Order Flow charts dated 22nd May

Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. This approach shows the amount of volume traded below the price Bar. The Order Flow approach is to see the Volume traded inside or within the price bar, an important distinction.

Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants do and when you think along this, you can anticipate what kind of action they will be taking in the market. This is a very important concept in Order Flow.


30 Min Fp Nf 14 Order Flow Charts Dated 22Nd May Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


30 Min Bnf Bid 15 Order Flow Charts Dated 22Nd May Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

09:17 Shai : (09:16) Shai : bnf STBT cover here at 30360

09:17 Shai : (09:17) Shai : Alos book the 11700 PE at 192.

10:53 Shai : (10:52) Shai : Intra – shoirt BNF 30510 sl of 30630 tgt 20385
(10:52) Shai : 30385**

11:07 Shai : (11:07) Shai : BNF 30445 . Book half here

11:15 Shai : (11:15) Shai : Update – Book the BNF fully 30470

14:23 Shai : (14:23) Shai : Buy 11700 pe at 171 sl of 133 tgt 220/ 265

15:09 Shai : (15:09) Shai : uodate – close out the 11700 pe at 165 cmp

08:58 Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/309-028-779
08:59 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/505028797
09:00 Seema : GM… Friends…
09:01 Hiren : good morning all
09:01 Shubro : Hi everyone GM
09:02 Govind : GM Roomies
09:02 Thanika : Good Morning friends! full time today
09:02 Shai : GM all
09:02 Rahul Desai : Good morning all
09:02 Shai : https://vtrender.in/market-profile-analysis-dated-21st-may/
09:03 Amjad : good morning all
09:04 Deepak : gm all
09:05 Himanshu : GM Chief – Good Morning all
09:06 Himanshu : Good morning Govind –
09:06 Himanshu : Whass up
09:07 Shibu s : suprabhatham
09:07 Jitender : Gm Folkd 🙂
09:08 Himanshu : Jitubhai – WHat say – touching high today in first hal
09:09 Ashutosh : GM all
09:09 Govind : GM Himanshu
09:09 Govind : Shubro, ready for some action 🙂
09:10 Rajendra : Good Morning
09:10 Arjun : Good Morning all:)
09:11 Psandeep : GM All
09:11 Jitender : nope Himanshu
09:11 Jitender : u meant yday high rite ?
09:11 TP : GM All.
09:12 Deepak : gm all
09:13 Himanshu : yes – Yday high
09:15 Seema : charts are not visible.
09:16 Ashutosh : visible here
09:16 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:16 Govind : Charts are fine here
09:16 Shai : bnf SRBT cover here at 30360
09:17 Shai : Take a fresh view
09:17 Anubhav null : open test drive?
09:17 Shai : Alos book the 11700 PE at 192.
09:18 Shai : need a fresh view for day
09:18 Seema : now visible\
09:18 Shai : will respond to markets
09:19 Shai : don;t trade today with a bias. be flexible and respond
09:19 Seema : Ok Sir
09:20 Shai : expecting one trip up to 11790 and 11822 with a max of 11856 as long as 11710 F holds
09:20 Shai : BNF look to respond near 30610 and 30700
09:22 Anubhav null : 11777 tagged tht was qui k
09:22 Ashutosh : IB at the open?
09:24 Shai : no nt yer
09:24 Shai : vol huts around avg
09:24 Shai : just*
09:24 Uttam : Vix rising?
09:25 Uttam : Shai 11800 combo taken at 518 yesterday now at 550 can hold till close or book here?
09:25 Uttam : monthly combo
09:26 Uttam : as Vix expected to rise today?
09:26 Anubhav null : it will fall tomorrow
09:26 TP : Same here uttam, 515 entry 🙂
09:26 Uttam : super Tej 🙂
09:26 Uttam : learnign a bit from you on the entires 😉
09:27 TP : Together we learn more 😉
09:27 Uttam : +100
09:27 Uttam : cheers:)
09:28 Shai : vix res at 29 amx can do 31
09:28 Shai : intra
09:28 Shai : tom is another story
09:28 Shai : void for last 45 mins also
09:28 Shai : I think we will see a major move last 45 mins today
09:29 Uttam : +1 Shai so can hold on to that combo till 3:00?
09:29 Shubro : OAIR both today SHai?
09:32 Psandeep : Anyone who played VIX from 24, must have seen their profit around 25% by now from tomm to now
09:32 Psandeep : from 24 to 26.92 now
09:33 Psandeep : Best move as Shai said on vix will be last half hour
09:33 Psandeep : Play easy and safe and take whatever market is giving
09:33 Shai : +1
09:33 Uttam : +100 Sandeep
09:33 Shai : that was agood move yesterday Sandeep
09:34 Psandeep : Cheers 🙂
09:34 Anubhav null : green stuck at top
09:34 Shai : usdint abv 69.73 can hustle through yesterday’s profile and more
09:35 Anubhav null : vwap holding so retest of high likely?
09:35 Shai : fairly open auction now in NF
09:35 TP : Shai is it possible to have the original bot signal in the chat whenever the new update comes , like this one came now but difficult to get the original price/signal …..INFY.EQ-NSE Signal Action Alarm! 714.90 at 09:32:01 Heatseeker : Failed lower break in QT-0 again.
09:35 TP : from quick execution point it will help a lot
09:36 Sandip : Hi Shai , Uttam 🙂
09:36 Uttam : is this Sandip Najat?
09:36 Sandip : yessir
09:36 Govind : Sandeep, I have a long strangle in place in the NF monthly. Up from Rs. 360 to 420 this morning.
09:36 Uttam : super buddy 🙂 good to have you back
09:37 Sandip : temperorarily back for some time now
09:37 Sandip : thanks, good to see orderflow again!
09:37 Psandeep : Govind yesterday market gave easy 10% if entry made early as I got in. I made close to 10% yesterday itself
09:37 Uttam : oh yes the OF charts also missed someone who makes optimal use of it 🙂
09:38 Govind : Yeah bro, me too
09:38 Psandeep : Great +1
09:38 Uttam : nice Sandeep & Govind 🙂 congrats
09:39 Psandeep : Uttam ji learning from you 🙂
09:39 Shai : Noted TP – let’s see what can be done – (09:35) TP : from quick execution point it will help a lot
09:39 Uttam : not at all sir _/\_ that vix idea was all yours yesterday and at the right time
09:39 Govind : Thanks Uttam and Sandeep
09:39 Shai : WB Sandip
09:39 Psandeep : 🙂
09:40 Psandeep : Welcome Sandip
09:40 Jitender : congo Uttam
09:40 Shai : BNF – http://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=BANKNIFTY&startDate=26-04-2019&nDays=30&tpo=6
09:40 Uttam : thanks Jit but abhi profit booking baaki hai 😉
09:40 Shai : NF- http://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=NIFTY&startDate=26-04-2019&nDays=25&tpo=2
09:41 Sandip : Thx guys
09:42 Jitender : wb Sandip
09:42 TP : thanks chief….(09:39) Shai : Noted TP – let’s see what can be done .
09:42 Sandip : Hi Jitender!
09:45 Himanshu : As per Astro View – Yday was MUL nakshatra – where base is made
09:45 Himanshu : if yday low – is intact – can fire up side
09:45 Anubhav null : so upside break after all i ?
09:45 Shai : for the MP lite charts use the CTRL+ mouse wheel to zoom in and out
09:48 Hiren : see the activity in 11000 june expiry pe
09:52 Ashutosh : looks like VT members have cornered all the 11000 jun puts
09:53 Suyog : gm guys.. i would be visiting room intermittently.. just to get ur queries about mplite if any.. also, my first time observing markets around elections.. so, dont wanna be left out of the action.. just watching though and making notes 🙂
09:53 Ashutosh : 30 points premium in nf
09:54 Suyog : updated link for mpheavy:
09:54 Suyog : https://mplite.vtrender.com/mpheavy?symbol=NIFTY&startDate=26-04-2019&nDays=0&tpo=3&dstr=4:2:1:2:4:1:2
09:55 Anubhav null : hello suyog
09:55 Suyog : bnf was a slight different auction than nf, so created a different combo here.. let me know if it needs modification
09:55 Suyog : https://mplite.vtrender.com/mpheavy?symbol=BANKNIFTY&startDate=26-04-2019&nDays=0&tpo=6&dstr=6:1:2:4:1:2
09:55 Govind : Thank you so much, Suyog!!
