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NF (Aug)
BNF (Aug)
Room Chat
09:47 Shai : Intra – Sell BNF 29255-260 sl of 29367 tgt 29050
09:57 Shai : (09:57) Shai : BNF stopped. Make exit for now
13:35 Shai : Intra – Sell BNF 29345-40 sl of 29427 tgt 29210
13:43 Shai : (13:42) Shai : Make an exit in the BNF in minor loss at 29375-80 here
14:23 Shai : (14:23) Shai : Positional – Buy 29300 PE at 112 sl of 62 tgt 230
14:34 Shai : (14:34) Shai : Reduce hal of the 29300 PE at 170 cmp and carry some for tom
14:54 Shai : (14:54) Shai : Book out the 29300 PE at 222- 225
09:01 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/220608021
09:03 Vtrender Live : Aug F – https://join.me/651-013-748
09:06 Shai : GM all
09:06 Shai : https://vtrender.in/market-profile-analysis-dated-22nd-july/
09:09 AN : GM all…
09:10 Krishan : gm all
09:12 TP : GM All.
09:13 Bhupinder : Good Morning
09:13 Shai : usdinr steady abv 69 for second straight day
09:15 Himanshu : GM All
09:16 Prudhvi : GM all
09:16 Thanika : FM all
09:16 Thanika : GM** 🙂
09:18 Shai : open in range and value
09:20 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:20 Uttam : BNF below PDL
09:24 Jitender : o=h in bth
09:27 AN : yes Jit, but this fall is with positive cot, so need to be carefull on bnf IMO
09:28 Uttam : expiry week AN
09:28 Jitender : 29.3pe 170-225 done AN
09:28 Uttam : so be wary about the OF & COT as this positive COT could be shorts booking out in July
09:28 Govind : +1 Jit
09:28 Shai : yes COT red in Aug
09:28 Uttam : big decrease in OI we had yesterday
09:28 AN : Awesome Jit.
09:29 AN : Thanks Uttam for clarification.
09:29 Jitender : +1 guys
09:29 Jitender : 29.1 in bnf ?
09:29 Uttam : congo Jit +1
09:29 Jitender : tx
09:29 Uttam : 29220-172 imp zone if goes then can fall more
09:29 Govind : 29300 PE finally comes down Uttam, but no crossover yet
09:30 Uttam : 29400ce OI rising since morning supporting this leg down
09:30 Govind : Yep
09:32 Jitender : is 200 dema brkn in bnf ?
09:33 NP : not yet …. 28808
09:34 Jitender : tx
09:35 Uttam : 11350 pw writers need to budge here
09:35 Uttam : CE OI now above 10L
09:36 Uttam : (09:29) Uttam : 29220-172 imp zone if goes then can fall more…low so far 29180
09:36 Uttam : earlier tredn day vwap here in BNF
09:37 Anubhav null : bnf is a buy above vwap
09:38 Uttam : it will also mean back in prev day range
09:39 Uttam : for now has moved away from yPOC of 29370 & PLR down till stays below PDL
09:39 Anubhav null : thnx
09:41 Govind : Uttam, A period volumes slightly lower than yesterday?
09:41 Anubhav null : here voes
09:42 Boppanna : 28k green around IBL BNF
09:42 Anubhav null : 29370 coming?
09:42 Govind : Finally
09:43 Govind : Kotak is moving BNF
09:43 Uttam : @Govind dont track A period but 15min & IB so 15min slightly lower than yesterday but better than average
09:44 Uttam : but guess that got to do with the range as we are having a bigger range now at open automatically vols are higher
09:44 Govind : +1 Uttam
09:46 Prudhvi : 80% in nf?
09:47 Shai : Intra – Sell BNF 29255-260 sl of 29367 tgt 29050
09:47 Uttam : @Prudhvi NF has remained in yesterdays Value since open
09:47 Shai : open in value , no 80% – (09:46) Prudhvi : 80% in nf?
09:48 Anubhav null : nice
09:48 Anubhav null : break
09:50 Anubhav null : dead cat bounce
09:52 NP : 29300CE 136-187 ….. had an early morning loss in Nifty CE ….. recovered it completely and now 2DT done ….. time to stay on sidelines for some time now
09:52 Govind : good trade Naren
09:52 NP : thanks
09:52 Govind : was just watching it
09:52 Govind : done one trade already
09:52 Govind : on the downside
09:54 Shai : tough supply zone of opem here in BNF
09:55 Anubhav null : nf above 11386 can tag 11434
09:55 Anubhav null : fingers rossed
09:56 Rajiv : BNF Stopped?
09:56 NP : seems 200 DEMA in Nifty is holding for now at least ….. we may see some meaningful bounce
09:57 Shai : BNF stopped. Make exit for now
09:57 Anubhav null : ywvap tagged in bnf
09:57 Anubhav null : not stopping
09:58 Uttam : shorts being forced out looks like in BNF
09:58 Shai : yes
09:58 Uttam : @Prudhvi BNF doing a 80% here
09:58 Anubhav null : lic part 2?
