂
14:57   Haresh Nathani : Birthday wishes for all celebrating today
14:58   Uttam : yes Jit trend setter
14:58   Jitender : prabhu…bas
14:58   RK : Happy birthday to all girls and boys..tried to read chat but seems tough to track and mention individually 🙂
14:58   Uttam : lol RK
14:59   HK : RK in his elements 🙂
14:59   RK : HK day is such 🙂
14:59   Uttam : yes so good to have him back
15:04   Mihir : 25 for dpoc. looks like I am the only one looking at it 😛
15:04   Mihir : mins*
15:05   Azmath : 🙂
15:08   Jitender : 17…a gap dwn 2mrw will finish it (13:50) Jitender : 23 now 🙂 (13:06) Jitender : 27.93ce from 58-38 (12:12) Jitender : 27.9 is a naked sell fr thrus..if 830 of yrs is not taken out Hk
15:08   HK : u rock Jit, superb
15:09   Jitender : m already 6ft man..more pulling hurts..u r the real rockstar man
15:09   Jitender : i am just a pincher
15:09   Jitender : have to bake bread..daily
15:10   Mihir : Jit. Finest bread you bake.
15:10   Jitender : tats for Shai, Rk, Hk & Uttam
15:11   Jitender : m happy with yr gf 🙂
15:11   Jitender : ie bnf
15:12   Jitender : just 2 clarify..in case u land up in delhi 🙂
15:12   HK : bear did not extend the range after 3
15:13   Jitender : 700 points in bnf since yday….
15:13   Mihir : Awesome.
15:13   Uttam : Jit now you plan to make me as tall as you is it ;-p why pulling my legs
15:13   Jitender : & crude hit 79
15:13   Jitender : Uttam 🙂
15:14   Mihir : 5L was game changer. Need to know his moves thats it.
15:14   Uttam : but yes you rock man & keep it going 🙂
15:14   Mihir : Liquidation is as good as SC.
15:15   Jitender : pain dwn again 2 27700
15:15   HK : @Shai, any reason why the sell/buy intent line are pretty close
15:16   Shai : well matched today
15:16   HK : which means buyers are equally aggressive as sellers?
15:16   Uttam : which is why we have a Neutral Day?
15:16   Shai : late buyinh
15:17   Shai : Exit from the NF at 11570
15:18   RK : 580 ledge
15:18   Shai : Positional 11800 ce at tgt 46. Book fully
15:19   Mihir : Shai 🙂 Lovely call that one was.
15:19   Jitender : awesum
15:19   Uttam : above 11585 NF can tag 11610-616 RK?
15:19   Uttam : yep super call Shai
15:19   Shai : Cheers
15:20   RK : 600 Uttam
15:20   Uttam : dpoc?
15:20   Mihir : Yes uttam dpoc. Get me that. pleej.
15:21   Mihir : Time is out.
15:21   Mihir : though.
15:22   Mihir : Shai btst ces?
15:22   Mihir : NF?
15:22   Shai : can take
15:22   Shai : 140 should come on 11600 ce
15:22   Mihir : Thanks.
15:23   Haresh Nathani : Winding off a bit early bye all Shubh Sandhya
15:23   Jitender : Shubh Sandhya Haresh
15:23   Mihir : See you all. Have a nice evening.
15:24   Himanshu : 140 ?
15:25   Praneeth : shai, next week bnf CE good buy?
15:26   Jitender : 71.72 usdinr
15:26   Jitender : 79 crude
15:27   Shai : No praneeth
15:27   Uttam : BNF has a extension handle at 27680 today so lets see if it can tag that tom & what it does there
15:27   Shai : just a short term bounce tom expetced shich should get sold in BNF
15:27   Shai : NF is a better long
15:27   Uttam : BNF has moved away from the breacket with singles at top Shai?
15:27   Uttam : so can give a bigger move down?
15:27   Shai : expecting 2774 to see selling tom
15:28   HK : @Shai, an auction can end in a balance right
15:28   Shai : 27740*
15:28   Shai : yes HK
15:29   Jitender : bye all
15:29   Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29   TP : Bye All.
15:29   Shai : Bye all
15:29   Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29   Praneeth : bye al
15:29   Himanshu : bye all



09:35   Gaurav : Shai Asian Paints what is a good level to go long ? For Sept-Oct
10:34   TP : Shai intra views on IDEA .
10:56   Uttam : views on Tamo Shai
11:29   Shai : asian paint long would be better on olume abv 1346 only
11:31   Shai : idea in a 51.6 to 49.9 intra range still an OAIR
11:32   Shai : tata motors watch for the old buyer at 263 to sypp
11:32   Shai : 270 shoiwng short term liquidation
11:32   Uttam : thanks Shai
12:16   TP : tks chief .

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