09:56 Suyog : hi Anubhav..
09:57 Anubhav null : is it possible to show volume for each days profile seperately?
09:58 Rohit : hi @shai today no link posted for options charts?
09:58 Anubhav null : like volume profile c bars or something
10:00 Suyog : volume profile per day, i deliberately left out in first iteration as it expands the already wide chart..
10:01 Suyog : the volume number is there in the bottom rows
10:01 Suyog : *total volume for the day
10:01 Anubhav null : ok but u can put an option to ena le it if someone is viwing only 2-3 days charts
10:04 Suyog : ok, noted.. good point
10:04 Anubhav null : ok
10:04 Anubhav null : sent u a dm
10:06 Anubhav null : tough fight between bulls n bears
10:06 Anubhav null : today
10:07 Shai : @Rohit- (08:58) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/309-028-779(08:59) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/505028797
10:15 Anubhav null : greens
10:16 Uttam : late shorts SL looks like
10:16 Uttam : NF moving put of that MB
10:17 Uttam : BNF also from one MB to another
10:17 Rohit : @shai thansk…
10:18 Anubhav null : c ext coming?
10:22 Sandip : Very less writing in nifty options for now. Looks like writers afraid of moves that may happen tomorrow.
10:23 Uttam : yes Sandip pretty low OI too right?
10:23 MJ : Shai post election do we get back the mb next to 5 min?
10:24 Sandip : Yea, IV’s have also moved up abit
10:24 Uttam : the D-day finaaly arriving…
10:24 Shubro : 12000 CE 157 to 164.75
10:24 Sandip : xD
10:25 Suyog : can anyone guess what the dynamic vix of tomorrow is ? 🙂
10:25 Suyog : in 70s
10:25 Suyog : if stays or increases till close, will make the expiry range at 1800 and 600 in BNF and NF respectively 🙂
10:26 Uttam : whooaaaa
10:26 MJ : Wow. That would be largest day range in few years I reckon.
10:27 Uttam : you are tempting me to hold on to that 11800monthly combo Suyog 😉
10:27 Suyog : yup, hence last 30 mins imp.. lets see where it closes eventually
10:27 Govind : Sandeep, are you noticing this…both CEs and PEs are gaining…demand for both..
10:27 Suyog : this vix will vary through the day
10:28 Sandip : Govind, thats what happens before a massive event. High Iv’s = uncertainity in the mkt = high premium in both
10:28 Govind : Yeah, need to get out before the crush
10:29 Sandip : guys the election result will be out when tomorrow?
10:30 Suyog : june IVs are quite low for now.. so, looks like pure speculative money for tomorrow.. and some in May monthly series..
10:30 Govind : Results come in a staggered manner I think Sandip
10:30 Psandeep : That whats we are playing Govind, sit and relax. Dont book now even if u see price crush after Up. Just relax and sit back
10:30 Shai : 600 looks less to be honest – (10:25) Suyog : if stays or increases till close, will make the expiry range at 1800 and 600 in BNF and NF respectively 🙂
10:30 Shai : 🙂
10:30 Govind : Ok Sandeep
10:31 Suyog : 🙂
10:31 Psandeep : Suyog Vix 70 does not seem probable. May be possible, for me the value should reach 58 around at max
10:32 Suyog : yes, lets see at close, for now that is what the calculated value is
10:32 Shai : There now- (09:20) Shai : expecting one trip up to 11790 and 11822 with a max of 11856 as long as 11710 F holds(09:20) Shai : BNF look to respond near 30610 and 30700
10:32 Psandeep : nice Shai
10:33 Shai : bias stays positive
10:33 Shai : COT has not deteriorated over yesterday
10:34 Uttam : (10:29) Sandip : guys the election result will be out when tomorrow?…counting starts at 8 am and trends could start getting clear by 12
10:34 Sandip : Thx Uttam
10:34 Shubro : COT actually improved over last 1 hour or so
10:35 Shubro : interesting 2 days ahead wohoo
10:36 Jitender : 2 weeks back Suyog..u wanted a range…n i had commented tat with vix were it is range wont come 🙂
10:36 Psandeep : JUST IN CASE : If anyone incase entered both 12kce and 11.7pe yesterday. Square off 11700pe(already up 70 points) from buying. And buy same qty of 12400pe around 150
10:37 Psandeep : sorry 11400pe
10:37 Uttam : Vix 27
10:37 Thanika : Done, and inching up in DT :-))
10:38 Suyog : @Jit, experience has to count for something 🙂
10:38 MJ : Sandeep that was a nice trade. Was monitoring that one.
10:38 Jitender : always plan fr data & prepare fr the unplanned 🙂
10:39 Suyog : +1
10:39 Psandeep : MJ best trade was last week, if any anyone remember 6K qty of 12K average at 44. Not sure if anyone in here
10:39 Ashutosh : +100
10:39 Psandeep : 12kce 30 may nifty
10:40 MJ : I did.
10:40 MJ : I add them on my options console and track.
10:40 Psandeep : 🙂
10:40 MJ : Great stuff. Keep sharing your views.
10:40 Thanika : +100 (10:40) MJ : Great stuff. Keep sharing your views.
10:41 Psandeep : Cheers 🙂
10:44 Shubro : IB NF 30 min
10:45 Boppanna : BNF BNF 510-530 on watch if playing C ext below that shorts safe if that holds 750 possible IMO
10:46 Himanshu : Any one lacks energy plese listen Arnab Goswami
10:46 Himanshu : His voice resembles Nifty 12500
10:47 MJ : hahaha!
10:47 MJ : Himanshu.
10:48 Shubro : good one
10:48 Himanshu : Guy has gone bersek
10:48 Shubro : well hes getting paid to go berserk
10:48 Shubro : news opera singer
10:48 Himanshu : He is saying all opp leaders are lossing heavily so election ws farc
10:48 Himanshu : Chunav Farji tha – MC – BC
10:48 Jitender : hv unsubs hs channel
10:49 Himanshu : Am sure in real life – guy must be using MC – BC left right and centre
10:49 MJ : Best exit poll coverage was done by Rajdeep and Rahul. IMO
10:49 MJ : Neat and audible.
10:50 MJ : One news channel got a fucking helicopter vfx wala to cover exit polls.
10:50 Himanshu : Any one can hear his MC BC as slient – today he is abressive on opp panel
10:50 Uttam : was chekcing channels in ENtrtainement section to watch the exit poll 😉
10:50 Uttam : its been ages since saw any news channel
10:50 Himanshu : Bhai – all you watch is MProfile chatts
10:51 Uttam : _/\_
10:51 Himanshu : charts – Uttam is all money money money
10:52 Himanshu : Pls train your kid also – along with Alphabets – IBH- IBL etc
10:52 Uttam : yes reading the charts correctly is what we all need to do & that is why MPLite is such a super platform
10:52 Shai : Intra – shoirt BNF 30510 sl of 30630 tgt 20385
10:52 Shai : 30385**
10:52 Sandip : Uttam Mp lite is available to evryone?
10:52 Uttam : (10:52) Himanshu : Pls train your kid also – along with Alphabets – IBH- IBL etc lol both my daugther & son ask me why I am learning A,b,c when they see the profile charts on my laptop 😉
10:53 Uttam : yes Sandip, it is for all 🙂
10:54 Jitender : tell kids if tey learn a,b,c …of evrythn in life well….their journey to Z will be awesum
10:54 Himanshu : HA HA- Yes –
10:54 Uttam : satyavachan Jit 🙂
10:54 Himanshu : if you tell them A is TPO – they will confuse rest of the kids in the class
10:55 Jitender : disruptin in orignality is good
10:55 Uttam : lol then I will have to avoid going to their PTMs as the class teacher will ask whats going on
10:55 Himanshu : Just visualise that ?
