Timing is the key to successfully trade the markets in the shorter time frame. Order Flow is one of the most effective methods to time your trades by seeing exactly what the other traders are trading in the market and positioning your bias accordingly.
Order Flow is the most transparent way to trade and takes away the guesswork from decision making.
Room Chat
08:55 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/769165789
08:56 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts additional – https://join.me/694-413-017
08:57 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts – https://zoom.us/j/8647754156?pwd=YWwwYUhJWmJsWmJ4T09BelZUcnBPQT09
08:57 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
08:57 Uttam : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-28th-january-2021/
08:58 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:59 Chandrashekhar : @Uttam, GM…have a query
08:59 Uttam : sure C please go ahead
08:59 Chandrashekhar : the POC/Vwap ref you have provided on your daily report for NF
08:59 Chandrashekhar : is it for Spot? or future?
09:00 Uttam : monthly series one is for spot
09:00 Uttam : POC I am talking about & VWAP for the series is given by Shai
09:01 Rusi : Gm all
09:01 Ravi : gm all
09:01 Chandrashekhar : thanks..
09:02 Chandrashekhar : i was looking at the MP lite charts for monthly series and the info in that was quite different than the ones you have provided..so asked’
09:04 Shai : GM all
09:04 Amit : gm
09:04 Shai : New series begins today with a budget overhang on Monday
09:05 Ankush Jain : GM all
09:05 Shai : expect traders in action and nig money who take positions for weeks and months will stay on sidelines for 2 more days
09:05 Shai : Allow the new series to settle at open
09:05 Shai : 13990- 14010 is the ref line for the sellers
09:06 Shai : Ability to close below that today will keep them in
09:06 Shai : 14170 was the first of this week’s selelrs and is higher supply
09:06 Shai : for now supp was established at 13810 and will be the level the selelrs will try to break
09:07 Shai : BNF had an upper extension yesterday at clsoe and you all know whayt that means
09:07 Shai : 30540 to watch on upsides
09:07 Uttam : BN Spot has given a FA at lows yesterday
09:08 Sanjib : 1 ATR was done yesterday in BNF
09:08 Shai : +1
09:08 Raveendra Narayanswamy : gm all
09:12 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:15 Chandrashekhar : wow..speedo @ 800 for open..have we seen this anytime earier?
09:15 Uttam : it is taking Fen fut average
09:15 Uttam : Feb*
09:15 Chandrashekhar : ah ok…thanks Uttam
09:15 Shai : speedo relative to vol of feb contract not Jan
09:16 Porus : 694-413-017
09:16 Ankush Jain : better to watch volumes for 2-3 days?
09:18 Tejpreet : bn vol big for 1st 5 min bar
09:21 Shai : NF at higher supply
09:21 Himanshu : GM all
09:23 Amit : 1500red 1100 green 13940 break needed tto probe lower
09:23 Shai : Buy 13800 put at 158 sl of 124 tgt 202
09:25 Surya ganti : in
09:26 Amit : in small OAOR and above yH….
09:27 Shai : 13984- (09:05) Shai : 13990- 14010 is the ref line for the sellers
09:27 Shai : (09:21) Shai : NF at higher supply
09:27 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai
09:27 Shai : if 13910 breaks that PE booms
09:27 Ashwath : +1
09:29 Amit : tgt poc 202+1
09:29 Sumeet : boom
09:30 Surya ganti : 50% booked
09:31 Shai : 182 book half
09:31 Amit : done
09:31 Chandrashekhar : awesome trade to start the series Shai…booked @ 185
09:31 Ashwath : +1
09:32 Shai : 13945 is the second seller
09:32 Shai : we stay in below it
09:33 Tejaswini : destination?
09:33 Shai : shoukd get us 13840
09:33 Tejaswini : thanks
09:33 Abhishek : ZOOM
09:34 Abhishek : Shai +100
09:34 Sumeet : one Tasty Trade !
09:35 Shai : 197
09:35 Shai : sl at 179 now
09:35 Shai : stay in
09:35 K2dt : +1000
09:36 Shai : I spoke on the importance of doing Homework yesterday right?
09:36 Shai : This is mine – (09:05) Shai : 13990- 14010 is the ref line for the sellers
09:37 Tejpreet : +1
09:37 Shai : is the biggest edge for the morning trade
09:37 K2dt : one webinar on homework chief :))
09:37 Surya ganti : stopped
09:37 Tejaswini : +1000 Shai
09:38 Tejaswini : Chief Sl got whipped. Reenter?
09:38 Uttam : 13500pe from 78-96 50% out
09:38 Surya ganti : nice!
09:38 Tejpreet : 202 done and 50% daily work done
09:38 Tejpreet : +1 Uttam
09:38 Ashwath : Super Uttam
09:39 Chandrashekhar : all out @ 200
09:39 K2dt : congrats all
09:39 Chandrashekhar : super trade Shai
09:39 Rajesh G : no charts
09:39 Uttam : Shai had asked to keep an eye on that 13500pe 🙂
09:39 Abhishek : congrats all
09:39 Shai : Book full guys
09:39 Amit : yPOC at 13950 odd .. 75% work done
09:39 Tejpreet : Congrats morning greens
09:39 Ashwath : yes Uttam
09:40 Ashwath : Thanks Shai. super duper morning! 🙂
09:40 Shai : Cheers
09:40 Ravi : Thanks Shai
09:40 Surya ganti : played small qty.. but great start!