09:59 Jitender : wat else
09:59 Anubhav null : hehe
09:59 Anubhav null : uttam trend day vwap before exp possible?
09:59 Anubhav null : nf
09:59 NP : post noon session is going to be very interesting today
10:01 Anubhav null : reds in bkth
10:01 Anubhav null : vwap shud hold now
10:01 Jitender : 240 points in 20mins
10:03 Uttam : @Anubhav we need to first take out yesterday’s selling tail from 29512
10:04 NP : +1
10:04 Anubhav null : th x
10:04 Jitender : theese algo’s r grttn more n more savage
10:05 NP : better to avoid any fresh positions ….. let the dust settle
10:05 Jitender : 240 up n 100 dwn
10:05 Anubhav null : sold 30k aug call bnf
10:05 Uttam : 265 test will be nice
10:06 Uttam : will give good sign of what it wants to do
10:06 Shubro : 29300 PE 121 to 162
10:06 Anubhav null : wah wah
10:07 Uttam : nice Shubro +1
10:07 Anubhav null : trend is hr frnd
10:07 Govind : +1 Shubro
10:07 NP : congrats shubro
10:07 Shubro : thx
10:07 Anubhav null : vwap pe greens
10:07 Shubro : and good morning …i just woke up !
10:08 Shubro : we have a new puppy at home a lab and he’s been keeping me up
10:08 MJ : Aye! naav kai ahe shubro?
10:09 Shubro : Caesar
10:09 MJ : Give him my love all the way from BOM.
10:09 Shubro : yeah man will do haha
10:09 Jitender : 29.2ce 221-272
10:10 Shubro : 29300 CE OI crossover
10:11 Anubhav null : re up coming?
10:11 Shubro : looks like
10:12 Anubhav null : c time
10:13 Anubhav null : cud be a trend day?
10:14 Shubro : getting rejected at day high BNF
10:14 Shubro : has to break
10:15 Anubhav null : chandryaan ready?
10:17 Boppanna : 380-350 zone on watch 09:42 Boppanna : 28k green around IBL BNF
10:18 Uttam : 29336 IB on 30mins
10:18 Uttam : level to watch all day now
10:19 Uttam : that 20k seems to have booked out Bops at 29416
10:20 Boppanna : Jit matching the algos with as much savageness10:09 Jitender : 29.2ce 221-272
10:20 Uttam : algos try to match Jit Bops 🙂
10:20 Boppanna : Looks like Uttam 10:19 Uttam : that 20k seems to have booked out Bops at 29416
10:20 Jitender : no BoP…was up 1 DT…went down -1 and now back to 0.1
10:21 Jitender : didnt expect 240 up
10:21 Jitender : khaya piya kuch nahi glass toda 12 aana ie no mtm brokerage given
10:21 Anubhav null : crash
10:22 Jitender : 29.4 pe 160-190
10:22 Jitender : 0.7 nw
10:22 Jitender : 400-410 has sellers
10:22 Uttam : yes Jit yesterday also it had
10:23 Uttam : sorry yesterday was 29440 which was RS
10:23 AN : great recovery jit, i’m still in red 🙁
10:23 Uttam : high amde in this bounce 29430 almost doing the 80% up
10:23 Jitender : u will recvr man….
10:24 Boppanna : Great recovery Jit on such days I get hit most of the times when u are up 1DT within A and go negative quickly so I don’t trade the rest of the day after break even ..well thats just me each has his own RR set up
10:24 Jitender : its a good rule BoP
10:24 Rajiv : test of single of a possible 10:22 Jitender : 400-410 has sellers
10:24 Jitender : 320 has to brk
10:24 Jitender : ie vwap
10:25 Jitender : fr A singles test
10:26 NP : we may see some consolidation around vwap before any decisive move
10:27 Boppanna : ABC making identical highs in NF
10:28 Rajiv : Thanks Jit
10:29 NP : after one way down trend indices need to form some base before any meaningful bounce …… and this time if 11300 is broken down then expect a quick sell-off
10:30 Jitender : btw nf hasnt broken its o=h
10:31 Shubro : yeah jit ominous
10:32 Jitender : Uttam 28700 also poss tis expiry…..
10:32 Jitender : 29500 shldnt get crossed fr tat
10:33 Uttam : yes Jit 29172 if broken & sustained BNF gets weaker
10:33 Boppanna : If 340 holds may push thru that and test Shai’s 435 in afternoon IMO of course globe holding 10:30 Jitender : btw nf hasnt broken its o=h
10:35 Jitender : mauti 58pe 28-55…now peace
10:35 Boppanna : Nice Jit congrats
10:35 Jitender : tx bro
10:36 Uttam : NF making similar highs in all 3 TPOS so far
10:36 Uttam : congo Jit
10:36 Jitender : tx
10:36 Shubro : wah Jit mashallah
10:37 Jitender : kahan yaar…agar 430 se upar jata phir
10:37 Jitender : misread the rise from 180-430
10:37 Jitender : wich was nt good 🙁
10:38 Jitender : shld have cut at 340
10:39 Shubro : hmmm
10:40 Jitender : 330 yday dval
10:40 Anubhav null : re postponed to d?