10:55 Jitender : evolution is due 2 disruption in normal
10:56 Uttam : yes Jit normal is boring
10:56 Himanshu : See – I have observed – moment they know you are from stock market trading – you get good reception
10:56 Himanshu : I use this many time – you seek to get good service – Jumping the que – getting your job done
10:56 Jitender : tats why KS was written in India 🙂
10:57 Jitender : (10:56) Uttam : yes Jit normal is boring
10:57 Suyog : not joking, but my kid tried to help my wife a lot with picking the right color scheme for mplite 🙂 that too at 11 PM at night.. i was just watching from a distance :))
10:57 Himanshu : Jit – KS ? in the morning ? seems 5 DT is done
10:57 TP : haha
10:57 Uttam : wow Suyog you sure have a good successor in there waiting in the wings
10:58 Jitender : Himanshu…..heard of will smith
10:58 Himanshu : Some reds in nF not good sight
10:58 Jitender : his secret of stayn young n creative
10:58 Himanshu : HMM
10:59 Jitender : everythn in life is interconnected
10:59 Ashutosh : +1
10:59 Shubro : systems thinking Jit
10:59 Jitender : just fig out the flow
11:00 Jitender : n u r set
11:00 Himanshu : Jit – whst ur view for today in second half
11:00 Himanshu : am short in 29000 PE and 28500 PEs
11:00 Himanshu : very fee 29500 and 30000
11:00 Jitender : trade with 1/4th yr vols
11:00 Jitender : n b nimble
11:01 Jitender : n dont carry
11:01 Jitender : 2mrw morn all buyrs may gt a good shock
11:02 Shubro : lol so true
11:03 Manish : jit, any reason they keep election results on a market working day instead of a Sunday ?
11:03 Uttam : why to spoil the weekend Manish 😉
11:03 Uttam : weekend is for relaxing
11:03 Suyog : Manish, you forgetting it is an expiry day too.. not just any working day 🙂
11:03 MJ : Manish you notice they kept on thu too?
11:03 MJ : aah there you go suyog 🙂
11:03 Uttam : EC fellow is a pukka day trader 😉
11:03 Ashutosh : satta
11:03 Jitender : Manish max gambling n manipulation poss on expiry day
11:04 Manish : so was this deliberate ?
11:04 Jitender : tats yr system
11:04 Jitender : yup
11:04 Manish : wow
11:04 Shubro : BNF phuss
11:04 Shubro : NF phuss
11:05 Jitender : tols suyog also yday…dont shrt any ce/pe …buy tem watever yr view
11:05 Jitender : (11:00) Himanshu : am short in 29000 PE and 28500 PEs
11:05 Jitender : as long vix remains abv 26.8-27 roughlt
11:05 Jitender : n sq by 2.30….tats wen u can think of shrtn ce/pe
11:05 TP : monthly jun 118k combo around 700 , looking for 1000 on it any views.
11:06 Jitender : i bought 30.5ce at 600 & pe at 642 in morn…chck their prices now
11:06 Uttam : Tej pehle May ka 100 karwa do 😉
11:06 Jitender : n wat mkt has done 🙂
11:06 Uttam : 1000*
11:06 Uttam : Vix ki maaya hai Jit
11:06 Uttam : 27.3 now
11:07 Jitender : ys
11:07 Shai : BNF 30445 . Book half here
11:07 Uttam : nice trade Shai 🙂 +1
11:07 Suyog : https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=O_BANKNIFTY30500CE20190523_BANKNIFTY30500PE20190523&startDate=10-05-2019&nDays=8&tpo=6
11:08 Suyog : that 30.5 straddle chart, going up by the min..
11:08 Jitender : but again reiterating (11:01) Jitender : 2mrw morn all buyrs may gt a good shock
11:08 Suyog : +1 jit
11:08 Shai : Plan was here in Morning for this trade though we came late into the game – (09:20) Shai : BNF look to respond near 30610 and 30700
11:08 Jitender : +1
11:10 MJ : What is one big element to watch out when you are picking straddle charts?
11:10 MJ : Trades*
11:11 Jitender : MJ tats fr me ?
11:11 TP : Uttam May writers may not let the big move play out , is my guess.
11:11 Jitender : post 2.30 today Tej
11:11 MJ : Yes and anyone else too who does straddles?
11:11 Jitender : i hv a reason fr tat
11:11 Deepak : any software to see real time option combo charts ?
11:11 MJ : Deepak you can plot in mplite.
11:11 MJ : Do share Jit.
11:12 Jitender : MJ u know all the answers n connected to everyone here, withmultiple telegram grps…so i guess i will the ans for others to gv
11:12 Jitender : n r*
11:12 Thanika : I do straddles, i had an AFL to combine the premiums
11:13 TP : So jit you expecting vix to cross 30 post 2:30.
11:13 Jitender : one spike abv 28-29…i will shrt ce/pe
11:13 Shai : aren’t you also disppointed it did not do 36 already? 🙂
11:13 Jitender : yh
11:14 Psandeep : No Shai, after 3.15 pm it will do today probably. when both pe and ce may skyrocket
11:14 Shai : this is almost a guaranteed once in 5 year move of vix
11:14 Shai : should do 36 every election actually
11:14 Deepak : ATM IV in 23rd may nifty is 90+, it’s because of weekly options introduction we are not seeing it in INDIA Vix
11:14 Jitender : ten in tat case….i mite well turnout to be wrong aby=t vix Tej
11:14 Deepak : right?
11:15 Shai : Update – Book the BNF fully 30470
11:16 Jitender : Shai..u r expecting vi to spike up2 36 by morrow ?
11:16 Jitender : vix
11:16 TP : 30th may 12k pe 415 dec 12k pe 540 !!
11:16 Shai : today’s chart puts max at 29 remote 31
11:17 Shai : watch 11650 spot guys
11:17 Suyog : june options are the culprit.. i have observed, the spike randomly in day.. and take calculated indiavix to 40+ levels, though the charted indiavix stays low
11:17 Suyog : *they
11:17 Shai : this is positive as long as 11650 spot is with bulls today
11:17 Shai : the minute 11650 goes prepare for a 200 point slide to 11450 zone
11:17 Rushabh : shai you expect it today?
11:18 Shai : day low is 11682 spot
11:18 Shai : buy ATM puts if we are below that level
11:18 Shai : yes Rushabh
11:19 Jitender : k…i will gv one more hint, n i mite b wrong, but if it helps save money fr guys here. This is for 23rd may options primarily (11:08) Jitender : but again reiterating (11:01) Jitender : 2mrw morn all buyrs may gt a good shock
11:19 Shai : Just reworked the charts a bot after the close yesterday. There is still a lot of beraish ness here IMO but gresh dowsides haave to break 11650 compo lows spot
11:19 MJ : @jit Connected yes I am with our members of VT. But was genuinely seeking how you go about it. Anyway thanks..
11:19 Jitender : +1
11:20 Shai : I doubt if much moves at the open 9.15 am
11:20 Shai : infact am expecting news to flow only by 12
11:20 Jitender : irespectv of tat…tere is a technical reason fr options going dwn
11:20 Shai : remmber raj and MP and UP are slow counters
11:21 Jitender : delhi will be known by idnite
11:21 Jitender : mid
11:21 Shai : okay
11:21 Jitender : results…not trends
11:21 Shai : Last time Raj and MP were not done till 4 pm
11:22 Jitender : Tej…u gt my view n drift ?
11:22 Govind : and I am hearing that TN and Puduchery will be delayed
11:23 TP : Yes Jit
11:23 Jitender : wat matters is UP, MP, WB & AP
11:23 Uttam : Jit but this will be only for 23rd options right?
