A good trader is a one who can make money consistently over a longer period of time. But how to become one such trader, who can make money in any type of market condition? A good trader keeps a close watch on the current information of the market and assesses it for change against previous information. You see current information through an Order Flow chart.
Order Flow can show how a collection of market participates has acted in the past and this helps to create profit by knowing if these traders are profitable or caught upside down.
Room Chat
08:39 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/584615621
08:40 Vtrender Live : 5 min NF charts – https://join.me/118-667-974
08:41 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts – https://zoom.us/j/8647754156?pwd=YWwwYUhJWmJsWmJ4T09BelZUcnBPQT09
08:42 Amit : gm all
08:55 Rajeshwarrao : GM
08:58 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
08:59 Uttam : https://vtrender.com/weekly-charts-18th-to-22nd-january-2021-and-market-profile-analysis/
08:59 Uttam : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-22nd-january-2021/
09:08 Shai : Gm all
09:08 Rajesh G : gm all
09:08 Shai : Hope everyone is fresh and looking forward to what should be an eventfull week
09:08 Ravi : gm all
09:09 Shai : shortened plays with a holiday and expiry and monthe nd moves
09:09 Kailash : GM All
09:09 Shai : 14495 is our first ref line for the open along with the FA at 14625 which the bears want to hold
09:10 Sumit : Gm all
09:10 Shai : 14190 lower ref zone
09:10 Shai : we keep a watch ar 14490 zone for the open today
09:10 Shai : BNF 31650 ref line
09:11 Shai : Auction has small supp at 31150
09:11 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:11 Shai : 32200 zone is now huge supply
09:13 Raveendra Narayanswamy : gm all
09:15 Chandrashekhar : GM all
09:15 Ankush Jain : RIL down at open
09:20 Viswas : hdfc twins holding breathe
09:22 Aman Singhania : gm all wats d ref
09:23 Aman Singhania : cnt check d prev chat on mobile
09:23 Prashant : Shai : (09:08) Shai : Hope everyone is fresh and looking forward to what should be an eventfull week(09:09) Shai : shortened plays with a holiday and expiry and monthe nd moves(09:09) Shai : 14495 is our first ref line for the open along with the FA at 14625 which the bears want to hold(09:10) Shai : 14190 lower ref zone(09:10) Shai : we keep a watch ar 14490 zone for the open today(09:10) Shai : BNF 31650 ref line(09:11) Shai : Auction has small supp at 31150(09:11) Shai : 32200 zone is now huge supply
09:24 Aman Singhania : thank u
09:24 Shai : can expect 14415 here sl abv 14507
09:24 Shai : looking for a better RR
09:24 Shai : 11400 pe supp at 75 should do 130 plus on that view
09:24 Shai : 14400** PE
09:25 Shai : we will trigger on a red band
09:30 Himanshu : GM all
09:32 Chandrashekhar : 380 doable on this reds Shai??
09:32 Shai : Buy 14400 pe near 100 sl of 80 tgt 130/ 146 don’t chase buy near 100
09:33 Shai : red band here for the view given
09:34 Uttam : 14430 needs to go
09:34 Uttam : dPOC of Friday
09:34 Tejpreet : Shai views on vix , looking for BO above 25 ?
09:35 Shai : 26 shoukd hold I think
09:35 Shai : OTM CE’s are melting
09:35 Tejpreet : tks chief
09:36 Ankush Jain : yes
09:36 Shai : 14415- (09:24) Shai : can expect 14415 here sl abv 14507
09:36 Tejpreet : +1 Shai
09:36 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai
09:36 Surya ganti : wow!
09:36 Ankush Jain : 14500 ce 102-80
09:37 Surya ganti : can change tsl to entry shai?
09:37 Chandrashekhar : NF objective Shai?