09:40 Subhadeep : Thanks for the lovely morning Shai!
09:40 Milind : Thanks Shai
09:41 Ravi : ORR?
09:41 Ashwath : now I just see ïnside”of the candle what Shai has thought yesterday.. 🙂
09:42 Subhadeep : Yes, me too
09:42 Amit : 13920 SL 0’s for shorts?
09:42 Subhadeep : Shai : Was the exit call becaus of the 811 and 496 in the buyer side?
09:42 Rajesh G : test
09:43 Amit : not to leave morning profits…in & out
09:43 Chandrashekhar : 202 was the tgt given in that PE …202 came there
09:43 Tejaswini : 1k reds in BNF
09:43 Amit : yPOC level yes
09:44 Tejaswini : @30550
09:45 Rajesh G : UG no charts in the room, or any problem at my end
09:45 Prashant null : charts there
09:45 Uttam : charts are fine Rajesh
09:45 Amit : small buying able to lift 9.45 hitting 13924/40?
09:46 Uttam : just refresh once Rajesh
09:47 KK : in BNF 486 was PDH ?
09:47 Uttam : yes
09:47 Uttam : 30858 spot is the 2atr target in BN
09:48 KK : this 768 exactly there
09:48 KK : stuck
09:48 Rahul : yepppp
09:48 Tejaswini : Global markets are absolutely melting
09:49 Rahul : bhai hai apna…lol
09:49 Amit : vwap test coming nf
09:50 Uttam : A & B similar lows in NF
09:50 Tejaswini : KK great eye
09:50 Uttam : NF is an ORR down unless it gets back above VEAP
09:50 Uttam : VWAP
09:51 Uttam : rejection as VWAP can bring 13840
09:51 Amit : +1
09:51 Uttam : at*
09:52 KK : sahi
09:53 Chandrashekhar : poor lows in NF…repair toh banta he
09:53 Chandrashekhar : right Uttam?
09:54 Shai : Buy 13800 pe again 187 sl of 157 tgt 217
09:54 KK : 29500 PE from 285 to 255 on that
09:55 Amit : C side poor low test
09:57 Shai : 200
09:57 KK : Shai, SL to cost ?
09:57 Tejpreet : 200 half out +1 SHai
09:57 Ankush Jain : +1
09:58 Surya ganti : missed the fill 🙁
09:58 Shai : 202 book half – sl at cost now
09:58 Amit : still poor clearance.
09:59 Amit : cleared now
09:59 Rajesh G : test
09:59 Shai : sl at 193 on rest
10:00 Shai : prem up 20 from close hence the variance
10:03 K2dt : come on nf..come to papa(840)
10:04 Rajan Modi : thanks again Shai _/\_
10:04 Shai : book for now\
10:04 Shai : _/\_- (10:04) Rajan Modi: thanks again Shai _/\_
10:05 Ankush Jain : what a beginning
10:06 Shai : 🙂
10:06 Shai : generally start of the series is slow. This has been good
10:07 Ankush Jain : NS syndrome
10:08 Shai : This is the 2nd seller of the day- (09:32) Shai : 13945 is the second seller
10:08 Shai : what do we wait for now per the BIAS rules we did yesterday?
10:08 K2dt : RE
10:08 Sanjib : RE
10:08 Amit : k2 red band running.. C side coming….down 840/10?
10:08 Tejpreet : RE
10:08 Shai : ++
10:09 Amit : or 13940 -13990 RE
10:09 Amit : ?
10:09 K2dt : tat rb spoiled it Amit.. a nice rejection at vwap wud be nice
10:09 Tejaswini : better RE comes in some other period than C
10:09 Uttam : that 13500pe getting rejected from yVWAP, above 103 new leg in it could start
10:12 Tejaswini : +1 UG
10:12 KK : bnf turn ?
10:12 Tejaswini : better to play OTM options today as VIX should hold?
10:14 Tanuj : considering the high premiums + budget, i expected the vix to be higher honestly
10:14 K2dt : honesty appreciated Tanuj 🙂
10:15 Tanuj : 🙂
10:17 Chandrashekhar : IB range has been bigger today..so RE would also give higher tgts i guess
10:19 Arjun : a new speedomoeter on VIX? or i am just seeing it now ?
10:20 Ankush Jain : It has been there for few days
10:20 Arjun : ok. thx.
10:21 Uttam : second rejection at vwap
10:21 Abhishek : RS IS at vwap
10:21 Uttam : C side coming?
10:22 KK : 80% possible in BNF ?
10:22 Abhishek : big buy at 945 level
10:22 Rusi : c side in
10:22 Rusi : BNF
10:22 Tejpreet : Vwap rejection sell signal quick 20 in 139k pe
10:22 Rusi : volume looks gud
10:22 Uttam : +1 Tej
10:22 Uttam : ORR holding its ground
10:23 Tejpreet : tks Uttam
10:23 Uttam : 13848 is yesterdays HVN
10:23 Chandrashekhar : c side here
10:23 Uttam : (10:21) Uttam : second rejection at vwap(10:21) Uttam : C side coming?