11:24 Jitender : ys
11:24 Uttam : next week options may still retain the premiums
11:24 Jitender : but if vix goes below 27…ten
11:24 Uttam : that is why took the monthly ones 😉
11:24 Jitender : +1
11:24 Uttam : yes will be booking part at close today so reducing my risk
11:24 Jitender : but pls understand we may not be rite…so be prepared n plan fr exegencies…if unexpected happens
11:25 Jitender : i have planned mine… 🙂
11:25 TP : 23rd options are a big risk if you cannot exit positions quickly.
11:26 Jitender : yup
11:27 TP : moreover brokerages will be slow , terminals hang and poor connectivity.
11:27 Uttam : yes yes will have only min poistions for tom
11:27 Shai : NF and BNF wandering 🙂
11:29 Uttam : it is a repeat of last week Shai, 2 big range days & market balancing now in between but need to see if it gives a move away on Friday
11:29 Jitender : +1 Tej…just tweeted tat 🙂
11:33 TP : Can’t see it , share on slack.
11:33 TP : got it
11:34 Jitender : random channel
11:40 Uttam : vix nearing 28
11:44 Uttam : @Tej you there?
11:46 TP : YES
11:46 TP : oops
11:46 Uttam : that 11800 combo 624 looks like a nicep lace to book, vPOC in it
11:46 Uttam : https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=O_NIFTY11800CE20190530_NIFTY11800PE20190530&startDate=10-05-2019&nDays=8&tpo=6
11:47 TP : Yes even i am thinking of moving to jun one now.
11:47 Uttam : A period singles today so goo chance of closing at highs today that combo
11:47 Uttam : June monthly one or first week’s?
11:48 TP : monthly
11:48 Uttam : let me plot that also on MPLite and check
11:48 TP : +1
11:48 Suyog : guys, june options not available right now 🙁
11:49 Uttam : oh ok Suyog just reliased 😉
11:49 Suyog : also, missed 20 May data due to a small error in script
11:49 Uttam : will put it for now in the ami one
11:49 Suyog : but in general, what do you guys think, is it needed ?
11:50 Uttam : on yes Suyog, it is a very useful feature
11:50 Shubro : Uttam/Suyog how to plot the combo?
11:50 Shubro : can select only 1 instrument at a time?
11:50 Suyog : ok, good, will add it in a way..
11:51 Uttam : thanks Suyog 🙂
11:51 Jitender : 45DTE options is wat will b optimum Suyog
11:51 Suyog : yes, Shubro, the interface is not ready to select combo, but you can create a URL for it or request me or Uttam to create 1.. he has shared a document for it too
11:51 Uttam : @Subro the link is given in the learning strategies channel
11:51 Suyog : ok Jit, so, June options start mid of May ?
11:51 Jitender : ys
11:52 Suyog : thx.. will implement it
11:52 Jitender : +1
11:52 Psandeep : Uttam, Suyog can you share link of mplite where we can plot option straddles ?
11:53 Uttam : https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=O_NIFTY11800CE20190530_NIFTY11800PE20190530&startDate=10-05-2019&nDays=8&tpo=6
11:53 Suyog : same link Sandeep, just notice the value of symbol in URL
11:54 Suyog : btw, no point in plotting next weekly options till current week is done, right? or some 7DTE type could make sense? though not sure how liquid they are
11:54 Shubro : (11:53) Uttam : https://mplite.vtrender.com/?symbol=O_NIFTY11800CE20190530_NIFTY11800PE20190530&startDate=10-05-2019&nDays=8&tpo=6 Utam this is 11800?
11:55 Psandeep : Got it Suyog was missing that URL inputs. Thank you Suyog, Uttam
11:55 Uttam : yes Shubro
11:55 Uttam : you can change the strike price & expiry date
11:56 Psandeep : nice work Suyog.
11:57 Jitender : no doubt
11:57 Uttam : indeed super work it is #applause
11:57 Suyog : _/\_
11:57 Anubhav null : yes gr8
11:57 Shubro : superb Suyog
11:57 Shubro : take a bow mate!
11:57 Anubhav null : good for zwkng trading
11:58 Anubhav null : swing*
11:58 Psandeep : The vol thing is amazing put. Great work
11:58 Shubro : Uttam if i want to see another combo how?
11:58 Thanika : +100 @Suyog
11:59 Uttam : (11:55) Uttam : you can change the strike price & expiry date in the link
11:59 Uttam : @Shubro
11:59 Shubro : ahhhhhhh okay just figured it thanks!!
11:59 Uttam : +1
11:59 Suyog : yes.. ideally can plot any straddle/strangle for which there is data..
12:00 Shubro : bloody hell fantastic Suyog
12:00 Shubro : i was almost thinking of buying something for this…we have it here…genius!
12:00 Suyog : the data part, will take a few days to get stable as i did not anticipate nifty will move so much as soon as i make options data live :D, pls stay put till then 🙂
12:01 Shubro : with you dear Sir
12:01 Shubro : VIX at 27.93
12:01 Suyog : thanks guys.. _/\_
12:02 Shubro : bugger if only we could trade vix
12:02 Uttam : thanks to you Suyog 🙂
12:02 Shubro : i was just thinking other day the only guaranteed return on option trades if it were possible would be to short movie ticket prices on opening day
12:03 Shubro : and long school fees
12:03 Ashutosh : lol
12:03 Shubro : BC schools are something i have lost faith in these days
12:04 Ashutosh : +1 lac
12:04 Govind : Shubro, that is why I put my girls at the least fancy school. Good people running it
12:04 Govind : Fees around 50k per year, with free lunch
12:05 Ashutosh : entire education system needs a revamp
12:05 Shubro : i agree totally. kids come out with zero skills from fancy places.
12:05 Rushabh : There’s soon going to be a startup/company to replace these schools with something and its going to be worth Biliions$ (12:03) Shubro : BC schools are something i have lost faith in these days
12:05 Govind : Very strict, no social media accounts allowed, no cell phones allowed
12:05 Sandip : Yes Suyog, very nicely done. This gives people to choose MP for options also. Brilliant
12:05 Govind : Strangely, my kids love their school
12:06 Shubro : perhaps the best decision Govind for their lives.
12:06 Shubro : else every day is like a deal making session for me
12:06 Shubro : saala investment bankers at home
12:07 Govind : Yeah Shubro
12:07 Shubro : on value only price
12:07 Shubro : *no
12:08 Govind : Breaks my heart to see 9th grader driving in a BMW. What are their parents setting him up for? Savings nd simplicity is a virtue that has been lost since the software boom
12:08 Shubro : i really want to read and get advice on how to create that fire in the belly in this material world
12:11 MJ : Any parent exploring the home schooling option here?
12:12 Psandeep : Looks like some one is intersted to invest 😀
12:12 Uttam : kya baat hai Mihir ;-p
12:12 Manish : TP : 23rd options are a big risk if you cannot exit positions quickly.; TP, but if you have taken a small lottery trade and if it is in your favor then can’t you let options expire without exercising tomorrow ?
12:12 Shubro : MJ practically had to extract my younger one from a fancy school daily issue related envy thy neighbour problem
12:13 Uttam : vix 28
12:13 Shubro : planning to go old school now. Bought a few pairs of juttis from amristar last trip.
12:14 MJ : Lol sandeep.
12:14 Boppanna : BNF triple inside coiling
12:14 Psandeep : Vix now slowly started to give MAZAA
12:14 Shubro : vix vix vix is the name of game rest of day
12:15 Jayanth : @28
12:16 Shubro : but action only 2 it seems dekho
12:16 Shubro : o rmaybe none today
12:16 TP : Manish as will be volatile loteries need to be part booked as and when possible.
12:16 MJ : My sister in US is homeschooling her kid. Wanted to check how is goes in india?
12:17 Shubro : homeschooling is good if you can create a similar social environment as well
12:17 Shubro : kids need other kids cant just hanf with parents
12:18 Shubro : else u go back to telly and mobiles
12:20 MJ : Yes shubro.
12:22 Suyog : https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0N9BFAF4/p1558507982030600
12:22 Suyog : for straddle/strangle charts
12:24 Shubro : Uttam hypos intact yeah?