09:38 Uttam : 14500pe from 148-168 50% out
09:38 Shai : 12390/ 14375
09:38 Shai : if in the 14300 pe book some here 119 sl at 102 on rest
09:39 Chandrashekhar : 130 here in the PE
09:39 Chandrashekhar : 10 points in a jiffy
09:39 Tejpreet : ORR from our reference of 495
09:39 Uttam : rest booked at 186
09:39 Shai : +1
09:39 Uttam : doom doom
09:39 Surya ganti : booked all at 146
09:39 Chandrashekhar : SUper opening for the week Shai…
09:40 Surya ganti : great way to begin the morning/week xD
09:40 Anand : that was fast
09:41 Chandrashekhar : below Uttam’s 430 ref went like a slider
09:41 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam
09:41 Tejpreet : guys trail some IS still coming in
09:41 Surya ganti : 175!
09:41 Shai : wtf mode
09:42 K2dt : doomsday!
09:42 Uttam : 14291 is that 2ATR from FA
09:42 Chandrashekhar : yep…should have trailed some
09:42 Surya ganti : yeah. should have 🙁
09:42 Shai : wheels came off
09:42 Shai : ORR it is
09:42 Viswas : any news?
09:42 Uttam : vPOC of 14310 tagged in NF
09:43 Uttam : BNF rejected from Fridays TRend Day vwap of 31562
09:43 Shai : 14305 may hold
09:43 Shai : reduce some’
09:43 Uttam : +1 14310 was the VPOC of last monrday
09:44 Ankush Jain : 14500 ce 102-52, booked 50%
09:44 Tejpreet : DT done in A .
09:44 Shai : gone
09:44 Shai : 14230 next
09:45 Uttam : 14291 2 atr done
09:45 K2dt : war news or wat!
09:45 Ankush Jain : yes T
09:45 Shai : 12k vol in that bgar
09:45 Shai : BIG
09:45 K2dt : chief joinme adjust pl
09:47 Shai : Buy that PE abv 195 sl of 170 tgt 257
09:47 Shai : 13230 doable
09:47 Shai : 14230**
09:47 Prashant : pl adjust charts
09:48 Chandrashekhar : that PE writers are covering ..and its running like a wild horse
09:49 Shai : exit
09:49 Shai : we come back again
09:49 Rajan Modi : thanks Shai _/\_ – what a morning!
09:50 Ravi : last monday low defended for now
09:50 Amit : +1
09:50 Shai : 14415 is where the big seller is
09:51 Shai : will be the levels to sel;l again
09:51 Tejpreet : 10k plus volume bars coming up in a flash……loks like budget inventory being set today.
09:55 Shai : Cannot even say her papers leaked :). She does not have any 🙂
09:55 Sumeet : lol
09:55 Surya ganti : lol
09:55 Tejpreet : 🙂
09:55 Prashant : lol
09:55 Sumeet : from bahi khaata to mobile app !
09:55 Amit : virtual tax
09:56 Sumeet : twitter profit tax coming
09:56 Shai : lol
09:56 Ankush Jain : that will be awesome
09:57 Ankush Jain : other day big guy short in ce & ce expiring at 5p but screenshot saying loss
09:59 Ankush Jain : so quite a bit screenshots (twitter) are photoshopped
10:00 Shai : IB is largish
10:00 Shai : we have to choose points and trade
10:01 Viswas : huge ib chief
10:02 Shai : 14300 pe watch at 73 for buyers
10:03 KK null : far otm falling nicely
10:04 Viswas : BNF 1% down now again up
10:04 Shai : laate shorts butchereed
10:04 Shai : 14315 ref
10:04 KK null : 30400 PE from 120 to 60
10:05 Shai : 14415**
10:05 Sumeet : all pvt banks giving rear guard action
10:05 Jitender : congo all
10:06 Tejpreet : Jit high vix gives a different high !!
10:06 Jitender : grt start to week…got 3x ..2 trades..1 dwn n 1 up….
10:06 Jitender : agree Tej…give me such days or OAIR 🙂
10:06 Tejpreet : +1
10:07 Tejpreet : congrats to all morning greens.
10:07 Viswas : 14300pe traded near 73 chief
10:07 Jitender : Tej..chck vix…drive tere 🙂
10:07 Shai : Buy 14300 pe at 83- 85 zone sl of 70 tgt 130.