10:24 K2dt : 195-210 on that pe on vwap failure
10:24 Uttam : BNF singles till 30245
10:24 Uttam : (09:50) Uttam : NF is an ORR down unless it gets back above VEAP(09:51) Uttam : rejection as VWAP can bring 13840
10:25 K2dt : finally nf came to papa(840) :))
10:25 Amit : +1
10:25 Uttam : context
10:25 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam
10:25 Chandrashekhar : 98-214 on that PE for Vwap rejection
10:25 Uttam : 198-214 you mean 🙂
10:26 Chandrashekhar : yes 198 -214
10:26 Abhishek : can still do 234
10:26 Uttam : congo C
10:26 Chandrashekhar : wish i will some day ride for that big trades
10:26 Rohit : Got there ! Shai : Buy 13800 pe again 187 sl of 157 tgt 217
10:26 K2dt : sjud take a pause here A..
10:26 K2dt : congo C
10:26 Chandrashekhar : thanks all
10:27 Rahul : a small punt on long side
10:27 Abhishek : just touching white dash lines
10:29 Abhishek : 234 now
10:29 Tejpreet : why long side , c got volumes
10:29 Rohit : Ug target for 13500 PE ?
10:29 Chandrashekhar : 234 to the dot..(10:26) Abhishek : can still do 234
10:29 Chandrashekhar : +1 Abhishek
10:29 Rajan Modi : UG – that 13500 pe above 105
10:29 K2dt : fantastic A
10:29 Abhishek : _/\_
10:30 Shai : Buy 13800 pe again abv 226 sl of 201 tgt 264/ 289
10:31 Adnan : in?
10:31 Shai : A little more red here will getr 13810/ 136770
10:32 Rahul : watch bnf
10:33 Uttam : 114 imp level in that PE – ABOVE THAT CAN GO FOR 132+ – (10:29) Rohit : Ug target for 13500 PE ?
10:33 Shai : if not in stay out but abv only
10:33 Uttam : sorry for caps
10:34 Rahul : @tejpreet, bnf and levels, blue cot
10:35 Rajesh G : test
10:35 Uttam : you able to view charts now Rajesh?
10:35 Tejpreet : +1 Rahul
10:35 Ankush Jain : C usually has 8-9 lakh vols. today already 11.5 lkhs & 8 minutes still left
10:36 Ravi : +1 Ankush
10:36 Rahul : i was watching 13840 yesterday profile
10:36 Rajesh G : now ok, but my messages are appearing late here by two minutes
10:36 Rahul : Thanks Tej
10:38 Shai : NF needs reds here POC
10:40 Rajan Modi : Shai- we buy above 226?
10:40 Shai : 1 came
10:41 Shai : breal 840 some more should come
10:42 Ankush Jain : PE in
10:43 Surya ganti : in
10:43 Shai : nring sl at 213 in that tradee
10:43 Shai : borderlie
10:44 Uttam : BNF rejection at IBL
10:44 Shai : borderline still*
10:44 Sumeet : one small push
10:44 Shai : potential in the PE is at 270 – wwe stay 11 point risk worth it
10:45 Ashwath : D for Dhamaka?
10:46 Shai : 213 revised Sl- (10:30) Shai : Buy 13800 pe again abv 226 sl of 201 tgt 264/ 289
10:46 Ankush Jain : vol C> vol B
10:47 Rahul : watch bnf greens guys
10:47 Ankush Jain : 14 lakhs
10:47 Uttam : some greens in BNF
10:47 Abhishek : struggling since 15 mins now
10:48 Shai : yeah C has that 2 selling bands higher
10:48 Rahul : yepppppppp
10:48 Shai : exit
10:48 Ankush Jain : yes
10:49 Rahul : 13840 very well defended till now, thanks to bnf
10:49 Shai : indeed
10:49 Uttam : C side leaving a tail at lows in both
10:50 Rahul : thanks shai, not possible to read with your system…can thank you more _/\_
10:50 Rahul : *without your system
10:52 Rahul : *cant
10:56 Ravi : yet another VWAp rejection?
10:56 Uttam : that stuck red of 454 at 13840 exting looks like at 13875
10:57 Tejaswini : BNF absorbing supply at IBL? @UG?
10:58 Uttam : BNF has greens
10:58 Uttam : 30440 ref
11:00 Shai : shorts out for now on that inability to break through IBL + filter
11:00 Shai : D in
11:04 Rahul : finally vwap taken in bnf
11:04 Shai : +1
11:05 Shai : This is so gooood to see. Keep it coming !!!- (10:47) Rahul : watch bnf greens guys
11:05 Balaji : how many points is the filter
11:05 Shai : done 150 since
11:05 Rahul : thanks
11:05 Ankush Jain : DH rejection from day before PoC. DL rejection from yesterday PoC
11:05 Rahul : learning
11:06 Shai : my filter is uually 8 points NF , 17 in BNF- (11:05) Balaji : how many points is the filter
11:06 Shai : but went with POC as bigger ref area than IBL
11:08 Ankush Jain : NF in between 2 PoCs
11:12 Shai : top of that 10.15 – 10.20 bar is the 3rd wave of selling. Buyers responded in thos egreens at 10.30- 35 bars
11:13 Shai : buyers responded at 10.30- 35 bars
11:13 Ankush Jain : any short below that bar only?
11:13 Shai : next wave has to take them out
11:13 Shai : there was an attempt made but not enough reds were there
11:14 Shai : 13840- 13915 for now to monitor
11:15 Rajan Modi : Shai – for that 13500 PE , any levels to watch?
11:23 Muralidhar null : vix 25
11:24 Muralidhar null : vix25
11:25 Shai : supp at 59 tgt 157- (11:15) Rajan Modi: Shai – for that 13500 PE , any levels to watch?
