Timing is the key to successfully trade the markets in the shorter time frame. Order Flow is one of the most effective methods to time your trades by seeing exactly what the other traders are trading in the market and positioning your bias accordingly.
Order Flow is the most transparent way to trade and takes away the guesswork from decision making.
Room Chat
09:07 Shai : (09:06) Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-7th-october/
09:22 Shai : (09:22) Shai : Intra – Buy NF 11663- 11166 sl of 11130 tgt 11210
(09:22) Shai : Buy in the zone
09:36 Shai : (09:36) Shai : Exit the NF longs at 11160- 11162 just under cost
09:52 Shai : Sell BNF 27940- 60 sl of 28100 tgt 27720
09:59 Shai : BNF 27886. Exit in profit
09:59 Shai : BNF 27886. Exit in profit
11:01 Shai : (11:00) Shai : Intra – Buy 11100 pe at 40 sl of 30 tgt 55/ 61
11:31 Shai : (11:31) Shai : 11100 pe stopped. Make exits
11:55 Shai : Intra – short NF below 11207 sl of 11237 tgt 11174. cmp 11214 short below
12:01 Shai : (12:01) Shai : Ignore the sell below
12:27 Shai : (12:27) Shai : Intra – short BNF 28470- 490 sl of 27576 tgt 28300/ 28140
12:34 Shai : (12:34) Shai : Book out BNF 28425 F
09:06 Shai : GM all
09:06 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:06 Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-7th-october/
09:07 Chandrashekhar : GM all
09:08 Nishchal : GM All
09:09 Abhish : Hi All, very first day to the teading room.
09:09 Sriramakrishna : Gud mrng all
09:10 Vijay : GM All
09:11 Uttam : welcome Abhish 🙂
09:20 Shai : BNF 28100
09:22 Shai : Intra – Buy NF 11663- 11166 sl of 11130 tgt 11210
09:22 Shai : Buy in the zone
09:29 Shai : Looking for a move to the POC on this open in the spike
09:29 Shai : BNF already there
09:30 Shai : 28078 – (09:20) Shai : BNF 28100
09:30 Shai : BNF was the better trade but moved fast
09:36 Shai : Exit the NF longs at 11160- 11162 just under cost
09:39 Shai : will wait
09:41 Abhish : but we have closed all the longs. Do you mean we should hold?
09:43 Jitender : sell bnf here ?
09:43 Uttam : BNF needs to get above that hvn of 28098
09:43 Shai : wait for mkt to be clean
09:43 Shai : Yes potential RS here in both
09:43 Uttam : PLR seems up for now though in both
09:43 Shai : hence the xit
09:44 Jitender : +1
09:52 Shai : Sell BNF 27940- 60 sl of 28100 tgt 27720
09:54 Shai : 11150 breaks quick 20 down
09:55 Jitender : half bookd (09:43) Jitender : sell bnf here ?
09:55 Shai : +1
09:55 Jitender : tx
09:59 Shai : BNF 27886. Exit in profit
09:59 Uttam : 27860 needs to be taken out for more downside
10:00 Uttam : boom
10:00 Jitender : out at 845…dt done
10:00 Shai : (09:54) Shai : 11150 breaks quick 20 down
10:00 Jitender : +1
10:01 Vijay : super jitender
10:01 Jitender : tx
10:01 Jitender : didnt get a complete fill of shrt of 27700ce at 448
10:01 Jitender : very small quant booked at 321
10:02 Jitender : a;so
10:03 Uttam : 0s at lows in NF in this 5min bar
10:03 Jitender : tis morn action is all fii
10:04 Uttam : 27780 test coming?
10:14 Uttam : done (10:04) Uttam : 27780 test coming?
10:14 Uttam : NF on for 11068?
10:14 Niraj : Will it test the support 27650 for bank nifty
10:15 Uttam : 35k green in BNF at 27780
10:15 Niraj : yes
10:16 Niraj : shall we exit shorts
10:17 Jitender : wats the desperation of theese guys to buy at theese lvls…r tey pre emptn a ST bottom ahead of results…..
10:18 Jitender : considern the environ a retetst of entire tax cut day candle wud have been good
10:18 Jitender : btw rumors of another tax cut before diwali have been started
10:19 Jitender : pointed tat out couple of days back also
10:33 Jitender : 830-934 bnf…done small quant
10:33 Jitender : time fr a cuppa
10:33 Jitender : OF ki jai ho
10:36 Uttam : FA coming in NF?
