The Performance record
We work out of a number of strategies in the Vtrender Trading Room. Yes we do not limit ourselves to one or two, as the markets are not the same everyday and we need to adapt to what the market is doing.
All these strategies are described in the Training Library and the 12 video lessons running over 10 hours are designed to make sure you complete the transition from a retail trader to a Pro trader who trades the market for what it is.
We compared our performance against the Nifty to see how good we went .
we managed to beat the % move of the Nifty, by 3 X yet again.
So the way we calculate is to measure the net move of the month in the Nifty which was 6.5% lower in Sept. The plus or the minus does not matter to us as we have strategies which work in Up, Down and sideways markets.
So for the 6.5% move done in the Nifty we managed to return 3 X of that which is 22.8% for the month.
Listed above is the Nifty expiry to expiry performance. As can be seen the highest returns are in April at 14.1% and the worst returns for the Nifty are 25.7% down in March
The Vtrender Trading Room strategies on the other hand are designed to be steady across all kinds of markets.
To the right on the histogram in blue, you can see how our strategies performed in March when the market was going down sharply and in April also when the market was up sharply.
The blue histogram on the right shows , no matter what the market environment is whether it is Up, Down or sideways, the Vtrender Trading Room strategies are designed to set you on the right track irrespective of what the market is doing.
The reason – Volumes Lead Price.
and we are at the forefront of all the Volume analysis done in this country today.
To know more about these strategies go to –
The training library is offered completely free to all new Vtrender Trading Room members. It has 12 videos running over 10 hours and 10 different strategies of the kind, professionals of the market employ.
The Vtrender Trading room membership starts at INR 16949+ GST.
We recommend the quarterly plan , as it gives you a big enough window to know the difference Market Profile and Orderflow can do to your trading account in up, down and sideways markets.
Join now at –