10:07 Shai : what’s the low?- (10:02) Shai : 14300 pe watch at 73 for buyers
10:08 Raghav : 14300 at 94
10:08 Subhadeep : I got at 74.5
10:08 Raghav : good
10:08 Subhadeep : did not see in the charts, but my buy order got executed
10:08 Shai : +1
10:09 Aditya09 : i got at 77
10:09 Shai : 14402.45 on that pull back- (09:50) Shai : 14415 is where the big seller is
10:09 Jitender : book sum Shubhadeep..carry rest
10:09 Subhadeep : Ok, thanks!
10:09 Shai : hold
10:09 Shai : be quick
10:11 Ankush Jain : in at 86
10:12 Jitender : 4 sessions (incl 2day) fr budget…we have gt a trailer of volatility…m reducn my vols and my Sl will be in system
10:12 Jitender : time to preserve my capitakl
10:13 Jitender : capital
10:13 Tejpreet : plus buy lvlv orders also in system as will not get entries.
10:14 Tejpreet : let’s go and C that 415 guy.
10:15 Shai : +1- (10:12) Jitender : 4 sessions (incl 2day) fr budget…we have gt a trailer of volatility…m reducn my vols and my Sl will be in system
10:18 Shai : exit that PE is 72 goes
10:18 Shai : very moving auctioon still
10:18 Shai : speedo 185
10:19 Shai : we don’t wnat to be a prisoner in this market
10:19 Tejpreet : handing over all ce to 415 guy, nil now.
10:19 Shai : There are plenty of other opps
10:22 Sumeet : faced rough weather exactly at 14415
10:22 Jitender : hope u gt some benefit (10:09) Jitender : book sum Shubhadeep..carry rest
10:23 Subhadeep : Yes, Jitender… otherwise would have lost it all 🙂
10:23 Subhadeep : Thank you!
10:23 Jitender : lesson i learnt is wenever u get lucky..always bank that luck !!
10:23 Jitender : wc S
10:23 Raghav : booked -11 points in 14300 pe
10:23 Jitender : and another imp lesson…always err on the side of caution
10:25 Shai : -9
10:25 Shai : they are playing gakes with us
10:25 Surya ganti : xD
10:25 Shai : I’m still in that PE
10:25 Shai : hokldiunf 72
10:25 Anand : but 14415 resistence seems to be holding Shai
10:25 Ankush Jain : holding very small qty with 70 SL
10:26 Surya ganti : exited at 75
10:26 Shai : games*
10:26 Shai : -9 to 0
10:27 Shai : 14330 can come here
10:27 Shai : In C
10:27 Uttam : dhoka period
10:28 Jitender : 540 PBH so far
10:28 Jitender : (10:28) Jitender : 10:02 Jitender : no shrts abv 250 10:02 Jitender : abv 550 SC
10:29 Shai : Make exits in 14300 pe
10:29 Jitender : breached 🙂
10:29 Ankush Jain : exited
10:29 Uttam : 14430 again needs to be taken out
10:29 Uttam : 14460 series vpoc can come
10:29 Shai : will forece a SC now
10:30 Jitender : see th effect abv 550 🙂 (10:28) Jitender : (10:28) Jitender : 10:02 Jitender : no shrts abv 250 10:02 Jitender : abv 550 SC
10:30 Shai : +1
10:31 Jitender : 31.9ce from high of 220 odd went dwn to 92 n now new highs …tv guys are confused…asking ‘kya ho raha hai’
10:31 K2dt : 🙂
10:32 Muralidhar : is it possible to reach 14625 FA in NF today?
10:33 Shai : won’t be a one sided auction as we have seen so far
10:34 Shai : trdae to youe plan guys but be quick
10:35 Tejpreet : Uttam 2ATR done from 625 FA ?
10:36 Uttam : yes Tej 14291 it was
10:36 Tejpreet : got it 291
10:37 Tejpreet : tks
10:37 Muralidhar : @uttam, how to calculate ATR ? is there any formula?
10:38 Uttam : ATR of 5 days & 14 days given in MPLite
10:38 Uttam : I use simple range per day average of last 15 days
10:38 Muralidhar : Thanks
10:40 Tejaswini : @Shai do we play for SC?