12:24 Shubro : we are still hypo 1 in NF/
12:28 Uttam : yes Suyog range wise there is no expansion so far
12:28 Shubro : Day COT RED
12:28 Shubro : deep red
12:28 Uttam : it that happens with rising vix will get a bigger move in options combo
12:31 Suyog : vix is still high.. looks like it will stay so.. or even get higher..
12:32 Uttam : 29 res and max 31 is what Shai gave in the morning
12:32 Suyog : oh i was talking about 23 may series.. which is in 70s 🙂
12:33 Suyog : am wondering if we can manage a 100 in it :))
12:34 Boppanna : BNF no stalling at 450 pls
12:34 Jitender : theta seepin in
12:34 Shubro : Yessss!
12:34 Uttam : 11800 combo at 574 need 50 more by close
12:36 Jitender : brah pls gv an hrly update on it…if nt much issue
12:36 Jitender : it will help
12:36 Uttam : 11800 combo Jit?
12:36 Jitender : yh
12:36 Uttam : sure am holding so tracking only that today 😉
12:37 Jitender : tx
12:37 Uttam : 🙂 _/\_ ab rulaoge kya
12:37 Uttam : sliding down
12:39 MJ : 9k reds at bnf 5 min bar low.
12:39 Jitender : 🙂
12:40 Himanshu : Reds in NF – Uttam
12:40 Uttam : 11715 is a hvn so NF needs to stay below it for more downside
12:40 Uttam : else rotations between 11770 and 11710-705
12:41 Shubro : one trip to 770 required
12:41 Shubro : 3DT so far
12:41 Uttam : same in BNF sustainig below 30384 will get more weakness
12:41 MJ : Cheers S!
12:42 Shubro : thx MJ
12:42 Uttam : -68k COT in NF
12:42 Uttam : 5min bar
12:42 Jitender : congo Shubro
12:42 Uttam : most of them seem to be stuck?
12:42 Uttam : yes Shubro congrats
12:42 Shubro : Jit your guidance only past and present.
12:43 Shubro : thanks all
12:43 Shubro : Hypos serve as master frame
12:43 Govind : Shubro money!!!
12:43 Shubro : yes all goes to school fees Govind lol
12:43 Govind : haha
12:44 Govind : am @ 1DT so far
12:44 TP : Uttam pe exited at 320 / holding ce with 245 sl. so 50 points profit locked.
12:44 Shubro : stay light and we know it rocks end of day
12:44 Shubro : as Jit said watch out for theta
12:45 Uttam : nice Tej 🙂 congrats
12:45 Shubro : sometimes option physics works 🙂
12:45 TP : tks.Uttam
12:46 Shubro : need 11770
12:47 Thanika : wow, VIX
12:47 Uttam : Vix nearing Shai’s res level also Tej
12:48 Uttam : timely booking looks like that one
12:49 Himanshu : Govind bolo hari Gopal – bolo 1 Dt
12:49 Himanshu : good bro
12:49 Govind : Thanks Himanshu…speaking of Hari Bolo….is Hari taking the week off?
12:50 Hari : came in few mins back
12:50 Uttam : hey Hari
12:50 Hari : NF anf BNF both got rej at pb high
12:50 Jitender : +1 Tej
12:50 Uttam : see they tke your name & you here
12:51 Hari : 🙂
12:51 TP : Uttam out of ce also 262 …let’s get into scalp mode now 🙂
12:51 Uttam : nice Tej will hold till 2:30 and decide
12:51 Hari : should get a deep cut here, let us see at 1.45
12:52 Uttam : SL for that below 550 roughtly
12:52 Govind : Hi Hari
12:52 TP : tks Jit ,
12:52 Uttam : looking for 610-625 by close today
12:52 TP : Uttam looks like you might get 30 plus on vix by 2.30
12:52 Shubro : 11770 would be lovely shorting point
12:52 Hari : hw abt 550?
12:52 Jitender : vix 28.77
12:53 Uttam : (12:52) Hari : hw abt 550? you telling abt NF Hari?
12:53 Hari : open at lower value + OAIR till 1.45 + rej at PB high, so longs are ruled out. Yes NF Uttam
12:54 Uttam : I was talking about the 11800 monthly combo 🙂
12:54 Hari : oopps…sorry I mixed up the convo yet to read the msgs
12:54 Uttam : bring it on Hari, as combo will rise more if there is a trending move
12:54 Hari : 11712 is the pivot for the day, below 150 pointer in offing
12:55 Hari : how abt open at 11140 tomm? #wishlist
12:55 Shubro : that would make Hari OM wish
12:55 Uttam : what are you planning to do overnight Hari 😉
12:56 Jitender : not 10140 Hari 🙂
12:56 Shubro : sneak into NSE
12:56 Uttam : let me then hold my combos for a 1000+ open tom then 😉
12:56 Shubro : jeezus Hari what have you been up to
12:57 Hari : Uttam, pls delete that comment
12:57 Uttam : lol
12:57 Uttam : last time you asked me to delete a post then you repented for it HAri 😉
12:57 Uttam : history repeats 😉
12:58 Hari : no that political one, just posted for quick info
12:58 Uttam : but trend will show only by 12 na Hari?
12:59 Uttam : open should be pretty much stable?
12:59 Psandeep : Uttam how to seach morning chat post. Search looks like working for 10 15 page scroll up
12:59 Uttam : unless we fall into the close tofay
12:59 Psandeep : *search
12:59 HPandey : its all about starting lead uttam
12:59 Uttam : guess by 9:15 some leads will start coming in
12:59 Uttam : SGX will have a crazy hour from 8 to 9
13:00 HPandey : if BJP leads expext a gap up else gap down
13:00 HPandey : remember Gujrat elections
13:00 Gaurav : yups couting starts at 8 AM
13:00 Gaurav : Gujrat was going to be next comment 🙂
13:00 Hari : Market is nervous Uttam, can see it across instruments Uttam. Irrespective of who comes, there can be sell off
13:00 Hari : Market does not like BJP
13:01 Uttam : no wonder even Jit does not like ;-p
13:01 HPandey : by 9.-9.30 congress was leadig
13:01 Psandeep : Uttam how to seach morning chat post ? Search looks like working for 10 15 page scroll up
13:01 Uttam : todays?
13:01 Psandeep : yes
13:01 HPandey : y hari (13:00) Hari : Market does not like BJP
13:01 Sandip : wtf bnf options have 500-600 premium??
13:01 Uttam : you can incrase the chat box
13:02 HPandey : we have stellar run just on exits poll
13:02 Uttam : make it full screen
13:02 Uttam : then it will be easier to scroll up
13:02 HPandey : but yeah even if BJP wins dump os quite possible
13:02 Hari : Whole economy in totters
13:03 Hari : worst in the last 10 years, no one talks about it
13:03 HPandey : as retail is all geared up for 12500
13:03 Uttam : also Sandeep right clikc search chat option also there
13:03 Hari : and also bulls wont reload at these levels if they want to take it up
13:03 HPandey : not whole but some pockets (13:02) Hari : Whole economy in totters
13:04 HPandey : correct (13:03) Hari : and also bulls wont reload at these levels if they want to take it up
13:04 Hari : tell me which sector is doing well?
13:04 Uttam : such a nice bell in NF
13:04 HPandey : but they have to lure retail…
13:04 Uttam : and BNF also in the process of forming one
13:04 Hari : auto, fmcg, consuder durable, agri et al gone
13:04 Psandeep : Thanks Uttam, but not working for me prior to 12.04 pm post view. No worries its not imp.
13:05 Shubro : waiting to be greedy when it falls
13:05 Uttam : you logged in again is it?
13:05 Psandeep : Yes
13:06 Shubro : out of all positions
13:06 HPandey : hari u tgting 550 in NF?