10:42 Anubhav null : 11350 call oi falling?
10:43 Govind : No Anu
10:43 Govind : going up
10:43 Jitender : vix rising
10:44 Shubro : TV says sell 11350 for 227
10:44 Shubro : lol i didnt know we have an F&O channel
10:44 NP : Congrats Jit Sir
10:45 Govind : Shubro,is he talking August series?
10:45 Shubro : no doesnt say which series
10:46 Govind : because 11350 combo for this week is at 100
10:48 Jitender : tx Narendra n 2 u also sir
10:54 NP : +1
10:55 Himanshu : NP ji and Jit – 29300 PE –
10:56 Himanshu : is it worth buying – if we break -29330 Agian..
10:56 Jitender : shrt 29.4 ce …u will b abl3 manage / hedge bettr…since u write also
10:57 Himanshu : Ok
10:59 Govind : Big new MB in the MB chart for NF
10:59 NP : +1 with Jit Sir on this Himanshu
11:00 NP : frankly speaking I am expecting some meaningful bounce in the 2nd half today
11:00 Jitender : bhai…no sir pls
11:02 NP : ok Jit …… we should stop calling SIR and JI in this room (only exception should be Chief … Shai Sir) ….. Agree with me on this guys?
11:03 Jitender : ji fr all in upper window
11:03 Govind : zeroes
11:04 AN : wow
11:04 AN : algos again
11:04 NP : seems
11:05 NP : or may be some intraday week longs
11:05 NP : *weak
11:05 Himanshu : Great – Jit You were bang on – 30400CE ( 139 Entry ) –
11:05 Uttam : (10:05) Uttam : 265 test will be nice(10:06) Uttam : will give good sign of what it wants to do
11:06 Uttam : 29260 low in this dip
11:06 Gaurav : +1 (11:03) Jitender : ji fr all in upper window
11:06 Jitender : congo H
11:06 AN : nice read uttam, what does it tell on how the day might unfold
11:06 AN : (11:05) Uttam : (10:05) Uttam : 265 test will be nice(10:06) Uttam : will give good sign of what it wants to do
11:07 Uttam : if its stays above we have a tail at lows out of today’s range so PLR would be up
11:07 Himanshu : zero at 29265
11:07 AN : ok got it, thx
11:07 Uttam : if sustains below 29265 then more fall coming
11:10 Himanshu : covered 30400 CE ( 109)
11:11 NP : (10:05) NP : better to avoid any fresh positions ….. let the dust settle
11:19 Himanshu : Uttam – Greens at VWAP in NF
11:22 Shubro : 11300 CE PE crossing over CE over PE
11:22 Shubro : sorry 29300 CE
11:23 Shubro : 29200 PE holding tight though
11:24 Govind : ooh reds in NF
11:24 Shubro : i hate this part of the day
11:24 Shubro : twiddle de doo
11:25 Himanshu : Half day gone – and we are no able to cross first 5 mt candlle in BNF –
11:25 Himanshu : Kya din aa gaye hain .. Ben Nifty Ke ,,
11:26 Govind : THose greens/reds in NF are showing upin Aug series as well
11:26 Uttam : 140 points is a good range to be in Himanshu 😉
11:26 Himanshu : YEs
11:26 Uttam : we have had days with 25-30 point ranges too
11:26 Himanshu : No I mean am referring weakness part
11:26 Himanshu : not range .
11:26 Himanshu : The Beast is now Goat
11:28 Uttam : we have had an imbalance of 1600 points from Thurs so balance to banta hai na
11:28 Himanshu : yes
11:28 Shubro : BNF neeche
11:28 Himanshu : belwo – 29340 – we have down bais ,,
11:29 Uttam : overlapping value in both but initiative force is from top
11:34 Anubhav null : pdl support in bnf holding
11:37 Boppanna : One more check at 340 negates view ..playing touch and go so far 10:33 Boppanna : If 340 holds may push thru that and test Shai’s 435 in afternoon IMO of course globe holding 10:30 Jitender : btw nf hasnt broken its o=h
11:38 Himanshu : 2 test of 30265
11:39 Himanshu : think alogo of 2.30 only hope to cross it 29340 with volume,,
11:40 Shubro : 30300 CE suppressing this move
11:40 Shubro : sorry again 29300
11:43 Shubro : vice like grip in tis range 29200-300
11:43 Shubro : afternoon going to be eventful
11:49 Shubro : Jit 11300 long straddle good ?