10:42 Shai : no
10:43 Uttam : BNF making a typical C side extension
10:44 Surya ganti : 14300 doing your call now chief
10:44 Surya ganti : 92
10:44 Viswas : 14300pe can hold for 14330 shai?
10:45 Shai : book near 106
10:51 Himanshu : Chief – MP Lite is not updating stil showing A period
10:51 Himanshu : is it issue at my end or ?
10:51 Sanjib : same issue here, H
10:53 Ankush Jain : its ok with me
10:54 Himanshu : Are you using any otehr broweser
10:54 Ankush Jain : safari
10:54 Ankush Jain : and with mobile data now
10:55 Subhadeep : Breaking: Reports of clashes between Indian-Chinese soldiers in Naku La along LAC. Many Chinese soldiers injured. More details incoming
10:55 Shai : It’s updating fine
10:56 Himanshu : Ok now selected banknifty
10:56 Himanshu : if we select Banknifty 28Jan – is not updating post A
10:57 Shai : can you take a screen shot and send to Suyog
10:57 Shai : There are issues with certain ID’s and instruments and we are planning an entire overhaul soon
10:57 Jitender : tx S..(10:55) Subhadeep : Breaking: Reports of clashes between Indian-Chinese soldiers in Naku La along LAC. Many Chinese soldiers injured. More details incoming
10:58 Jitender : wats the source ?
10:58 Shai : That one happened Friday
10:58 Shai : Anything new?
10:58 Subhadeep : some Twiter handle
10:58 Jitender : tats y was wondern
10:58 Subhadeep : Okk.. I did not knew
10:58 Anand : yes.. its late last week
10:58 Anand : & injuries on both sides
10:59 Surya ganti : this is new incident.. reports by shiv aroor and other handles
11:00 Jitender : he tweeted now..and says incident of 3 days back
11:00 K2dt : lol
11:00 K2dt : he had puts Jit
11:00 K2dt : so
11:01 Jitender : 🙂
11:12 Himanshu : Ok Chief
11:13 Uttam : BNF wants new highs looks like
11:13 Favas : ug ref?
11:16 Jitender : bnf dwn 150 bps in 3 mins
11:16 Jitender : 🙂
11:18 Uttam : D & E making similar high in BNF
11:18 Uttam : C side selling tail still standing out
11:22 Uttam : and vwap once again being defended in BNF
11:22 Uttam : needs to get below vwap
11:22 Uttam : NF forming a nice balance
11:25 Sumeet : whippy moves though…
11:26 Rajan Modi : look at vols in green vs red candles
11:31 Shai : 14415 whipsawed oince
11:31 Shai : but holding
11:32 Shai : 14415- 14280 zone of trade
11:32 Shai : should not break IB today
11:32 K2dt : on the upside u mean chief? not possible?
11:33 Shai : 3-1-3 in making
11:33 Shai : 14260- 14500
11:33 K2dt : +1
11:44 Tejaswini : 0’s in nf and bnf
11:46 Viswas : 14300 book or trail shai?
11:46 Shai : has to break 14330 for a 60 point short to 14270
11:47 Shai : book- (11:46) Viswas : 14300 book or trail shai?
11:47 Shai : maintain 14415- 14330- 14270 for now with sell side bias heavier near 14400
11:47 Tejaswini : 1400 reds in BNF below vwap. Stops?
11:49 MJ : Chief: can sell the range? 14200-14600? tomo being a holiday?
11:49 Viswas : thanks shai 14300pe 72 to 100
11:50 Jitender : wait MJ till 1
11:50 Jitender : better r/r
11:51 MJ : Okay done Jit. thanks.
11:53 Ravi : another india china soldier clash?
11:53 Shai : +1- (11:50) Jitender : wait MJ till 1
11:54 Shai : yes range selling worlks better after 1 pm
11:59 Jitender : took a nf trade after quite sum time…14.4pe at 113.55 at 10.55am booked 154.6
11:59 Jitender : #satisfyn
11:59 MJ : +1 jit cheers
12:00 KK : back from 330
12:00 Swapnil : 330 holding
12:00 KK : chalo 415
12:00 Jitender : tx man..majorly done fr today..:)
12:00 MJ : those 200 331 in nf wants it to take higher?