13:06 Uttam : then chat does not load from start
13:06 Jitender : 28.9 vx
13:06 Thanika : me too! (13:06) Shubro : out of all positions
13:07 Uttam : I have the entire chat if you are looking for anythign specific can post it on slack or here
13:07 Shubro : (13:06) Thanika : me too! (13:06) Shubro : out of all positions + 1
13:07 Psandeep : not required Uttam, its ok
13:07 Psandeep : Thanks though
13:07 Shubro : COT getting bloody
13:08 Uttam : okies 🙂
13:09 Seema : if COT is RED, means bias is BEARISH?, am I correct friends?
13:09 Shubro : COT is agressive buyers sellers net so yes intra
13:10 Ravikiran : in which one
13:10 Shubro : 30 min lower table
13:10 Manish : shubro, what do you mean by aggressive ?
13:11 Suren : What is teh diff bet COT and Net delta
13:11 Suren : both are market orders rifht
13:11 Shubro : larger numbers relative to the bar volumes
13:11 TP : Bad nos Indusind…NPA doubles and PAT half than expectation
13:12 Shubro : delta is overall buyers and sellers
13:12 Anubhav : reliance also flat now
13:12 Manish : Shubro : larger numbers relative to the bar volumes; this means includes orders which were not executed ?
13:13 Shubro : i think all orders here in are executed trades Manish
13:13 Uttam : Delta is aggresive buying minus selling
13:13 Uttam : COT is entire buying minus selling
13:13 Shubro : Oh yes right Uttam Cot is reverse
13:13 Anubhav : 11650 tag coming?
13:13 Shubro : thanks Uttam i was in pre training bad habit
13:14 Shubro : Guys apologies its the reverse
13:14 Uttam : i had the same confusion initially Shubro
13:14 Manish : sorry uttam, what again is the difference between agressive buying minus selling vs total buying minus selling ?
13:14 MJ : (09:06) Shai : on the charts today at the top of the bar we have added the volumes in yellow, then the COT in blue and the delta of the bar in white(09:07) Shai : COT is net of all the buying minus selling of the bar(09:07) Shai : delta is only the aggressive buying selling difference of the bar(09:07) Shai : COT will update real time and give a value based on sellers adding or buyers adding
13:14 Shubro : message is COT more important than DELTA
13:14 Uttam : Delta may not give you a full picture at times Manish
13:14 Shubro : and learning is during trends lower the priority to COT
13:15 Seema : (13:09) Shubro : COT is agressive buyers sellers net so yes intra…..THANKS Shubro
13:15 Shubro : Seema other way around ..see Uttam msg above
13:16 Boppanna : BNF pushing
13:16 Shubro : uh oh happy bunnies stuck at top NF?
13:17 Sumit : yes
13:17 Uttam : Vix retracing a bit from 29 levels?
13:17 MJ : (12:39) MJ : 9k reds at bnf 5 min bar low.(12:42) Uttam : most of them seem to be stuck?
13:17 Govind : Indus going up…may prop BNF…but for how long?
13:17 MJ : Shubro 770 agya 🙂
13:17 Jitender : 28.48 (13:06) Jitender : 28.9 vx
13:18 Shubro : aur main nikla apni gaddi leke
13:18 Govind : Shubro, that is right in the midle of the vlaue area of the April composite
13:18 Shubro : i was out a while back so no regrets DT secured
13:19 Shubro : apna bread+butter done
13:19 Shubro : abhi lets see if opportunity for chicken
13:19 Uttam : (12:42) Uttam : -68k COT in NF(12:42) Uttam : 5min bar(12:42) Uttam : most of them seem to be stuck? these guys forced out in the prev 5min bar? COT 53K
13:20 Hari : vols should come now
13:20 Boppanna : above 575 can do 630/700 BNF
13:21 MJ : Geddit Bopp 🙂 that 15k needs to manage his act bas.
13:22 Uttam : i dont mind both 11800ce&pe closing at 300 each…will set up a interesting day tom
13:23 MJ : 15k on 30 min bar at 560 to watch out for
13:23 Uttam : stuck for now or a cover of that 14k red at 30440
13:24 Seema : (13:15) Shubro : Seema other way around ..see Uttam msg above……Thanks, Shubro…by the way I am Yogesh….
13:24 MJ : Possible uttam.
13:25 Uttam : 30480 sup if 30520 does not hold
13:25 Jitender : 28.37 (13:17) Jitender : 28.48 (13:06) Jitender : 28.9 vx
13:25 Shubro : Yogesh is that you nickname 😛
13:26 Uttam : yes Jit giving that afternoon pull back low looks like Vix
13:26 TP : https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-saudi-security-houthi-idUKKCN1SS08M
13:26 TP : reason for global red ?
13:26 Shubro : bloody hell
13:26 Shubro : drone attacks
13:27 Govind : We keep finding more efficient ways to destroy ourselves
13:27 Govind : People are so F’ed up
13:28 Himanshu : Boom
13:28 Uttam : Hari getting his vols?
13:28 Shai : DPOC is carried in all the periods from A today
13:28 Shai : expect spikes
13:29 Shai : 11823/ 11835
13:29 MJ : Yes shai. Also DVAL weekly right at that 11710.
13:29 MJ : via mplite.
13:29 Shai : 11695 / 11710 below
13:29 MJ : Good boy 15k.
13:29 Himanshu : So Shai – we r headin to 11835 u mean
13:29 Himanshu : and chief – BNF view
13:30 Boppanna : Part out 13:20 Boppanna : above 575 can do 630/700 BNF
13:30 MJ : Govind hdfcbk comes in with indus.
13:30 Shai : yes- (13:29) Himanshu : So Shai – we r headin to 11835 u mean
13:30 Uttam : vix rising
13:30 Uttam : again
13:32 Govind : Yeah MJ, I’m watching
13:33 Jitender : hdfc board mtng 2day 2 split shares
13:33 Jitender : bnk
13:34 Uttam : c) Above 11770, NF can tag higher levels of 11790-795 & 11822-826
13:34 Uttam : NF high 11790.55
13:34 Shai : RS came
13:34 Uttam : so far
13:34 Govind : Move is done?
13:34 Uttam : yep
13:34 Uttam : RS came
13:34 Shai : yes for now
13:34 Himanshu : Chief bNF view
13:35 Shai : BNF 30620 zone heavy supply of yesterday
13:35 Shai : can do 30780 if crossed
13:37 Boppanna : +1 yest I period high around 620
13:39 Shai : yes yesterday’s vwap zone in NF amd BNF
13:39 Uttam : pull back low doen in Vix Shai & set to close at highs?
13:40 Anubhav : yes vwap is ruling
13:40 Anubhav : trend day wvap also
13:40 Uttam : nice vell in both
13:40 Uttam : bell*
13:41 Seema : (13:25) Shubro : Yogesh is that you nickname :-P…..No, name of Wife
13:42 Shubro : aiyaa both traders eh Yogesh
13:44 Ravikiran : shubro..any info on axis bank
13:44 Ravikiran : ?
13:45 Seema : (13:42) Shubro : aiyaa both traders eh Yogesh…..No….I am…She is teacher, For IT purpose I have given her name.
13:45 Shubro : cool
13:45 Uttam : c) Above 30575, the auction can probe higher to 30628-638 & 30685
13:46 Uttam : BNF high 30641 so far and gets 18k red there
13:46 Boppanna : +1 Uttam ..out 13:30 Boppanna : Part out 13:20 Boppanna : above 575 can do 630/700 BNF
13:48 Shai : NF a high risk long for 11822 sl of 11760 cmp 11780. Higehr risk
13:49 Himanshu : shai – 30708 is possible in BNF
13:49 Anubhav : punter buying for gap up tomoro?
13:49 Shai : BNF 30845 yes
13:50 Shai : 11803 book half- (13:48) Shai : NF a high risk long for 11822 sl of 11760 cmp 11780. Higehr risk
13:51 Shai : Process always wins whatever the vix 🙂
13:51 Seema : 🙂
13:51 Jitender : +1
13:51 Shubro : +1
13:51 TP : +1
13:52 Uttam : +1
13:55 Jitender : Uttam..combo nw 11.8?