11:49 Govind : This precipitous fall in thelast 3 days has taken the juice out of expiry week
11:50 Shubro : minions playing ping pong here
11:54 Shai : hmm- yes
11:55 Shai : trading in the value of yesterday
11:56 Shai : reminds me on the 4 days we spent between 11640- 11540 post the big budget day fall of 350 points NF
11:56 Shai : we could have a similar balance till thurs noon
11:57 Govind : Shubro, youwill need NF to trade above 11407 orbelow 11194 to break even,assuming yo hold till expiry.
11:57 Shubro : chai coffee tv time
11:57 Shubro : feasible no Govind?
11:58 Shubro : assuming we are balancing here and looking to bounce
11:59 Govind : perhaps, but theta/premium eating will be too much. As Shai pointed out, we are in the value zone for today.
11:59 Shubro : yes thats the prob
11:59 Shubro : unless its aug
12:00 Shubro : thanka Cash positions?
12:02 Govind : Shubro, Theta for Augfirst week series is about 1/3rd of this week. So, can try. Breakeven is marginally lower too.
12:03 Govind : and no need to hold it until next thursday, right? Once you are in decent profits you can get out
12:03 Shubro : yep thats the thought
12:07 Thanika : some data issue, could not get my cash p! 🙁
12:07 Thanika : only TrueData i have today, post market i need to fix and get that
12:15 Govind : 55k is a roll it appears
12:15 Govind : in nf
12:15 Himanshu : entered again Jit 30400CE
12:15 Himanshu : 121
12:16 Govind : you mean 29400?
12:16 Himanshu : yes
12:16 Himanshu : Vix does this !
12:16 Uttam : 29267 low in BNF
12:16 Uttam : 22k red at lows
12:17 Himanshu : Seller – late 22460
12:17 NP : +1
12:18 Uttam : that 55k green of NF there in Aug also
12:19 Govind : 29200 and 11300 PEs OI holding well.
12:19 Shubro : looks like thats our sign for today
12:19 Shubro : again
12:21 Govind : Atleast until 2pm or so
12:21 Govind : or whenever Anu’s algos unleash 🙂
12:24 Shubro : yeah man those algo’s
12:24 Uttam : BNF getting ready for a move lower?
12:26 Shubro : 29300 CE PE widening
12:27 Shubro : small dip in that 29200 PE
12:27 Shubro : and a 20k increase in thr 29200 CE
12:27 Uttam : that 29300pe OI needs to start falling
12:27 Shai : so far like yesterday- A guys keeping it quiet
12:28 Shai : Normal day pannning out
12:28 Shai : cake going to option writers
12:28 Himanshu : dpoc also – 29267 – shifted down ..considerably Uttam
12:29 Uttam : that 22k red stuck got that POC down looks likw
12:30 Shubro : boy is he a happy bunny now
12:31 Boppanna : Timing 12:24 Uttam : BNF getting ready for a move lower?
12:31 Shubro : and those are SL’s
12:31 Shubro : ?
12:32 Jitender : book 29.4ce H
12:33 Anubhav : demand at lower levels today
12:33 NP : Nifty is looking much better than BankNifty today …. some good greens in Nifty around dpoc ….. downside seems to be limited at least for today? @ Uttam @ Jit
12:34 Himanshu : Exited 29400 CE 98
12:34 Shubro : downside pressure still there
12:35 Govind : +1 Himanshu/Jit
12:36 Shubro : Uttam 29300 PE coming down?
12:36 Uttam : bring it belw 3.5L
12:38 Shubro : green shoots BNF cmon
12:38 Govind : into that MB now Shubro
12:39 Shubro : chal BNF DK Bose
12:39 Jitender : 29.3pe 181-146
12:39 Shubro : o teri +1 Jit
12:39 Govind : new highs in NF
12:39 Jitender : all tx 2 tat 22k red
12:40 Himanshu : yes
12:40 Govind : Congrats Jit
12:40 Himanshu : was snoring uptill now
12:40 NP : Congrats Jit
12:40 Shubro : phirse VWAP pe jaa atka
12:40 Uttam : 73k red in NF above IBH
12:40 Jitender : tx guys
12:41 Himanshu : BC – now that I changed side in BNF to 29200 PE
12:41 Jitender : gd timing (12:32) Jitender : book 29.4ce H
12:41 Himanshu : yes
12:41 Boppanna : This 80 red is the key here for more upside 11:37 Boppanna : One more check at 340 negates view ..playing touch and go so far 10:33 Boppanna : If 340 holds may push thru that and test Shai’s 435 in afternoon IMO of course globe holding 10:30 Jitender : btw nf hasnt broken its o=h
12:42 Himanshu : 2 ENtries –
12:42 Jitender : +1
12:42 Himanshu : 121- 98
12:42 Jitender : @BoP
12:42 AN : congrats jit great timing again
12:43 Jitender : tx man…
12:43 AN : nf o=H, gone now
12:43 NP : NF above 11375 would be an interesting move to watch
12:43 Anubhav : nf wants 11434
12:44 AN : yes Anu. i was thinking 440
12:44 Rajiv : Terrific timing 12:41 Jitender : gd timing (12:32) Jitender : book 29.4ce H
12:45 NP : @ Uttam …… that 73200 is fresh short or long unwinding?