12:01 Viswas : looks like mj
12:03 Himanshu : Srs made their DT today already .. now JJC will make it
12:03 MJ : Himanshu hi mate.
12:03 MJ : What are you writing?
12:04 Himanshu : MJ – You are too busy .. hope not under forensic Audit by ???
12:04 MJ : Lol 🙂
12:04 MJ : Silently watching and trading.
12:04 Himanshu : Me – am waiting for faliure candles – 2 trades done and one overnight high reisk 31500 PE written – coverd in first tick in mornng
12:04 Himanshu : now Yawing
12:04 Himanshu : Yawning
12:05 MJ : Nice.
12:06 MJ : Market also waiting for G?
12:06 MJ : home some vols kick in.
12:06 MJ : hope*
12:07 Sanjib : there you go, MJ
12:07 MJ : 🙂
12:07 Himanshu : Volume is high overall so
12:07 Jitender : timing of bookn 🙂 132 now (11:59) Jitender : took a nf trade after quite sum time…14.4pe at 113.55 at 10.55am booked 154.6
12:08 Himanshu : Rollovers are early today think so . cause – Unlike Congi Raj – budget is more confedential ..
12:08 MJ : Yes Sanjib 🙂 got small scalp.
12:08 Jitender : low expectation H
12:08 Sanjib : Cheers MJ
12:08 Himanshu : Yes – Budget will be around Virus and Vaccine
12:09 K2dt : Yes Jit..dont think the govt has that kind of money to make ppl happy
12:09 Sanjib : 0s in BNF near VWAP
12:09 MJ : Too much decorated news around budget has been there.
12:09 Amit : MJ done it…
12:09 MJ : 100 years lora garlic etc etc.
12:12 Prashant : hahahaha
12:13 K2dt : lol MJ 😀
12:17 MJ : bnf needs to move above/below those 0’s
12:33 MJ : nf move ya!
12:33 MJ : get A highs.
12:33 MJ : C high also is fine.
12:41 MJ : Another 0 print bar.
12:41 MJ : bnf.
12:43 MJ : volex in both in this bar.
12:43 Tejaswini : 900 greens on that BNF bar at 31512
12:43 MJ : yes and 322 on nf top.
12:44 MJ : need to watch them.
12:47 Tejaswini : BNF profile filling yesterdays H sigles
12:47 MJ : 322 wale bhai ji. dugmug hogaye!
12:48 Shai : Anyone got that 14300 pe again at 74?
12:48 Shai : is holding 73
12:48 Surya ganti : nope
12:48 Jitender : 14.4pe again at 113.7
12:48 Raghav : nope
12:48 Tejaswini : nope
12:49 MJ : 14250 pe 60 @shai.
12:49 Tejaswini : should we get in now Shai?
12:49 Shai : 75- 105 range in that PE
12:49 Raghav : 322 buyer stucked in 12:40 candle?
12:49 MJ : Yes Raghav.
12:54 Tejaswini : stops for the PE @Shai?
12:55 Shai : same 72
12:55 Shai : don;t buy yet
12:55 Shai : wait for a RS
12:57 Shai : buy at 78 sl of 71 tgt 92
12:57 Shai : 14300 pe
12:58 Surya ganti : in
13:00 Tejaswini : in
13:01 Shai : book half 84
13:01 Shai : sl at 77 now
13:02 Shai : vwaps goes we get 14345 to book
13:04 Shai : exit
13:06 Shai : market has gone from machine gun mode to sniper mode
13:06 Shai : still with the bears though below 14415
13:07 Shai : looking now for selling below vwap and that 14340
13:12 KK : CEs not rising
13:19 Tejpreet : 415 and 30 in a flash
13:19 Jitender : 470 buyr in bnf…lets c
13:20 Jitender : *algo
13:20 KK : reentry in that 300 PE
13:25 Tejaswini : BNF DPOC being protected
13:27 MJ : Jit got nice bnf scalp. thanks for 470 alert.