13:55 Uttam : going down Jit
13:55 Shai : getting legs
13:55 Uttam : 550
13:55 Jitender : k
13:56 Shai : 11785 revised supp if long
13:56 TP : 582 exit was good 🙂
13:56 MJ : +1 Shai
13:56 MJ : Cheers!
13:56 Shai : can do 11856
13:56 MJ : 1240 COT was the clue Uttam picked it to the T.
13:56 Suyog : are they planning to close near balance highs for tomorrow? just a thought
13:57 Rushabh : shai bias up now?
13:59 Shai : up abv 11710 inytra from open
13:59 Shai : (09:20) Shai : expecting one trip up to 11790 and 11822 with a max of 11856 as long as 11710 F holds
14:00 Shai : on track for 11856 F now
14:00 Shai : (13:56) Shai : can do 11856
14:01 Sandip : +1 Shai
14:02 MJ : Throughout the day we didn’t go below RO point once claimed in 1st 15 min of open.
14:03 Rajendra : VIX above 29
14:04 Uttam : yep vix above 29
14:04 Uttam : from 580 that 11800 combo down to now
14:05 Jitender : 29 vx
14:05 Suyog : yes, june options moving..
14:06 Suyog : btw calc vix at 37, not sure, how they keep indiavix so low
14:07 Shai : still 70 for May 23?
14:07 Suyog : yes.. that is 70+/- few in both
14:08 MJ : anyone riding indus?
14:08 Hiren : can we expect volatility of around 700 pts in nifty tomorrow?
14:08 Uttam : Tej as always excellent exit in that combo
14:09 TP : tks Uttam was more inlined to lock in the profit .
14:09 Uttam : in fact that holding CE with 245 SL was also perfect as it msde low of after that & now at 284
14:09 Uttam : low of 252
14:10 TP : yes had shifted it to 250 ….now let’s see if we get anything for June 😉
14:10 Uttam : vols increasing on both
14:11 Jitender : uncertaimnity is nt priced in….
14:11 Jitender : interestn
14:14 Uttam : NF has made a 2 day composite Value of 11709-11862-11871 and if stays above the HVN of 11715 can fill up the low volume zone till 11835.
14:14 Uttam : yesterday’s report last line
14:14 Uttam : stayed above 11715 and high so far 11833.25
14:15 Sandip : people are buying both CE and PE hoping that mkt will give big moves any side and make them profit…might not happen…even if moves come..premiums are abnormal at the moment..so no use
14:15 Suyog : calc indiavix at 39 now.. will the real indiavix pls catch up or june IVs gonna recede ?
14:16 Shibu s : oops
14:16 Jitender : bnf dwn frm here (14:11) Jitender : uncertaimnity is nt priced in….(14:11) Jitender : interestn
14:16 Seema : Heavy supply from top
14:16 Jitender : yahoo
14:16 Jitender : gt bth sides
14:16 Jitender : BC
14:17 Anubhav : haha
14:17 Deepak : so many 0s in OF
14:17 Jitender : 29.36vx
14:18 Suyog : 40+ this is crazy (14:17) Jitender : 29.36vx
14:19 Jitender : closn my tradn terminal..TG made enuff for the week since monday
14:19 Jitender : popcorn time nw
14:19 Anubhav : congrats
14:19 Uttam : congrats Jit 🙂
14:19 Shubro : 4 dT
14:19 MJ : @deepak 0’s is the liquidity issue.
14:19 Jitender : tx guys
14:19 Sandip : nice 1 Jitender
14:19 Suyog : congrats Jit..
14:19 Shubro : +1 Jit dada
14:19 Jitender : congo 2 all at VT
14:19 TP : +1 Jit
14:20 Thanika : +1 Jit
14:20 Jitender : tx guys
14:20 Anubhav : ibh is the supp now if breaks then crash
14:20 Uttam : last hour coming up in 9 mins
14:20 Shubro : maja aila
14:21 Uttam : e) If 30685 is taken out, higher levels of 30750-785 & 30864 can be expected…BNF high so far 30770
14:21 Deepak : got it MJ
14:21 Uttam : that 11800combo looks like reversing Jit
14:21 Uttam : back to 560
14:21 Shai : can drop to 11715 – supp broken
14:22 Uttam : 555 sorry 11800 combo
14:22 Jitender : book a part bro
14:22 Jitender : just 2 b safe
14:23 Uttam : yes
14:23 Shai : Buy 11700 pe at 171 sl of 133 tgt 220/ 265
14:24 Shai : potential 11655 F in this auction
14:25 Shubro : prayers for that
14:25 TP : Shai F sl for this move in NF .
14:26 Shai : would have liked it 20 more higher to test that 11862 F zone actually
14:26 Shai : 11863F
14:26 TP : tks
14:26 Jitender : k…were was bnf weni said tis (14:11) Jitender : uncertaimnity is nt priced in….(14:11) Jitender : interestn
14:26 Jitender : vwapup
14:26 Shai : +1
14:26 Jitender : SD at play…as chief said process
14:27 Shai : +1
14:27 Rushabh : shai 11865 sl on Futures?
14:27 Jitender : yr lessons 🙂
14:27 Shubro : Jit need to learn that …explain later?
14:28 Jitender : vwapup n low r 3SD of vwap
14:28 Shubro : ah ok
14:28 Jitender : so tat means 95% of mve dne for 2SD & 99% fr 3SD
14:28 Shubro : aacha aacha very good didnt know that
14:28 Jitender : unles vwapup/lo expands with vol
14:28 Shai : Yes F is Futures- (14:27) Rushabh : shai 11865 sl on Futures?
14:29 Shubro : which didnt right Jit?
14:29 Jitender : see..i take it anyways …has a strong success ratio
14:30 Shubro : very good now new learning for me here many thanks
14:30 Jitender : if a fast mkt…u get a retracement
14:30 Shubro : right
14:30 Jitender : i scalp..if u remeber 🙂
14:30 Suyog : yup, just to add on.. mplite pink marker is same 3SD band.. just check NF and BNF highs there..
14:30 Jitender : poor man..10 here 20 tere
14:30 Shubro : and with vols if they dont expand u know high prob of reverse
14:31 Gaurav : F premium is up to ~45, was 5-10 yesterday
14:31 TP : Another thing to watch out for is flat vwap if trading sd bands.
14:31 Jitender : +1 (14:30) Suyog : yup, just to add on.. mplite pink marker is same 3SD band.. just check NF and BNF highs there..
14:31 Jitender : +1 Tej
14:32 Shubro : so TP flat vwap would mean lesses chance of ranges expanding?
14:32 Jitender : hw i got the move up ?
14:32 Jitender : hehe TV
14:32 Shubro : kaise?
14:32 Jitender : the moment EC rejected vvpat count …i went long 🙂
14:32 TP : expansion chances depend on vol.
14:33 TP : Jit hope your TV on generator back up …need it for tmrw 🙂
14:33 Uttam : lol Tej
14:33 Jitender : Shai saw it first here in his charts
14:33 Jitender : (14:32) Jitender : the moment EC rejected vvpat count …i went long 🙂
14:33 Jitender : has air block in it….engineer will come on sunday 🙁
14:34 Jitender : tey shld play election results in PVR etc….
14:34 Shubro : totally hahaha!
14:34 Jitender : we will enjoy n stay away frm screens
14:34 Suyog : lol, would be a full (masala) house
14:35 Jitender : yh
14:35 Himanshu : 28500 PE is still @ 135 Rs
14:35 Shubro : shoudl have VR headsets with dynamic movements replicating a roller coaster ride
14:35 Suyog : i know ppl have actually applied for leaves for tomorrow 🙂
14:35 Shubro : gayi bhais paani mein part 5
14:35 Himanshu : premium not dropping – on 200 Points gain in BNF – This PE has gone up by 35 %
14:35 Himanshu : what the hacck
14:35 Shubro : thanks for that trade Shai +5 DT
14:36 Hiren : wow what a call!
14:36 Hiren : of shorting NF
14:36 Shubro : more to come
14:36 Shubro : Jit yeh DT ko nobel milna chahiye
14:37 Jitender : _/\_
14:37 Jitender : life changer
14:38 Shai : getting wild
14:38 Shai : stay grounded
14:38 Hari : 11700 PE of 23rd right?