12:45 Boppanna : BNF doing its own thing
12:46 Shubro : BNF has no interest in rising
12:49 Jitender : tx Rajiv
12:51 Uttam : (12:45) NP : @ Uttam …… that 73200 is fresh short or long unwinding? could be a booking NP as OI came down in NF
12:52 NP : ok
12:53 Govind : Kotak is zooming
12:53 Himanshu : boom TIME
12:54 Jitender : 374 nf ..Dbl top ?
12:55 Boppanna : Not holding this view not out of longs 12:41 Boppanna : This 80 red is the key here for more upside 11:37 Boppanna : One more check at 340 negates view ..playing touch and go so far 10:33 Boppanna : If 340 holds may push thru that and test Shai’s 435 in afternoon IMO of course globe holding 10:30 Jitender : btw nf hasnt broken its o=h
12:55 Boppanna : *Not holding this view now out of longs
13:00 Jitender : jaay baat 🙂 (12:54) Jitender : 374 nf ..Dbl top ?
13:00 Uttam : NF planning to leave a FA today?
13:01 Jitender : 29.5ce sittn duck..sl 370 bnf
13:07 Boppanna : No question marks in the end Uttam pls :)13:00 Uttam : NF planning to leave a FA today?
13:08 Uttam : pretty good chance Bops and will be a good confirmation also
13:09 Jitender : +1
13:23 Himanshu : EXITING 30200pe
13:24 Himanshu : 92
13:24 Himanshu : 120
13:24 Himanshu : uFF,,
13:25 Jitender : lic woke up
13:25 Himanshu : 84 & 69 Is tgt for 30200PE
13:25 Shubro : pressed one button and gone back to sleep
13:26 Himanshu : but with POC 369 red Shit
13:26 Himanshu : now it crossed
13:26 Himanshu : Jit – Uttam now cuppa time of breakout to sustain
13:27 Jitender : yh at pivot lvls
13:28 Himanshu : 343-350 band – 30400 CE guys unless they wind down OI
13:29 Jitender : u mean upside tgts ?
13:29 Himanshu : 30400 CE unwinding slowly
13:30 NP : (12:33) NP : Nifty is looking much better than BankNifty today …. some good greens in Nifty around dpoc ….. downside seems to be limited at least for today? @ Uttam @ Jit
13:30 Himanshu : 30300PE – now crossing 30300CE
13:31 NP : 11100CE …. 248-272 ….. booked fully
13:33 Jitender : +1
13:33 Shubro : +1 Naren
13:34 Shubro : 374 strong resistance
13:35 Shai : Intra – Sell BNF 29345-40 sl of 29427 tgt 29210
13:42 Shai : Make an exit in the BNF in minor loss at 29375-80 here
13:44 Shai : not sure what this strength in BNF ius about
13:44 Shai : may forece shorts out
13:44 Govind : Only 4 banks are up in BNF, and only one is up more than 1%..Kotak
13:45 Govind : make that 5
13:45 Uttam : (12:36) Shubro : Uttam 29300 PE coming down?(12:36) Uttam : bring it belw 3.5L this did not happen
13:45 Uttam : & now PE OI seems to get getting above the CE OI
13:45 Govind : KOtak 1500CE from 15.5 to 21, quick scalp
13:46 NP : 29400CE ….. 121-143 ….. booked fully …. all out …. after recovering loss from early morning 1st trade now @ 4DT ….. done for the day now
13:46 NP : Congrats Govind
13:46 Govind : Thanks Naren, you too!
13:46 Govind : I’ve ben quiet all day, except for morning
13:46 Jitender : +1 Govind
13:46 Govind : Thanks Jit
13:48 Govind : 45 degree trade in NF possible?
13:48 NP : that 29400 CE may try to tag 200+levels
13:48 Uttam : ext handle in NF
13:49 Anubhav : 11434 chahiye apan ko
13:51 Anubhav : lao uttam
13:51 Govind : POC is 11376 right Uttam?
13:51 Rajiv : 100 Point on BNF down coming?
13:52 Uttam : today’s POC Govind?
13:52 Govind : Ys Uttam
13:52 Uttam : 11354
13:52 Govind : ok thanks
13:54 Shai : some effort seen to keep the index up today
13:56 Shibu : upcomimg event NF -11280
13:57 NP : Index Management by Option Writer Biggies @Shai Sir?
14:02 Govind : no screen?
14:02 Shai : yes looks like that
14:02 Shubro : screen screen
14:03 Shubro : back!
14:05 Govind : Boom
14:05 Govind : new DH for NF
14:06 Govind : and reds
14:06 Govind : reds in Aug too
14:11 Govind : 29400CE looks good Shubro
14:11 Rajiv : JIT kiya plan aaj?