13:27 Tejpreet : bn 150 up from Jit’s algo
13:28 Tejaswini : +1
13:29 Favas : +1jit
13:29 Favas : jit ur ref?both side
13:29 Tejaswini : SC possible in BNF?
13:30 Jitender : 550 n 700 Favas
13:30 Jitender : grt MJ
13:31 Favas : so below 550 you stillexpect downside?
13:31 Tejaswini : thanks Jit
13:32 Sanjib : UG is quiet today; probably counting the morning dollars 🙂
13:33 Viswas : below vwap 345 active shai?
13:34 Uttam : balanced profile in both & 80% hapening
13:34 Uttam : VAH to dPOC tagged in NF & below dPOC we can go to VAL
13:34 Uttam : vwap holding for now
13:35 Uttam : RB with 0s in thia bar for now but still has 3min mores left
13:35 MJ : 2 chops from 415.
13:35 MJ : lets see if it climbs back?
13:35 Uttam : lol 🙂 – (13:32) Sanjib : UG is quiet today; probably counting the morning dollars 🙂
13:36 MJ : Kind of day where we might have dpoc/vwap aligned at eod. (profile structure wise)
13:36 MJ : And close at dpoc too.
13:37 MJ : unless K wants to do something.
13:37 K2dt : madam lagarde will start speaking from 1415 onwards so 🙂
13:38 Shai : 14340 zone at watcgh
13:38 Shai : 14415 seller is palying full
13:38 MJ : Yes chief.
13:40 Shai : entere back 14300 pe sl ay 67
13:40 Jitender : +1
13:40 MJ : in
13:40 Shai : tgt 94++
13:41 Shai : 81 trail
13:43 MJ : pdl minor mech ref?
13:43 Shai : 84 trail
13:43 Tejpreet : I almost does the full dvah dval move.
13:44 Shai : 86 trail
13:44 Shai : will do 108 if 94 crossed
13:45 Jitender : booked 135 (12:48) Jitender : 14.4pe again at 113.7
13:45 Tejpreet : Jit Kotak numbers out
13:45 Jitender : small quant 14.3pe
13:45 Jitender : yes Tej
13:45 Sumeet : profit lowish, npa etc normal… kotak
13:45 Shai : booked
13:46 Tejpreet : tks Sumeet and Jit
13:46 Shai : 93.2 it did- (13:40) Shai : tgt 94++
13:46 Jitender : grt
13:46 Tejpreet : +1
13:46 Jitender : m also out
13:46 Shai : next legf abv 95
13:46 Jitender : 4.4x thru…good day
13:46 Shai : +1 Congrats
13:46 K2dt : +1 Jit congo
13:46 Jitender : _/\_
13:46 Shai : holiday tom- we could have a move also
13:47 Shai : stay alive everyone
13:47 Tejpreet : congrats Jit.
13:47 Jitender : tx bro
13:47 Jitender : congo to u also
13:47 Shai : short again if 14340 goes sl abv 14362 tgt 14270
13:51 Shai : within still- (13:38) Shai : 14340 zone at watcgh(13:38) Shai : 14415 seller is palying full
13:55 Viswas : global melting
13:56 Jitender : done fr the day guys…shuttn shop …tc n Happy Republic Day to everyone 🙂
13:57 Prashant : cheers @ jit
13:58 Shai : tc Jit. Happy republic day
13:58 Jitender : tx P & chief +1
13:59 Raghav : sir +1 means ?
14:00 Prashant : agree/well done/sahi..
14:00 Shai : can hit 14515 once
14:00 Shai : 14415**
14:01 Raghav : thanks prashant
14:01 Viswas : exit short ?
14:01 Shai : short closed at 88
14:02 Uttam : 14348?
14:03 Surya ganti : below 340
14:03 Shai : short
14:05 Tejaswini : for 270?
14:05 Shai : 87 sl in 14300 pe
14:06 Shai : 14263 in NF
14:06 Shai : 14363
14:07 Shai : 108 book half
14:07 Tejpreet : amazing speed +1
14:08 Uttam : can trail SL to 92 in that 14300pe Shai?