11:26 Rajan Modi : thanks _/\_
11:26 Rajesh G : lot of greens above vwap in bnf,
11:27 Rahul : bnf ready ?
11:31 Prashant null : lots of greens but price not moving could also mean passive sellers ready for any demand.
11:36 Uttam : 13840 here in NF again
11:37 Uttam : BNF also here – (10:58) Uttam : 30440 ref
11:42 Ashwath : daya tod do ye darwaza 🙂
11:43 Vidhyasagar Lingesan : Bring it down UG..
11:43 Abhishek : 13800, D period -1.75 lacs
11:44 Amit : 755-785
11:44 Uttam : 13500pe from 106-114
11:45 Rahul : 381
11:45 Ashwath : Super
11:45 Uttam : stalling here
11:45 Uttam : above 114 that pe can give fresh move
11:45 Uttam : whilte line here also in NF
11:46 Abhishek : 250 coming that 13800
11:46 Uttam : needs to be effectively broken
11:46 Ashwath : I’ve buy above order for 117 for 13500 CE 🙂
11:47 Uttam : (10:33) Uttam : 114 imp level in that PE – ABOVE THAT CAN GO FOR 132+ – (10:29) Rohit : Ug target for 13500 PE ?
11:47 Rahul : 382 did his job
11:47 Uttam : twice 114 stalling the PE
11:49 Ashwath : @Uttam – Shai has tgt of 157 on that PE
11:49 Uttam : NF forming a nice 2-day balance
11:49 Rahul : sellers been teased here, fun
11:49 Uttam : BNF Value higher
11:50 Uttam : yes Ashwath will ride it in parts as & when get confrimation from OF – (11:49) Ashwath : @Uttam – Shai has tgt of 157 on that PE
11:50 Ashwath : indeed
11:50 Uttam : BNF also forming a nice balance so far
11:50 Uttam : getting stuck reds at lows & greens at highs of Value
11:54 Uttam : NF going for new lows?
11:54 Uttam : stuck red again below that while line
11:57 Prashant null : test
11:57 Sunil : @Uttam What is that dotted white line
12:00 Madanagopal : Hi, Where we can understand each color in the order flow plots.
12:01 Ankush Jain : we r trading below 13840 for some time now
12:02 Uttam : ek red band le aao
12:03 Abhishek : Exactly\
12:03 Tejaswini : Yes Ankush. Its quite a conundrum now. BNF has value higher above yesterdays spike and NF accepting below that 840. dont wanna be trapped upside down
12:03 Uttam : the while lines are the upper & lower levels for the next 30mins given at end of each TPO – (11:57) Sunil : @Uttam What is that dotted white line
12:03 KK : 776 was buyer yesterday..
12:03 Uttam : you have the levels given in yellow on left hand side also
12:03 Uttam : aa gaya nwew lows in NF
12:04 Ankush Jain : aa gya
12:04 Tejpreet : Finally IS does the job 🙂
12:04 Uttam : (11:54) Uttam : NF going for new lows?
12:04 Uttam : 13885 wala Tej 🙂
12:04 Abhishek : 10 more in nf
12:04 Uttam : 13792 is 1.5 IB
12:05 Rahul : some one getting caught here
12:05 Uttam : 13809 is the RO point
12:06 Abhishek : (11:46) Abhishek : 250 coming that 13800
12:07 Tejpreet : Yes Uttam 885 perfect entry but buggers whipped me out of half but rest job done.
12:07 Rajan Modi : in this candle for NF – 167, 194. 260, 234, 355 cannot push it down?
12:09 Abhishek : quantity reduced here 50%
12:13 Ankush Jain : LHs, LLs since last 4 bars
12:13 Ankush Jain : rather 5
12:14 Tejaswini : IBL holding in BNF
12:17 Shai : Buy 13500 pe at 112- 113 sl of 99 tgt 130/ 144
12:19 K2dt : why so otm chief?
12:19 Shai : if 810 cracks now we get 13775
12:19 K2dt : +1 tx
12:19 Surya ganti : in
12:20 Shai : vol and spreads today better in 13800 pe and 13500 pe
12:20 Shai : (12:19) K2dt : why so otm chief?
12:20 K2dt : tx chief
12:23 Devkant Swargiary : Shai how to determine which spreads are better? Any clue t look for?
12:23 Devkant Swargiary : *to
12:23 Shai : with this vix of 25 and OTM calendar is the righjt trade
12:23 Rahul : (12:05) Rahul : some one getting caught here. BNF beauty
12:24 Shai : https://mplite.vtrender.com/opchart/
12:24 Shai : on option table the better vols are in the orange colrs
12:25 Shai : keep it simple guys – Vol is everything
12:25 Rahul : yepppppp
12:25 Devkant Swargiary : Thanks Shai
12:25 Rahul : greeennnssss
12:25 Uttam : there is soem good writing also on in that 13500pe Shai so will be good to wathc for any probable dukaar set ups on budget day
12:26 Shai : exit below 98 only
12:26 Raghav : ok
12:27 Prashant null : triggered at 97.85
12:27 Surya ganti : triggered too
12:27 Uttam : low on charts 9875
12:27 Uttam : 98.75
12:27 K2dt : yes 98.75
12:27 Anand : many greens in BNF again
12:27 Prashant null : mine at 97.85
12:28 Rahul : Reds trying their best here,
12:28 Shai : we shoulkd bouce back to 110- 112
12:29 Prashant null : BNF not helping
12:29 Rahul : yepppppppp. gotcha
12:29 Shai : sl triggreer
12:29 Shai : exit thye put
12:30 Rahul : nice 30 pointers
12:30 Rahul : thanks to bnf
12:30 Rahul : lets breakl that 97 in that 10500 pe and end its story
12:32 K2dt : UG bnf vols not very exciting as comp to nf
12:32 Uttam : BNF RO point at 30440 so both seem to be getting defended at their RO points for now
12:33 Uttam : balanced profiles today
12:33 K2dt : lets see if fryday brings vols
12:33 Uttam : can give that 2 ATR tgt BN spot
12:33 Rahul : we going 13896 ?