10:38 Niraj : fa stands for
10:38 Uttam : Failed Auction
10:38 Yash null : 11247?
10:40 Vijay : Revisit the lows again uttam?
10:47 Uttam : vwap + pdl combo at 11147 would be key here Vijay
10:47 Uttam : and for upside D needs to extrend higher
10:47 Vijay : ok tnx
10:49 Uttam : low vols & low range so far in both
10:56 Uttam : 11200 / 11240 / 11270 & 11310 references on upside if auction can sustain above 11173
10:56 Uttam : a) NF needs to sustain above 11173 for a probe higher to 11193 / 11210-215 & 11240
10:56 Uttam : NF high so far 11173.85
10:58 Niraj : charts are not displaying
10:58 Uttam : they are working fine here Niraj, kindly refresh & check
10:59 Niraj : ANY ISSUE
11:00 Uttam : no caps Niraj
11:00 Uttam : charts are working fine, kindly refresh
11:00 Shai : Intra – Buy 11100 pe at 40 sl of 30 tgt 55/ 61
11:01 Shai : That RS of the open still holding up in nNF and BNF looking for a restest of lows
11:26 Jitender : greens at top bnf
11:29 Vijay : long bnf? jitender
11:29 Prakash : NF will probably by-pass SZ-11170
11:30 Uttam : BNFffff
11:30 Uttam : NF also abt to confirm the FA at lows
11:30 Uttam : 27800ce from 295-370
11:31 Nidhi : put syoppes?
11:31 Nidhi : stopped?
11:31 Shai : 11100 pe stopped. Make exits
11:32 Shai : BNf sept it up
11:32 Uttam : NF for 11200 first
11:33 Uttam : 28225 next ref in BNF
11:34 Uttam : 11199 NF
11:34 Niraj : is there any news
11:34 Uttam : there is an FA at lows 🙂
11:34 Niraj : index moving up very fastly
11:34 Uttam : no need for news ;-p
11:34 Niraj : ok
11:35 Uttam : 11178 sup in NF now
11:35 Prakash : should wego long in NF..??
11:35 Shai : yes 11177 supp
11:36 Uttam : (10:56) Uttam : a) NF needs to sustain above 11173 for a probe higher to 11193 / 11210-215 & 11240
11:36 Uttam : NF has 0s right there at 11172
11:36 Yash : holding 11200 ce @ 29 what to do? tgt? should look for exit around 11230?
11:38 Shai : book once 37
11:38 Shai : 41 was the seller of friday
11:38 Shai : next leg up abv 41 only in that CE
11:38 Jitender : froom mon 11 am low to 12.10 high approx done by bnf
11:39 Jitender : means thoose buyrs who wud have gt trapped dueo to spx etc r out
11:40 Uttam : 11232-240 coming next in NF if 11170 holds
11:40 Jitender : gv a gd dip first 🙂
11:40 Uttam : 28120 immd sup & below that 28060 needs to hold in BNF
11:41 Uttam : if no dip then extension handle would be confirmed in both
11:44 Uttam : 28100 holding in BNF
11:44 Uttam : ext handle is on looks like
11:46 Prudhvi : 11189 needs to hold uttam?
11:46 Shai : 11177
11:47 Uttam : yes 11177-172
11:47 Shai : may push shorts out one more time
11:47 Shai : sl of 11155 is safe for 11230
11:47 Shai : stop and reverse below 11155
11:48 Uttam : fresh boom boom coming?
11:48 Uttam : BNffff
11:48 Jitender : +1
11:50 Shai : happening – (11:47) Shai : may push shorts out one more time
11:50 Prudhvi : +1
11:52 Niraj : delta is negative but price rising, can we expect downfall shortly
11:53 Shai : 11222- (11:47) Shai : sl of 11155 is safe for 11230
11:53 Shai : time to book if in longs and wait
11:54 Jitender : 27.9ce 503-448
11:55 Shai : Intra – short NF below 11207 sl of 11237 tgt 11174. cmp 11214 short below
11:55 Yash : booked 11200ce at 47 😀
11:55 Yash : looks like my day is over 😀
11:56 Shai : will trade short below the 0’s only
11:56 Shai : C side longs all booking here
11:57 Niraj : true
11:59 Shai : another set of 0’s
12:00 Shai : BNF on fire
12:00 Nidhi : The sell call is invalidated?