14:38 Shai : yes
14:39 Anubhav : 11744 is tht vwap
14:39 Anubhav : trend wali giving support again
14:40 Shubro : shorts booking out?
14:40 Govind : 29.8 VIX
14:40 Shai : not yet
14:40 Shai : 11715 is still there
14:41 Shai : sl abv 11799 now
14:41 Govind : 30
14:42 Anubhav : below 11740 it will be easy dip to 11680
14:43 Jitender : 29.8vx
14:46 Anubhav : not giving up
14:46 Boppanna : BNF IBH vwap aligned
14:47 Anubhav : nice
14:48 Anubhav : with a blink of an eye…lol
14:48 Anubhav : vix jindabad
14:49 Uttam : exited that combo at 560
14:49 Hari : OF to be closely watched till 3.20
14:49 Uttam : Tej was perfect exit at 580 kudos Tej
14:50 TP : as long as green mtm +1 Uttam.
14:50 Uttam : yes Tej
14:50 Uttam : straddle chart also topped out there
14:51 Uttam : lucky to have got out at 560
14:51 Uttam : looks like will drift lower now
14:51 Uttam : Vix first tag of 29 was perfect to exit vix based trades
14:53 TP : I think writers bring vix down below 25 in first half to wipe out all lotteries 😉
14:54 Shubro : these BC buyers wont give up
14:54 Shubro : wasting time
14:55 Himanshu : haha
14:56 MJ : Pink matrix on top of bnf 30 min.
14:56 Himanshu : TP – at 200 Pts up in BNF – 28500 PE is 35 % up
14:56 Himanshu : what is the game –
14:56 Himanshu : think PE buying for hedge is there big time
14:56 Himanshu : demand must ne there
14:57 TP : Yes pe are up due to hedging.
14:57 Shubro : IS + RS NF 30 min if this candle closes here
14:58 Shubro : should give anew leg down
14:58 Shubro : any contra views?
14:59 Shai : undecided market
14:59 Shai : sticking to vwap
15:00 Shibu s : both sides are in nibble mode ….so confusing….
15:00 Shubro : strong sellers at 11782
15:00 Jitender : theta playn
15:01 TP : closing at 3 day composite since exit poll..poc.
15:01 Anubhav : 20 point me hi these guys r scalping
15:01 Anubhav : big qtys
15:02 Anubhav : i think it will spkie at 3.05 as usual
15:04 Govind : Vix just dropped
15:04 Govind : 27
15:04 Shubro : Shai holding that pE right?
15:04 Shai : yes another 10 mins
15:06 Seema : We should not carry this PE for tom.
15:06 Shai : not carrying
15:07 Shubro : yep ok
15:08 Shubro : TP whats the 3 day composite POC?
15:08 Seema : ok
15:08 Shubro : NF i.e.
15:08 TP : 30520 and 11760
15:08 TP : on my charts
15:09 Shubro : ok thanks
15:09 Shai : uodate – close out the 11700 pe at 165 cmp
15:10 Jitender : 27.32vx
15:11 Rushabh : shai whats the view you have for tomorrow?
15:11 Rushabh : no poisiyions just view
15:11 Psandeep : last few min now both ce and pe should increase
15:12 Shubro : hehe market is fair game now
15:12 Govind : I am carrying long strangles
15:12 AN : Shai are you holding the jun 11k puts or have you closed the position?
15:12 Psandeep : I will square off everything around 3.26 pm today
15:13 Shubro : kal maja aayega
15:14 Anubhav : no spike …booo
15:14 Uttam : (15:12) AN : Shai are you holding the jun 11k puts or have you closed the position? that is a trade where he is ready to lose all AN
15:15 Thanika : @Sandeep: I see that, but why? (15:11) Psandeep : last few min now both ce and pe should increase
15:15 Uttam : no SL & is holding and I guess that acts as an insurance for his portfolio also
15:15 Uttam : vix going down
15:15 AN : ok thx, i wanted to enter now
15:17 Psandeep : Thanika, big event tomm. therefore
15:17 TP : june 118k combo monthly 700 ….350 each .
15:17 TP : Am not buying as cannot manage positional trades 🙂
15:17 Shubro : ok bye guys done fro day
15:17 Shai : Yes @Hari – hedges
15:18 Shai : holding- (15:12) AN : Shai are you holding the jun 11k puts or have you closed the position?
15:18 Psandeep : now they should fly
15:19 TP : Shai for tomorrow 650-870 spot break out zones ?
15:19 Anubhav : can also open gap up tootrrow
15:19 Hari : Let NEST work tomm first 🙂
15:20 Shai : yes same- (15:19) TP : Shai for tomorrow 650-870 spot break out zones ?
15:20 Shai : still comp
15:20 Shai : directional is a move away from compo
15:20 Shai : surprised no last 60 mins move today
15:20 Ashutosh : Bye all
15:21 TP : hmm so writers just need to hold these zones tomorrow..
15:21 Anubhav : yes vpoc/vwap close
15:21 Thanika : Thanks, Sandeep: That made me another 3K today!! :-)))
15:21 Suyog : vix staying higher.. though the calc indiavix receded
15:21 TP : so vix below 24 and 650-870 holds till 2pm means all lotteries nil.
15:21 Psandeep : Cheers 🙂
15:22 Thanika : with that my DT done today.. with just 20% funds!! so it i s 5DT 🙂
15:23 Psandeep : +1
15:23 Uttam : and then we have the mother of all expiry moves Tej? 😉
15:24 TP : +1
15:24 Shai : + 1 Thanika
15:24 Anubhav : lo ji buying aayi
15:24 Jitender : lets see wat trump does 2nite…shld have an impact 2mrw 😉
15:24 Anubhav : punters
15:24 Psandeep : wowwwwwwwwwwwww
15:25 Suyog : Trump has funny ways to coincide his news with news in india 🙂
15:25 Jitender : theta kicks in
15:25 Jitender : prem dwn
15:25 Uttam : huge negative COT looks like OI will reduce in EOD report
15:25 Anubhav : grrens
15:25 Jitender : bye guys
15:26 TP : time for some algo.
15:26 Govind : On the day before election results, trading should continue till midnight
15:26 Uttam : that may 11800 around 555
15:27 Uttam : can it double tom 😉
15:27 Uttam : both 280 11800ce/pe
15:27 Shai : very quite pre -election day
15:28 Shai : also market is going with exit poll as actual numbers
15:28 Psandeep : One of the best day of life. Pump 50 lakhs got over 20 lakh in positional play…Thank You All…booked everything
15:28 Uttam : inside bar in both
15:28 Suyog : aayega to Modi hi? 😉
15:28 Anubhav : neeutral ex clos
15:28 Himanshu : bye all
15:28 Uttam : super Sandeep 🙂
15:28 Shai : 🙂
15:28 Govind : Wow Sandeep, bog play
15:28 Psandeep : used experience from last event
15:28 TP : +100
15:28 Govind : Big*
15:29 Psandeep : Cheers……ALLLLLLLLLLLLL
15:29 Govind : Congrats man
15:29 Shai : Congrats Sandeep
15:29 Uttam : now you will need to sponsor the VT meet along with Jit 😉
15:29 Govind : Haha
15:29 Psandeep : anytime Uttam
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Uttam : cheers 🙂
15:29 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29 TP : Bye All.
15:29 Psandeep : bye all
15:29 Govind : See you manana
15:29 MJ : Bye everyone Cheers!
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:29 Uttam : and lets have a super session tom
15:29 TP : Sleep well guys 😉
15:29 Anubhav : bye
15:30 AN : Thx everyone.
15:31 Thanika : Thank you all, for sharing your experience/knowledge. +1 for Sandeep! 🙂
15:33 Thanika : +100, Cheers! (15:28) Govind : Wow Sandeep, bog play
15:35 Thanika : Thanks, Shai. This room kept my emotions under control. 🙂 fantastic guidance to stay calmand make money!