12:33 K2dt : +1 UG
12:34 Uttam : greens at vwap in BNF
12:41 Uttam : 4th rejection from VWAP in NF today
12:41 Rusi : what level is2 ATR uttam ?
12:41 Uttam : 30858 spot
12:41 Rusi : ok. thanx
12:42 Shai : Careful in BNF
12:42 Shai : it will unwind quickly if vwap breaks
12:43 Shai : should do 30000 quick
12:43 Uttam : yes has been whiping today
12:43 Sumeet : unstable sort of day
12:43 Shai : not really – NF is smooth with sellers. BNF has issues
12:44 Uttam : yes only BNF
12:44 Uttam : NF has been probing down since open
12:44 Shai : diff auctions
12:44 Sumeet : bnf…
12:44 Shai : one abv vwap- one below
12:44 Uttam : rejected from VWAP in all the bounces
12:45 Rahul : looking at bnf above 30680.. fireworks ?
12:45 Tejpreet : one bounce above to test 885 seller and then Fryday 🙂
12:46 Shai : NF all thats elling below 840 got covered i those 3 greens at 12.25 candle
12:46 Rahul : +1
12:47 Shai : no trades here – we respond on more selling
12:47 Suhas : Audio Message (1 s) :
12:47 Uttam : BNF 610 green
12:47 Uttam : how high can H go
12:55 Tejaswini : how long before that 610 paic?
12:55 Tejaswini : *panic
12:55 Uttam : take it below vwap 😉
12:58 Shai : projected spread for budget is 12800- 14850
12:58 Shai : that is huge
12:58 Ankush Jain : 2000 points
12:58 K2dt : indeed 🙂
12:58 Shai : one side actually
12:59 Shai : depends on what she says]
12:59 Shai : 🙂
12:59 K2dt : 🙂
12:59 Tejpreet : 🙂
12:59 Abhishek : wo Stree hai
12:59 Abhishek : kuch bhi kar saktin hai
12:59 Shai : NF dpoc should come down here to 12840 also
12:59 Tejpreet : 13840
12:59 Shai : 13840 yes
13:00 Ankush Jain : itni jaldi bhaagi hai ye nifty 1000 kee galti badi aasaani se lagg jaati
13:00 Ankush Jain : 🙂
13:00 Tejaswini : @Shai can we short BNF here?
13:01 Himanshu : Good part is budget is still confedintial in her times .. unlike PC
13:01 Tejpreet : bn 610 exits
13:01 Uttam : yes looks like Tej
13:01 Abhishek : nf at yPoc
13:01 Tejpreet : +1
13:01 Abhishek : if they give up, 13782, 13732
13:02 Uttam : each rejection at vwap in NF got a new low
13:02 Uttam : so will it follow now
13:03 Ankush Jain : new low
13:03 Tejpreet : boom another dt in bag
13:03 Ankush Jain : congrats T
13:03 Sumeet : 610 waala beginning to sweat a little
13:03 Uttam : congo Tej
13:04 Devkant Swargiary : 1.5 IB done in NF
13:04 Tejpreet : tks Uttam
13:04 Shai : foreced out
13:04 K2dt : 785 here
13:05 Amit : yes can halt and go up…..
13:05 Uttam : can BNF also give new lows 😉
13:05 Sumeet : 13800pe 231-251
13:07 Amit : 0s NF in IS
13:07 KK : 856 please
13:09 Shai : 766
13:11 KK : 775 touch karega yeh to aaj, before going back
13:15 Favas : ug bnf ref?
13:16 JayG : any vix level to watch shai?
13:16 Uttam : 30480 got a stuck red F so below that can do VAL of today
13:16 Uttam : scratched the 30000pe frm 460-475
13:17 Uttam : as red band ended & unable to stay below vwap
13:17 Tejpreet : +1 I did the same 442 to 465
13:18 Shai : unlikely to break abv 2610
13:19 Tejpreet : intra SL for NF 840 now Shai ?
13:20 Uttam : congo Tej +1
13:20 Tejpreet : tks
13:22 Tejaswini : u guys are quick. Congo UG and Tej
13:23 Tejpreet : need to have both price and time SL, doesn’t move in favour quickly quit half at around cost.
13:24 Amit : +1
13:24 Tejaswini : +1
13:30 KK : green band
13:38 Ankush Jain : Shai was in incognito mode 🙂
13:38 Tejaswini : this vwap break in bnf now can give new lows?
13:39 Surya ganti : already at new lows
13:39 Tejaswini : BNF
13:41 Prashant null : test
13:43 Shai : NF moving to 13720
13:44 Abhishek : shai that 13500 PE to 157 then?
13:47 Prashant null : BNF not falling still
13:50 Shai : book near 135- (13:44) Abhishek : shai that 13500 PE to 157 then?