14:12 Shubro : yeah
14:12 Jitender : small shrts..with smal sl…
14:13 NP : (12:43) NP : NF above 11375 would be an interesting move to watch(13:30) NP : (12:33) NP : Nifty is looking much better than BankNifty today …. some good greens in Nifty around dpoc ….. downside seems to be limited at least for today? @ Uttam @ Jit
14:14 Jitender : 60k at top in nf
14:14 Jitender : is it a roll ?
14:14 Uttam : yes NP +1 NF was conformtably above PDL since morning
14:15 Uttam : 11427 can be tagged
14:15 Govind : There is a 88k in Aug Jit, so possible
14:15 Jitender : k
14:15 Uttam : green or red Govind?
14:15 Govind : green
14:16 Uttam : that is much lower so this one not a roll
14:16 Govind : oh ok
14:16 Uttam : where you have this 88k in Aug you have a 85k on 30min in Jul also govind
14:17 Govind : Yes, so that was a roll then?
14:17 Uttam : but both same color
14:17 Uttam : yes they could be rolls
14:17 Uttam : BNF going for test of that selling tail looks like
14:19 Shai : Yes could
14:19 NP : +1
14:19 Shai : weoird little passage of trade here
14:19 Shai : tempting opp for shorts yet not dropping
14:20 Shai : over 30 mins now- (13:54) Shai : some effort seen to keep the index up today
14:23 Shai : Positional – Buy 29300 PE at 112 sl of 62 tgt 230
14:24 Jitender : 29.4pe 135-165..half book (14:12) Jitender : small shrts..with smal sl…
14:24 Shai : if it does not want to drop todat will drop tom to 29200 F
14:24 Jitender : +1
14:24 Shubro : blaady dopped
14:24 Shai : 11350 F in NF
14:27 Jitender : out at 186 (14:24) Jitender : 29.4pe 135-165..half book (14:12) Jitender : small shrts..with smal sl…
14:28 Shubro : out 29300
14:28 Shubro : Jitte yeh to aur bhi ja rha hai
14:28 Uttam : wah they wanted to dump all weak shorts before making this move looks like
14:28 Shai : another 100 needed
14:28 Jitender : let it go Shubro…i had my fill
14:29 Shubro : haha same pinch
14:29 Shubro : 29300 117 to 142
14:30 Jitender : my duck at 29.5ce also back in the pen
14:31 Shubro : sam sorted 29500
14:31 Shubro : shorted
14:31 Rushabh : nice one shai (14:19) Shai : tempting opp for shorts yet not dropping
14:31 Shubro : good think didnt get out
14:31 Shubro : i have the other end 29000 PE
14:31 Shubro : as well
14:32 Shai : Yes Rushabh it was mad that 30 mins
14:32 Shubro : IS in 30 min
14:32 Shubro : baap re
14:32 Rushabh : yesterdat vah was the hint shai?
14:32 Shubro : bhains going going gone….>
14:33 Rajiv : Shai your 29210 coming shortly
14:33 Shai : (14:24) Shai : if it does not want to drop todat will drop tom to 29200 F
14:33 Shai : I almost gave up for today cos ot was madness abv 29380
14:33 Shubro : Shai ur too pessimistic
14:34 Jitender : 11350pe 25=48 out
14:34 Shai : 🙂
14:34 Shai : Battle scarred for day Shubro
14:34 TP : Any oldies remeber 2008 selloffs …were more brutal but mostly came in the 2.30 to 3.15 window !!
14:34 Shai : Reduce hal of the 29300 PE at 170 cmp and carry some for tom
14:35 Gaurav : gave my class 12 exams in 2008 😛
14:35 Shubro : theek hai Shai hota hai
14:35 TP : haha Gaurav
14:35 Shubro : hehehe Gaurav nice
14:36 Jitender : had got the top..but gave up early (14:11) Rajiv : JIT kiya plan aaj?(14:12) Jitender : small shrts..with smal sl…
14:36 Shai : nice rejection at yesterday’s drive levels
14:36 Boppanna : +1 Shai
14:36 Jitender : yes
14:36 Shai : shorts would have sold
14:36 Rushabh : todays high NF was fridays val
14:36 Shai : call shorts
14:36 Shai : 20202 🙂
14:36 Jitender : +202
14:37 Shubro : Jit 202?
14:37 TP : Came back to desk at 1.30 pm and 2 dt done.
14:37 Shibu : shai=Lion
14:37 Govind : Mucho brilliante, Shai!
14:37 Shubro : TP TP well done
14:38 TP : tks
14:38 AN : 🙂 _/\_ awesome Shai…
14:38 Shubro : looks like this is gonna break d low?
14:38 Jitender : Shubro reply to Shai’s lvl
14:38 Shubro : ookies
14:38 Jitender : +1 tej
14:38 TP : tks jit
14:38 Shai : Cheers
14:38 Shai : Neut X in play
14:38 TP : 1280 for ne
14:38 Shai : 29120 can come
14:38 TP : 11280
14:38 Shubro : make it real extreme
14:39 Govind : Tej, was working across thestreet from Lehman back then, yikes. POint being, am an oldie…14:34 TP : Any oldies remeber 2008 selloffs …were more brutal but mostly came in the 2.30 to 3.15 window !!