12:00 Azmath : Shai.. ICICI on fire, you had mentioned on monday
12:01 Shai : Ignore the sell below
12:01 Shai : +1- (12:00) Azmath : Shai.. ICICI on fire, you had mentioned on monday
12:02 Jitender : sbi lowers deposit tares by 10 & 30 bps
12:03 Uttam : (10:56) Uttam : 11200 / 11240 / 11270 & 11310 references on upside if auction can sustain above 11173
12:03 Uttam : (11:48) Uttam : fresh boom boom coming?
12:04 Uttam : NF stalling just below that FA of 11262
12:05 Jitender : 28240 ?
12:08 Jitender : Shai..refresh done
12:08 Jitender : nf COT has jumped
12:17 AmitN : Jit, what ur ref to go shrt? or are you already shrt?
12:17 Jitender : 442 m shrt with SL DH
12:18 Jitender : low quant
12:18 AmitN : ok thx
12:19 Uttam : BNF is in beast mode
12:19 Uttam : be careful with shorts guys
12:19 Jitender : sl hit
12:19 AmitN : yup
12:19 Uttam : 28580-590 ref in BNF
12:20 Uttam : 28552 is 2 IB
12:20 Jitender : typed here n algo killed it 🙂
12:20 AmitN : NF didnt make new high,
12:20 Uttam : NF compelted 2 IB long back
12:20 Uttam : BNF catching up
12:20 AmitN : yes, my apologies Jit.
12:20 Jitender : why Amit
12:21 Uttam : new highs in NF coming now look like
12:21 Jitender : pls dont say tat
12:21 Jitender : its part of tradn
12:22 AmitN : may be i jinxed it _/\_
12:23 AmitN : True…(12:21) Jitender : its part of tradn
12:23 Shai : short gets active below 11230 now only
12:24 Nidhi : sl?
12:24 Uttam : 11270 SL for shorts Shai if 11230 goes?
12:24 Shai : 11253 sl tgt 11206/ 11175
12:24 Jitender : no Amit..u didn’t 🙂
12:27 Shai : Intra – short BNF 28470- 490 sl of 27576 tgt 28300/ 28140
12:34 Shai : Book out BNF 28425 F
12:34 Shai : short does not look safe
12:35 Shai : 28626 may get attempted
12:35 Uttam : was about to ask you Shai if BNF can go for 28606 & 28755 today 🙂
12:36 Rajiv : Any ideas on the PC on Cabinet decision @ 2 today?
12:37 Shai : yes looks higher
12:37 Shai : errred in looking at short near 11207 – was a clean long there on the 0’s
12:37 Jitender : 380 line fr bnf
12:38 Shai : expecting a hold here in NF now
12:38 Shai : can do a DD
12:38 Uttam : dPOC in BNF at 28420 nhere
12:38 Shai : BNF one up to 28630 sl below 28300
12:41 Prakash : DD..??
12:43 Uttam : Double Distribution
12:50 Jitender : amit 27.9ce 587-511
12:50 Jitender : recvrd 🙂
12:51 AmitN : great, you are awesome man….
12:52 Uttam : boom boom 3?
12:53 Jitender : srry 541 nt 511
12:54 Uttam : NF 11270 almost here
12:54 Uttam : BNF 28580-590
12:54 Dr Prajwal null : what happens to that FA??
12:54 Uttam : we have a new FA today at 11114
12:54 Uttam : 1atr from there comes to 11310
12:55 Uttam : 11270 is the vpoc if Friday’s Trend Day down
12:55 Uttam : above that easy trip to that day’s vwap of 11320
12:56 Uttam : 24k red at top in BNF
12:57 Uttam : 11270 NF to the dot here
12:58 Jitender : +1
13:02 Dr Prajwal null : +1
13:06 Uttam : 28450 immd sup in BNF
13:07 Uttam : this guy pushing it down (12:56) Uttam : 24k red at top in BNF
13:08 Jitender : 27.2ce 386-331
13:10 Shai : +1
13:11 Shai : coming back to neutral again
13:11 Jitender : tx chief
13:12 Shai : 11230 big marker for rest of the day now
13:13 Shai : as long as that is in we should be up for even 11360 F tom
13:13 Shai : if 11230 breaks straight down to 11174- 11160
13:14 Jitender : ys a retest of 230 nf & 380 bnf wud b nice
13:17 Uttam : BNF also has a FA at lows today & 1 ATR comes to 28713
13:19 Dr Prajwal null : uttam your 70 gone
13:20 Dr Prajwal null : there is big buy at dvah??