13:50 Shai : intra day
13:50 Shai : sl sl if carrying into Mon
13:51 Shai : 87**
13:52 KK : Shai, isn’t that area 770 reference for yesterday’s buyers on that pull back ?
13:52 Shai : yes 13766
13:55 Rajan Modi : shai; no open trades now , correct?
13:56 Shai : no
13:56 Shai : loking to short near 820 with a small stop
14:02 Shai : BNF is so well coild at vwap/ dpoc
14:03 Tejaswini : BNF for 30k doable?
14:03 Surya ganti : NF new low
14:05 Shai : No BNF avoid here at vwap
14:06 Shai : BNF short below 30460 IBL only
14:06 Shai : prem 40
14:06 Tejaswini : thanks
14:11 K2dt : shorts ki _____
14:12 Tejaswini : volumes in BNf absolutely crazy
14:12 KK : 125 to 97 that PE future stays..neux karen ?
14:12 Tejpreet : bn another NE close move
14:14 K2dt : 242-270 13750ce
14:14 K2dt : done for the day
14:14 Shai : Buy NF abv 13875 sl of 13840 tgt 13920 Buy abv
14:18 Shai : some big cobering in that last 4 bars NF
14:18 Ankush Jain : covering?
14:19 Shai : covering*
14:19 Shai : buy abv 13878**
14:19 Shai : BNF also
14:21 Himanshu : BNF – saved the day for NF
14:21 Himanshu : what a day – 29000 PE roasted me for 2 hours before giving 65 points ,,
14:21 K2dt : cheers H
14:21 Surya ganti : nice
14:22 Ankush Jain : NF in
14:22 Surya ganti : in
14:22 Amit : in
14:23 Himanshu : On Mthly down trending – Lot of hard work has to be done by bulls and result will be in K only ..
14:23 Himanshu : Thkx K
14:23 Shai : 13890 book – (14:14) Shai : Buy NF abv 13875 sl of 13840 tgt 13920 Buy abv
14:24 Ankush Jain : 13900 call hardly moved
14:24 Himanshu : 2 IB in BNF – today HDFC bank and ICICI b ( result woke up after a week)
14:25 Sumeet : icici bank results are today or tomorrow ?
14:25 Surya ganti : 13900 booked
14:25 Shai : sc mode
14:26 Amit : done.900exit
14:26 Tejpreet : looks like lic budget guys back from lunch with a copy.
14:26 Shai : book don’t stay
14:26 Shai : this is trailer for Monday 🙂
14:26 Ankush Jain : 🙂
14:27 Shai : still green though
14:27 Ankush Jain : vix coming down
14:27 Shai : Abv 13920 we get one legf to 13980
14:27 Amit : yes
14:27 Tejpreet : tsl in system Shai above 920 could do DH and then 14k
14:27 Tejpreet : Timing 🙂
14:27 Ankush Jain : Shai we buy abv 13920?
14:27 Shai : small qty
14:28 Himanshu : Ride was good from second support of Vwap – 1.45 ( Vix Peaked out)
14:28 Ankush Jain : all these greens are SC?
14:29 Shai : Avoid the NF buy abv trade now
14:30 Himanshu : Mostly – 1040 – Negative Cot at 1.30 bar plus some more pink in next 3 did not get exit..
14:30 Shai : 13877 can give a buy
14:32 Tejpreet : bn going for 3ib
14:32 Shai : 13873 up for 13920
14:33 Shai : BNF on a tear
14:33 Shai : 30935 supp if in BNF longs
14:34 Shai : 31140/ 31350 2 areas to book\
14:36 Surya ganti : NF joining the party
14:36 Himanshu : Chief – done Sir – aap bhi ..
14:37 Tejpreet : 926 part and rest tsl 880 for dh now
14:37 Ankush Jain : Budget leaked ?
14:37 Ankush Jain : 🙂
14:37 Surya ganti : budget for banks i guess 😛
14:38 Amit : basis increased by +20
14:39 Amit : 800sc
14:39 Shai : not sure what is ahppening in BNF
14:39 Shai : NF stay out
14:39 Shai : no pos
14:39 Ankush Jain : just watching
14:39 Ankush Jain : better not to lose in this whipsaw
14:40 Amit : +1 ankush fryday…
14:40 Shai : BNF longs closing
14:40 Shai : can short NF below vwap
14:41 Shai : NF short below 13844 sl of 13879 tgt 13766/ 13700
14:44 Tejaswini : in
14:45 Surya ganti : in
14:45 Vaishali : in
14:46 Shai : sl 13850 now
14:46 Shai : 6 points risk
14:46 Ashwath : 13500 pe 88-98
14:47 Shai : market on cocaine
14:47 Swapnil : feeling giddy about how it will be on Monday!
14:47 Ankush Jain : picture Monday ko release hogi
14:47 Shai : if 820 breaks revise sl to 822 and trail this
14:48 Surya ganti : right
14:49 Shai : sl at cost now 13842
14:49 Surya ganti : out
14:50 Shai : out
14:50 Amit : out
14:50 Rajan Modi : hahaha.. that was fun and crazzy
14:50 Shai : closed for FRYYYday
14:50 Shai : only greens and reds today
14:50 Shai : hope all fine here
14:50 Ashwath : yes.
14:51 Ankush Jain : yes Shai
14:51 Himanshu : Ok got 40 points in contra on red band sale in 32500 CE –
14:51 Ankush Jain : no accident
14:51 Ankush Jain : was trading small
14:51 Ashwath : Thansk Shai for timely alert and updates!