14:09 Shai : 14340 trail
14:09 Uttam : K period to get new lows?
14:09 Shai : yes
14:10 Shai : reduce
14:10 Shai : new sell signal had 0’s
14:10 Shai : everyone should take
14:10 Surya ganti : 50% out at 110
14:12 Shai : sl at 103 in 14300 pe
14:12 Tejaswini : taken
14:12 Surya ganti : yep
14:13 Swapnil : good one Shai
14:13 Shai : exit
14:13 Tejaswini : did 290 though. Amazing Shai. Take a bow
14:13 Uttam : BNF stalling at yPOC of 31200
14:14 Shai : 14360 new supply – one last round for 14260/ 240
14:14 Rajesh G : sl 14340?
14:15 Shai : 14360 better as Volatility is high
14:19 Rajesh G : thanks shai
14:20 Shai : 99 in – 14300 pe sl of 83 tgt 135
14:21 Tejaswini : lets go
14:21 Shai : 113
14:22 Shai : reduce some
14:22 Tejpreet : timing again looks like every one punching huge orders at VT 🙂
14:22 Shai : sl at 95 now
14:23 Shai : one more sell
14:23 Surya ganti : 50% booked.. NF profit booked
14:23 Uttam : (14:09) Uttam : K period to get new lows?
14:23 Shai : some more red
14:23 Uttam : where are the new lows?
14:23 Anand : incoming !!!
14:24 Shai : 107 trail
14:25 Shai : Book out guys
14:25 Shai : NF also
14:25 Surya ganti : done
14:26 Tejaswini : done
14:26 Uttam : who will get the new lows first?
14:26 Uttam : NF or BNF
14:29 Ankush Jain : IBL will be challenged?
14:29 Tejpreet : Kotak wants bn to win 🙂
14:29 Uttam : je baat
14:29 Uttam : NF does it first
14:29 Ankush Jain : 2 IB aayega 🙂
14:29 Uttam : time there for 14222
14:30 Aditya09 : 4 dt done thanks shai and team vt
14:31 Uttam : 14310 needs to hold in NF
14:31 Uttam : else 45 deg could come
14:31 Shai : congrats all
14:31 Shai : good day to trade
14:32 Surya ganti : thank you 🙂
14:32 Ankush Jain : yes
14:32 Rajan Modi : thanks Shai _/\_ ; credit goes to u and OF
14:32 Devkant Swargiary : thanks Shai
14:32 Shai : mentioned to exit as that PE was not behaving at 117
14:32 Uttam : +1 Shai
14:32 Shai : Cheers
14:32 Uttam : congo All and cheers 🙂
14:32 Sanjiv : +100
14:32 Shai : we have the system + the formula. Upto us to capitalise 🙂
14:32 Shai : I’m happy all of you are doing it right
14:33 Sanjiv : thanks for showing us the way Shai
14:33 Shai : this guy changed it again – (14:14) Shai : 14360 new supply – one last round for 14260/ 240
14:33 Sumeet : +1000
14:34 Uttam : time for BNF to get the new lows in?
14:35 Ankush Jain : so NeuX zone has been accepted today?
14:35 Uttam : that RB at 31020 holding for now
14:35 Shai : 14510 and that FA is the proper ref – (14:35) Ankush Jain: so NeuX zone has been accepted today?
14:35 Sumeet : 31k pe writers must be sweating..
14:36 Shai : market with sellers
14:36 Shai : idea was to wait today and short strength – hence I mentioned short near 14415. Gates opened when 14340 gave way
14:36 Shai : hope no one got trappned in long CE’s
14:37 Shai : Open gave first clues – (09:10) Shai : we keep a watch ar 14490 zone for the open today(
14:37 Prashant : any more short for today?
14:37 Shai : no done
14:37 Prashant : ok thanks.
14:39 Shai : 14190 spot easily doable from today’s profile now
14:39 Shai : havwe to short the next rise to 14400
14:40 Raghav : Shai.. You told that 14415 ll be level for short becoz of heavy seller.. how did u get to know that..