13:21 Uttam : yes 84k green
13:22 Uttam : 10k in BNF
13:32 Uttam : NF completes 3IB
13:32 Uttam : plus we got a weekly FA too in it
13:32 Uttam : though needs to close above 11262
13:44 Uttam : J period ext handle coming?
13:45 Niraj : can we expect 28800 today
13:45 Uttam : this is my first objective – (13:17) Uttam : BNF also has a FA at lows today & 1 ATR comes to 28713
13:51 Prakash : Are Buyers getting exhausted??
13:53 Prudhvi : with COT like this, can we expect one more spike?
13:54 Uttam : yes sellers could be forced to cover
13:54 Uttam : boom
13:54 Uttam : (13:44) Uttam : J period ext handle coming?
13:54 Niraj : sir again strong negative delta
13:54 Niraj : pls clarify
13:55 Dr Prajwal null : boom
13:55 Niraj : stong move with strong negative delta
13:55 Niraj : is there any correlation
13:55 Shai : what’s there to clarify?
13:55 Shai : The market is not run by only intra day players
13:56 Shai : soermtimes longer time frame comes and sells and they can hold for more periods
13:56 Shai : (13:12) Shai : 11230 big marker for rest of the day now(13:13) Shai : as long as that is in we should be up for even 11360 F tom
13:59 Shai : best short entry for us will be enar 11360
13:59 Shai : let these others sell here
13:59 Shai : we will wait
14:00 Uttam : 186 to 222 & 240 BNF 28500ce
14:01 Uttam : though chart showing high of that CE as 237.75, 240 got executed
14:02 Shai : 28647- (12:38) Shai : BNF one up to 28630 sl below 28300
14:03 Uttam : +100
14:03 Uttam : (12:19) Uttam : BNF is in beast mode(12:19) Uttam : be careful with shorts guys
14:05 Mudita : Shai, 1:55 bnf candle has -50k COT and even neg delta but still it went up a lot.. how shd i read this candle?
14:06 Uttam : 37k red in that candle could be booking of that 37k buyer eearlier
14:06 Uttam : also we have 0s in it so could be Sls
14:07 Mudita : got it.. thnx Uttam
14:09 Niraj : sis ??
14:09 Niraj : wwhat sis means
14:09 Uttam : SL
14:09 Uttam : stoplosses
14:09 Niraj : ok
14:14 Uttam : 28715 coming?
14:14 Uttam : 28700 is weeklt POC also
14:21 Uttam : 32k red in BNF plus 0s at top
14:26 Jitender : 29.2ce 441-385
14:26 Jitender : bnf did 900 again
14:26 Jitender : points mve
14:26 Rajiv : JIt BNF up done for the day 14:26 Jitender : 29.2ce 441-385
14:27 Uttam : aakhri boom boom?
14:27 Jitender : 50-50 Rajiv
14:27 Jitender : Uttam wants continuous boom
14:27 Jitender : n u cant deny him
14:28 Jitender : on hindsight 460 was a gd place fr longs
14:28 Jitender : but fr me r/r was skewed to take longs
14:28 Jitender : so scalpn
14:28 Rajiv : Vo bhi ho giya!!1
14:29 Shai : too many 0’s today
14:29 Shai : not liquid
14:29 Uttam : NF for 1110-320
14:29 Uttam : 11310-320?
14:29 Shai : also reason for the COT negative
14:31 Uttam : Done (14:14) Uttam : 28715 coming?
14:31 Uttam : 28775 & 28830-850
14:32 Uttam : bot looks like done for the day
14:32 Uttam : but*
14:32 Uttam : unless we have a 2:45 spike coming
14:32 Jitender : tum kahan chodne wale
14:32 Uttam : _/\_
14:32 Jitender : 2.45 & 3.05 both 🙂
14:33 Uttam : signes were there early (12:19) Uttam : BNF is in beast mode
14:33 Jitender : yh…but i missed the run up
14:33 Uttam : (12:35) Uttam : was about to ask you Shai if BNF can go for 28606 & 28755 today 🙂
14:33 Jitender : just 1.46DT
14:34 Jitender : but chalo green to hai
14:34 Uttam : green MTM matters Jit 🙂
14:34 Uttam : cheers
14:34 Jitender : +1
14:37 Uttam : 28755 here guys 🙂
14:38 Niraj : sir 29000 seems possible
14:38 Uttam : (14:29) Uttam : NF for 1110-320(14:29) Uttam : 11310-320? high so far 11304.75
14:41 Uttam : 1.3L green at top in NF
14:41 Uttam : stop of shorts looks like?