14:51 Shai : All that green booked and below vwap was hoping to cathc the rest of the late greens
14:51 Himanshu : Exited.. NF and BNF are not in talking terms today ,,
14:51 Ashwath : one think I learnt is maintain the same lot size , if prem is 50 or 200. Its helping me lot.
14:52 Shai : if 820 had cracked we could have got more
14:53 Shai : good example today of not messing with green and red bands esp last hour
14:53 Himanshu : Yday was Axis bank ( Maal Chipkao Yojna) today is Indusind Bank
14:54 Himanshu : yday 1.45 Pm drive from 30050 matured today seems ..1000 pointer
14:55 Ashwath : Thanks for adding band Shai. Almost a year now, charts went through so many updates/features. its healping us to understad whats happening ïnside”. 🙂
14:55 Swapnil : 820 not breaking again
14:55 Swapnil : ok just went
14:56 Shai : entered again 13600 pe for 150 sl of 117
14:59 Tejpreet : +100 for this one Shai
14:59 Abhishek : +100
14:59 Amit : 150 it is
15:00 Shai : stay in
15:00 Shai : watch the fun
15:00 Tejpreet : 720 nf still pending
15:00 Shai : 143 trail
15:00 Ankush Jain : yes
15:01 Surya ganti : 50% out
15:01 Tejpreet : 174 closed
15:02 Shai : Book full
15:02 Shai : 13700 here
15:02 Ankush Jain : that was super
15:02 Swapnil : Shai – Pranaam 🙂
15:02 Uttam : doom doom
15:02 Surya ganti : phew.. got back into green today 🙂
15:02 Ankush Jain : shatt shatt parnaam
15:02 Shai : what a rip
15:03 Ankush Jain : yeah
15:03 Ashwath : uffff
15:03 Surya ganti : shit!1 BNF
15:03 Ankush Jain : dukaan band karke kholi
15:03 Surya ganti : now it’s a real FRYYDAY
15:03 Himanshu : All are buying options – hedge – Hedge ,,
15:03 Ashwath : crazy volumes
15:04 Ankush Jain : Amazing Shai
15:04 Tejpreet : If we can go with 4 dt in this volatility we have a robust system at VT and a Master running the show. Amazing show Shai.
15:04 Uttam : oh yes +1000
15:04 Ashwath : no question abt it Tej
15:04 Himanshu : UG – Still 30400 trust worrty –
15:05 Sanjib : Uff…what an ending…Thanks Shai
15:05 Shai : Cheers
15:05 Shai : Enjoy the weekend everyone
15:05 Sanjiv : +1
15:05 Ashwath : Since k period my laptop fan speed increased too. 🙂
15:05 Uttam : ORR played perfectly in NF
15:05 Shai : _/\– (15:04) Tejpreet : If we can go with 4 dt in this volatility we have a robust system at VT and a Master running the show. Amazing show Shai.
15:05 Uttam : got above VWAP but got rejected exactly at PDH
15:06 Uttam : MP rocks
15:06 Himanshu : MP is Maalpuva System
15:06 Uttam : Shai you are tagging that 13527 today?
15:06 Uttam : spot
15:06 Uttam : 13627 which was pending from yesterday done today
15:07 Shai : 70 point prem
15:07 Shai : madness
15:07 Uttam : BNF 31111
15:07 Tejpreet : +1 ..let’s leave that for Monday morning
15:07 Uttam : spot
15:07 Himanshu : 13608 was made
15:07 Shai : shut terminal – wound upo for day 🙂
15:07 Uttam : those 13500pe writers getting the scare
15:07 Himanshu : think one scrach low by BNF will help
15:08 Sri 81 : worth carrying the 13500 PE for Monday Shai or is it too risky.Bought yday at 100?
15:08 Himanshu : Today was net practice of NS candle
15:08 Uttam : monthly close today in both
15:08 Shai : close Sri
15:09 Sri 81 : ok tks
15:09 Himanshu : Yes NAV close ,,
15:09 Uttam : 13527 coming
15:09 Shai : 70 points away from dec POC
15:10 Shai : toomuch risk to take for this tgt now
15:10 MJ : Just admiring the show today, chief. Amazing!
15:10 Uttam : yes not taking any trades Shai
15:10 Shai : go fllat into monday
15:10 Uttam : +100
15:10 Shai : open bias for the day
15:10 Himanshu : BC relaince gave up – and Bajaj twins – 240 rs and 80 rs down from postove
15:10 Himanshu : this twins will create havcoc they are due for large correction anytime
15:10 Uttam : BNF got rejected from that 31210 this week before also
15:10 Uttam : and even today again
15:11 MJ : M wants lower low?
15:12 Himanshu : Chief – 12800 is that nov poc – as you said proetction 12800 – 14XX
15:12 Tejpreet : This looks like some heavy cash selling by FII before the budget.
15:13 Rohit : Shai, grateful for the system here for being +4dt on such a crazy day
15:13 Shai : ues 12800 is nov poc
15:13 Shai : minor supp at 13080 before that
15:13 Shai : we buy 13000 pe monthly on monday on any move below 13520
15:14 Rajeshwarrao : spt shai
15:14 Shai : spot
15:14 Ashwath : added to Watch list 🙂
15:14 Amit : 🙂
15:14 Himanshu : No strike in BNF has higer than 6L OI
15:15 Uttam : what time does the budget speech starts?