14:40 Raghav : sorry for such a basic question. I am just understanding market profile
14:43 Shai : orderflow live you have to watch
14:44 Shai : Ame I mentioned for 14360
14:44 Shai : that bar still viisisble – see the 0’s
14:44 Raghav : i have checked but no big quantity traded at 14415
14:45 Shai : some times they mask through 0’s
14:45 Shai : you wonlt get execution at 1 level- it’s called iceberg but fill is different and spread
14:45 Shai : hence the 0’s
14:46 Raghav : ok thanks. have only watched first 7 lessons. Still to reach at OF. Thanks
14:46 Shai : days of watching orderflow and knowing a big seller and buyer at 1 level are over. Now we have more refined strategies cos they have become smarter and mask their orders
14:47 Raghav : ll to be taking a webinar on this?
14:48 Shai : But however smart they get, that can’t hide from us :).. What do you say guys?
14:48 Raghav : ll you be **
14:48 Tejaswini : +100 Shai
14:48 Raveendra Narayanswamy : +100
14:48 Raghav : haha..I have seen how smart you can be..+1 Shai
14:48 Tejaswini : 45 degree possible or less likely today?
14:48 Anand : +1 Shai… will defintely need that webinar to learn from you on that
14:49 Shai : Spend time in the training library guys . there are more advanced concepts but you have to have a base first to learn all that
14:49 Ankush Jain : +1
14:49 Ankush Jain : Tomorrow holiday can be utilised best
14:50 Shai : Please do
14:50 Raghav : agree. . have to study..OF is very new to me
14:50 Rohit : Shai, you would be looking at Bookmap, Jigsaw Daytradr closely. Any plans of implementing them ?
14:51 Shai : I’m not traying to sound smart guys, but I do have extensive viewing experience on this Orderflow and I begun with all that has been mentioned in the Training Libraray
14:51 KK : time for premium erosion
14:51 Shai : That is basic – once you build a foundation there, we go higher
14:52 Shai : have looked – not needed here – we have everything – (14:50) Rohit : Shai, you would be looking at Bookmap, Jigsaw Daytradr closely. Any plans of implementing them ?
14:53 Rohit : Without doubt, we have a comprehensive system here !
14:56 Shai : Tom’s holiday is a bummer
14:56 Shai : market wa sbuilding nicley into budget day
14:56 Shai : As a result wednesday morning could be whacky
14:57 Ankush Jain : and its a monthly expiry upar se
14:59 Raghav : Shai.. I have one more question..I have seen that at an important place ..say POC(prominent) We have a very high traded quantity to Buy to break that level but most of the time the market moves in other direction.
14:59 Ankush Jain : almost matching lows for B,K,L
15:00 Ankush Jain : new lows for the day
15:02 Prashant : bnf doing nothing
15:03 Shai : orderflow trading is about looking at micro wrt big picture – (14:59) Raghav : Shai.. I have one more question..I have seen that at an important place ..say POC(prominent) We have a very high traded quantity to Buy to break that level but most of the time the market moves in other direction.
15:03 Shai : if you focus only on the last 2 to 3 mins you will get lost
15:04 Shai : cover orders 14260 again
15:05 Sumeet : now IT stocks are cracking
15:05 Prashant : infy dropping
15:06 Shai : hmm
15:06 Sumeet : someones hellbent on driving nf down
15:07 Uttam : (14:29) Uttam : time there for 14222
15:07 Ankush Jain : 3 back to back red days in NF after so many days
15:08 Ankush Jain : afetr 24th Sep
15:09 Uttam : 14242 – 20 MORE nf NEEDS IN 20 MINS
15:09 Uttam : sorry for caps
15:09 Tejaswini : what was that weird bar on BNF?
15:09 Tejaswini : RS bar
15:16 Tejpreet : time for some panic liqudation and 190 spot.
15:25 Viswas : premium taken out on both end in spike period
15:26 Tejpreet : Bye All…..have a nice break.
15:27 Shai : Take care everyone. Have a good evening
15:27 Shai : will see youy back wed
15:27 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening & HAppy Republic Day in advance