14:39 TP : tks Govind was feeling lonely 🙂
14:39 Govind : I am here brother 🙂
14:39 Shubro : haha oldie here too man
14:40 Govind : 223 that PE now
14:40 Jitender : satisfyn day after the morn flip flop
14:40 Rushabh : yesterday val will hold/
14:40 Shubro : even older i was across the steer from andersen consulting when they were taking out the sofas and selling off furnititre 2002
14:40 Shubro : street*
14:40 Shubro : remember enron?
14:40 Govind : haha, a bunch of Andersen guys joined our firm, EY. I remember
14:41 Shubro : my room mate was andersen got fired for shredding
14:41 Govind : hahaha
14:41 Govind : So, he was in that movie
14:41 Shubro : his boss called him late from NY go to office and shred some papers
14:41 Shubro : idiot shred
14:42 Govind : SO, Shubro…we are all just a bunch of nerds
14:42 Shai : 270 and 300 revised tgt in the 29300 pe at close
14:42 Shubro : baap re Shai when u go u GO
14:42 Rajiv : what is it with the OI of 29300 PE still much higher
14:43 Govind : it has come down considerably Rajiv
14:43 Shubro : Gov i consider myself an eternal idiot
14:43 Govind : from 510k to 375k
14:43 Shubro : 2:45
14:43 Govind : You’ve been brain washed by someone into believing this, how do I know? I am a victim too
14:44 Shubro : algo blast this and make us happy
14:44 Shubro : Gov everytime i got smart i got screwed hahahah
14:44 NP : 29000PE above 110 will be ROCKET
14:44 Himanshu : got – traped in 29300 PE
14:45 Govind : 🙂
14:45 Himanshu : 102 to 125
14:45 Shai : 🙂 🙂 This is sweet for me now . messed up in morning one trade- (14:42) Shubro : baap re Shai when u go u GO
14:45 Govind : +1 Shai
14:45 Rushabh : some greens here
14:45 TP : Gues we would be the only guys going short at this time …+100…..(14:23) Shai : Positional – Buy 29300 PE at 112 sl of 62 tgt 230
14:46 Rajiv : Shai now 45 deg up
14:46 Jitender : i went in first Tej 🙂
14:46 Shubro : hahah
14:46 Jitender : kiddn
14:46 Shai : +1- (14:46) Jitender : i went in first Tej 🙂
14:46 TP : Jit you are not eligible …this was for retail guys !!
14:46 Govind : awesome
14:46 Jitender : _/\_
14:46 Govind : You guys some elite traders!!
14:46 Shai : 29127- (14:38) Shai : 29120 can come
14:47 Jitender : +1
14:47 Rushabh : now up shai
14:47 Shubro : Shai still carry?
14:47 Shai : if we get 270 we close
14:51 Shubro : chalo chalo
14:51 Shubro : destry
14:53 Govind : I am all out guys, close to 5 DT for the day. Thanks everyone.
14:53 Shubro : BNF be urself go for 100’s
14:53 Jitender : congo Govind
14:53 Shubro : woah Gov
14:53 Govind : Thanks Jit
14:53 Shubro : u damn good man
14:53 Shai : Congrats Govind
14:53 NP : Congrats Govind
14:54 Govind : Haha, no man. Have a long wayto go
14:54 Govind : 10000 hours
14:54 Shai : Book out the 29300 PE at 222- 225
14:54 Govind : Thanks Shai/Naren/Shubro
14:54 Shubro : coolios Shai
14:54 Shubro : U made it happen!
14:55 Shubro : awesome day
14:55 Shubro : and now that Shai has booked the 29300 will go to 300
14:55 Shubro : 😛
14:56 Himanshu : Govind +1
14:56 Himanshu : great man
14:56 Govind : Thanks Himanshu
14:56 Uttam : congrats guys 🙂 and super call Shai
14:57 HPandey : uttam r we having 3-1-3
14:57 Uttam : NF wanted to check yesterday’s freak OH looks like just to make sure no pending business there
14:58 Govind : Uttam, when Shai’s call came, the 29300 spot price crossed below the 29300 CE OI. What a move!
14:58 Govind : I am sure you were watching
14:59 Govind : I meant BNF spot price
15:00 NP : #QuickTrade …. Fastest Finger First …. 11100CE 215-230 …… Recovered Morning losses and ending the day at 6DT
15:00 Uttam : also Govind when 29400 got tagged the CE OI did not show any sign of coming down
15:00 Uttam : that was also a signal that we could correct
15:01 Shubro : 29300 CE 99 to 110
15:01 Govind : Yes, exactly Uttam. Signs everywhere
15:01 Govind : Nice Shubro
15:01 Shubro : chota mota
15:02 Shubro : all this Mr. Miyagi (Jit) taught me
15:02 Shubro : quick quick trades
15:02 Shubro : chota to make mota
15:02 Shubro : Mr. Miyagi gone?