15:15 Shai : At everyone look up the profile chart on MP lite and the 500 range CE and PE within 12800- 14800
15:15 Himanshu : even 32K – 31K CE and 20, 29K PE
15:15 Uttam : it will go on for hours?
15:16 Uttam : time running out but can still make it – (15:09) Uttam : 13527 coming
15:17 Tejpreet : if it doesn’t come we will open at 527spot for Uttam 🙂
15:17 Amit : leave something for tues:)
15:17 Amit : mon:)
15:17 Uttam : yes Tej looks like it 🙂 but BNF lholding
15:18 Himanshu : 280 Rs there about
15:18 Tejpreet : BN will show the direction post budget on Monday for atleast a 5% move.
15:18 Himanshu : 500 Rs Premium on monthly Put
15:18 Amit : 710-750 nearest SP
15:18 Uttam : yes Tej
15:19 Uttam : 370 pointer in nifty spot today so what will be the range on Monday .-p any guesses
15:20 Ankush Jain : RIL starting to look real weak
15:20 Ashwath : bye guys, happy weekend!
15:20 Ankush Jain : Let it come UG
15:20 Shai : don’t take a holiday Guys on Mon- come and trade. It’s the e best experince you can collect
15:21 Sanjiv : +10
15:21 Ankush Jain : of course Shai
15:21 Tejpreet : IF Vix crosses 30 then around 700 points in nifty Uttam
15:21 Uttam : of course Shai
15:21 Uttam : amen Tej
15:21 Tejpreet : Yes Chief
15:21 Shai : we trade small but trade
15:21 Ankush Jain : it can be a quiet opening
15:21 Ankush Jain : NS delivers speech at 11 am
15:21 Shai : derivative trading is not for babies or people who tell other traders to stay away
15:22 Ankush Jain : 🙂
15:22 Surya ganti : lol
15:22 Shai : All babies can go and sit in the cradle and suck the nipple
15:22 Shai : 🙂
15:22 Rajan Modi : lolz
15:22 Surya ganti : only concern is that stops wud be eaten up like popcorn 🙁
15:22 Uttam : when we have the set uo in the room, we will only be asking for more
15:22 Tejpreet : that’s why half the quantity and double the regular sl
15:23 Uttam : yep and trade the instrument which will fit your risk
15:23 Uttam : which is why was watching only the13500pe today
15:23 Surya ganti : defined risk
15:23 Uttam : wanted to play lower risk
15:23 Uttam : and will be the same on Monday
15:23 Tejpreet : +1
15:23 Uttam : Tuesday onwards mostly all will be back to normal
15:24 Shivaramu : @shai I am new here, we entered NF short at 13840 and why did we exit immediatly when the red band was clearly visible, I am just Curious
15:24 Himanshu : Tej – UG today i watched India vIX – 3 mt chart right from day open –
15:24 Uttam : @Tej BN will be the big mover looks like
15:24 Himanshu : 55 – RSI or lower was melting premium –
15:25 Uttam : @Shivaramu we have very transparent reasons here for entry & exit so please go thorugh the training library videos once to leanr about the set ups we use – (15:24) Shivaramu : @shai I am new here, we entered NF short at 13840 and why did we exit immediatly when the red band was clearly visible, I am just Curious
15:25 Himanshu : at 24 RSI – premiums made bottom again on rise from there on
15:25 Tejpreet : Uttam BN will be off my watchlist …..can’t handle NS and BN together 🙂
15:26 Himanshu : Haha
15:26 Uttam : true that Tej +1
15:26 Uttam : NS meaning Nifty Spot or our FM ;-p
15:27 Surya ganti : i wish that 13840 wasnt stopped either.. but market listens to no one 😛
15:27 Tejpreet : Good one …budget lady
15:27 MJ : For all those who haven’t seen OF on event days, it is as exciting as a last ball thriller of world cup final.
15:27 Himanshu : MJ – good morning
15:27 MJ : Being in the room is the most exciting part about the budget days/event days.
15:27 Shai : lots of traders ripped in the last 60 mins
15:27 Himanshu : You woke finally
15:27 Shai : hope all okay here
15:27 MJ : Himanshu 🙂
15:28 MJ : Yes chief. All safe.
15:28 Surya ganti : turned green from red shai.. so yes!
15:28 Ankush Jain : we all good
15:28 Uttam : when you are there we will always remain safe Shai 🙂
15:28 Himanshu : You requre forensic audit – wait
15:28 Ankush Jain : ending month on a good note
15:28 Shai : _/|_
15:28 MJ : See you on monday, chief.
15:28 Shai : Catch up Mon
15:28 Tejpreet : Bye All . refresh yourself for Monday
15:28 Uttam : lets all have a rocking Feb
15:28 Shai : have a good weekend eveyone
15:28 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 and have a wonderful weekend
15:28 Surya ganti : bye everyone
15:28 Surya ganti : time for some learning 🙂
15:28 MJ : Himanshu 🙂 class WA par lejo.
15:28 MJ : cheers.!
15:28 Himanshu : You too – thanks cheif for ydays session also
15:29 Tanuj : safe coz of the room -/\-
15:29 K2dt : arre gaadi reverse kardi room ne to
15:29 MJ : 13666.6
15:29 K2dt : superb
15:29 Himanshu : Ye saab dikhava hai
15:29 Himanshu : Locals playing practice match –
15:29 Rohit : Thanks Shai & UG
15:29 Uttam : _/\_
15:30 Himanshu : Tom – FII will sit with truck load of baskets
15:30 Himanshu : Bye all