14:42 Uttam : 11320 tag will be nice 🙂
14:44 Uttam : 11319.2 high in NF 🙂
14:44 Vijay : done uttam cheers
14:45 Uttam : cheers Vijay 🙂
14:45 Uttam : (14:31) Uttam : 28775 & 28830-850
14:45 Uttam : see how BNF behaves when in best mode
14:46 Niraj : 29 k possible sir ??
14:46 Uttam : Trend Day so can close at hgihs
14:46 Uttam : 11300ce from 30 to 44.7
14:47 Uttam : one last left for 60
14:47 Uttam : ka boom
14:47 Uttam : 2:45 spike is here
14:48 Yash : 11200ce 118, 😀
14:50 Yash : I wish I had trailing SL :p anyways good day over all,
14:50 Govind : Jit, something must be cooking for this sort of a move…10:17 Jitender : wats the desperation of theese guys to buy at theese lvls…r tey pre emptn a ST bottom ahead of results…..
14:51 Niraj : st ??
14:52 Uttam : short term
14:53 Uttam : NF going for Shai’s 11360 looks like?
14:53 Uttam : 11300ce OI coming down
14:56 Jitender : 28.5ce 385-436
14:56 Jitender : finally a long trade 🙂
14:57 Shai : there now – (13:12) Shai : 11230 big marker for rest of the day now(13:13) Shai : as long as that is in we should be up for even 11360 F tom
14:57 Jitender : Shai…expiry lvl fr morrow or range ?
14:58 Shai : range is 11230- 11460
14:58 Uttam : exited last lot of 1100ce at 55.5
14:58 Uttam : awesome day 🙂
14:58 Uttam : 11300ce*
14:59 Shai : +1
14:59 Shai : Cheers
14:59 Uttam : Cheers Shai 🙂
14:59 Jitender : congo Uttam
14:59 Uttam : thanks bro 🙂
15:00 Uttam : that CE can still tag 60
15:00 Uttam : Jit have something for 3.05 too?
15:08 Niraj : can we carry longs for tomorrow
15:14 Jitender : tx (14:58) Shai : range is 11230- 11460
15:17 Niraj : banknifty pls
15:18 Shai : for BNF one pullback is there in the auction tom till 28540
15:18 Dr Prajwal null : excess???
15:18 Shai : would prefer new longs there ratyher than carry
15:20 Niraj : ok sir
15:25 Mudita null : shai, is there something specific in OF that shows 28540 in auction tom? jus curious to know how did u get tht
15:26 Shai : yes the transistion zone is there for this last leg
15:26 Uttam : 11359.25 high in NF
15:26 Shai : should visit there
15:27 Uttam : (14:53) Uttam : NF going for Shai’s 11360 looks like?
15:27 Shai : +1
15:28 Mudita null : yes i see tht but why do u think there will be a pull back.. why not gap up ? jus tryin to understand how u read markets
15:28 Shai : Guys sign up for the workshop- we will talk about all these things in the confort of an AC hall and can speak on length on how to hit these objectives cleanly
15:28 Shai : https://vtrender.com/trade-like-a-pro/
15:28 Shai : text chat does not help much
15:28 Shai : open session will clear
15:29 Uttam : +1000 (15:28) Shai : Guys sign up for the workshop- we will talk about all these things in the confort of an AC hall and can speak on length on how to hit these objectives cleanly
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Uttam : 58 hgih (15:00) Uttam : that CE can still tag 60
15:29 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29 Bhavani : Sure will do ..! Saw the mail today ..!
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:30 Shai : This right there – (13:12) Shai : 11230 big marker for rest of the day now(13:13) Shai : as long as that is in we should be up for even 11360 F tom
15:30 Bhavani : Something is known to the insiders.. we might know only tomorrow ar after
15:31 Vijay : bye all