15:03 Govind : RIL lost almost 2% in that downmove, crazy
15:03 Shubro : 29100 CE OI rising
15:05 Govind : Uttam, POC in NF looks like stayed put right? in that downmove?
15:05 NP : If we hold 200 DEMA in Nifty once again today then we will have a Sharp Short covering rally before expiry
15:05 Shubro : that 29500 CE is a sweet short for expirty
15:05 Shubro : aiyoo NP where is 200 DMA?
15:05 NP : 11300
15:05 Shubro : ok
15:06 Shubro : holding holding
15:06 NP : been holding the 200 DEMA for 3 sessions
15:06 Shubro : is BNF goinf to jump now or day done
15:06 Govind : 45 degree trade anyone? 15:05 Govind : Uttam, POC in NF looks like stayed put right? in that downmove?
15:07 Shubro : i was thinking same but is there time Gov?
15:07 Govind : not trading, just watching
15:07 Shubro : 370 in BNF
15:07 Govind : all out bro
15:07 Shubro : yeah yeah same same
15:07 Shubro : i have greedy fingers trying to control
15:07 NP : all out ….. no positions ….. close near POC it seems
15:08 Shubro : little fe$$ers get me screwed always at this time
15:08 Govind : AG is more confused than I am 🙂
15:09 Shubro : shining disco ball just cant stay away
15:09 Shubro : from the dance floor
15:10 Shubro : this last half hour to 25 min best to stay away
15:10 Shubro : if not seasoned
15:10 NP : AG always sounds confused …. he is like ‘CHEET BHI MERI PATT BHI MERI’
15:10 Govind : 🙂
15:10 Jitender : did u hear tat joker kedia
15:11 Shubro : ab kya bola?
15:11 Govind : No Jit
15:11 Jitender : last week he said opp of today
15:11 Jitender : new highs for large caps soon
15:11 Shibu : expiry is below 11300 .Hunting stops……of Moving Averages
15:11 Govind : haha
15:11 Govind : is he the chart guy?
15:11 Jitender : yh
15:12 Jitender : selln will be over tis week as per him
15:12 Uttam : weekly FA in NF today at hgihs if we stay below 11311 tom
15:12 NP : yes … just heard him
15:13 Shubro : wish i had what they were smoking
15:13 Uttam : 11300pe has the biggest OI?
15:13 Uttam : almost 50L?
15:13 AN : Next week he will say, he was referring to last week selliing will be last week 🙂
15:14 NP : Yes Uttam ….. we held the 200 DEMA for 3 sessions …. if that is broken then a free fall of 150-200 points
15:15 NP : it seems option writers will make every effort to protect 11300 for july expiry
15:15 NP : tomorrow is a crucial day ….. MAKE OR BREAK
15:16 Shubro : 29000 for BNF as well Naren?
15:16 Rajiv : Guys anyone has views on ITC
15:18 Shubro : ITC resitance at 274 na?
15:18 NP : Shubro BankNifty 200DEMA is around 28800
15:19 Shubro : woah ok
15:19 Shubro : thanks Naren
15:20 NP : Technically Speaking the Current down move should atleast give 11150-11100 on Nifty
15:20 NP : tomorrow is a crucial day ….. MAKE OR BREAK
15:21 Shubro : BNF is a sinker loooks like tomorrow
15:21 Govind : Yeah Shubro, only Kotak in thegreen
15:22 NP : BN Spot seems getting ready for 28500 soon
15:22 Shubro : allright take it down so much hope for a good short covering
15:24 HPandey : shai neutral day today ?
15:24 Shubro : allright guys see ya all tomorrow enjoy the evening
15:24 HPandey : and little excexx at lows?
15:24 Shubro : Thanika not around ?
15:25 NP : looking at options data 11300 seems to be holding at least till expiry day
15:25 Uttam : we have a FA in BNF at hgihs today
15:25 Uttam : NF is a Neutral Centre
15:25 Uttam : close at 2day overlapping POC
15:25 HPandey : uttam neutral day?
15:26 HPandey : nf
15:26 Uttam : can move away from here for expiry
15:26 Uttam : (15:25) Uttam : NF is a Neutral Centre
15:28 Thanika : Shubro, fixing my program for Delta .. live 🙂
15:28 NP : @ Uttam …… some reduction in 11300PE OI?
15:28 Thanika : as it needs to deal with live tick feed ..
15:29 Uttam : yes NP but these can be the late guys who entered today
15:29 NP : +1
15:30 Uttam : 45L & 37.5L OI if that PE can get below them then can expect writers to be put under pressure
15:30 NP : yes
15:30 Govind : Bye guys
15:30 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:30 Shai : Bye all
15:31 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:32 Thanika : Bye all, have a nice evening.. and get ready for tomorrow’s roller coaster! 😀