Order Flow charts dated 15th April 2021

Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. But the Order Flow approach shows the amount of volume traded during each price bar, and also it breaks this volume down into the Volume generated by the Buyers and the Volume generated by the sellers again at every row of price the market traded at.

An Order Flow trader can actually see exactly what is happening in the market as it happens. Once you are able to understand what is happening in the present, you are able to make far better decisions about what might happen in the future. Order Flow provides traders with vision into market activity.


Vol Pic2 Nf 8 Order Flow Charts Dated 15Th April 2021 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading


Vol Pic 2 Bnf 8 Order Flow Charts Dated 15Th April 2021 Banknifty Futures, Day Trading, Intraday Trading, Intraday Trading Strategies, Nifty Futures, Order Flow Analysis, Support And Resistance, Trading Strategies, Volume Profile Trading

Room Chat

8:43 Vtrender Live : 5 min BNF charts – https://zoom.us/j/8647755698?pwd=U1FVY2NpUXIzZlVWKzc0azhORlNqQT09
08:49 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:50 Vtrender Live : 5 min NF charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/856035645
08:53 Nisha : GM All
08:55 Abhishek : GM folks πŸ™‚
08:56 Himanshu : GM all
08:57 Ranjith : Gm all πŸ™‚
08:58 K2dt : GM All
08:59 Bhavin : good morning team
08:59 Rohan : GM All
09:02 Chetas : Gm all
09:02 Arul : Gm!
09:04 Shai : GM all
09:04 Shai : 14646 ref line for the open of today
09:05 Shai : 14400 was the zone of SC on tuesday
09:05 Shai : 14540 where some supply came
09:05 Shai : 14646 higher supply of Mon
09:05 Shai : 14400- 14540- 14646 zone of trade of this auction
09:06 Shai : 31310 demand zone of BNF
09:06 Shai : now a supp was prev supply
09:06 Shai : 32170 to watch on any upper probes
09:09 Ankush Jain : looks like a flat open
09:09 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai can you remove toolkit from Nifty market profile in room
09:09 Ankush Jain : & the twitterarti was drooling over SGX
09:09 MJ : how high it went? Ankush.
09:10 Ankush Jain : almost +200
09:11 Ankush Jain : 14797 to be precise
09:11 Surya ganti : last i checked it was -120
09:12 Ankit Maheshwari : 147MJ 14797 was high yesterday πŸ˜›
09:12 Ankush Jain : Surya that was from its yesterday’s close
09:12 Chandrashekhar : +1
09:12 Ankit Maheshwari : Seller will be happy with this open
09:12 Ankush Jain : yes
09:14 Surya ganti : freak high and eoa?
09:14 K2dt : bnf zoom chart??
09:15 Ankit Maheshwari : 471 reds at bottom NF
09:15 S M : first 5 minutes you need to ignore the zeros (09:14) Surya ganti: freak high and eoa?
09:15 Chandrashekhar : PDH test done
09:16 Surya ganti : noted SM
09:16 Ankit Maheshwari : Any comment on volumes?
09:16 Surya ganti : crazy?
09:16 MJ : 386-611 31500 ce
09:16 MJ : Day don.e
09:17 Swapnil : Congrats MJ
09:17 Ankit Maheshwari : MJ can you tell analogy behind that for learning?
09:17 Surya ganti : yes pls +1
09:17 MJ : I will explain,
09:18 MJ : I was looking at J period extn as support to enter markets at open.
09:18 Ankit Maheshwari : Ok J singles right?
09:18 MJ : At open we had 217 reds stuck.
09:18 Surya ganti : right.. 217 in bnf
09:19 MJ : I was expecting 32200 and based on shai’s notes too
09:20 Shai : 14646 remains upper ref
09:20 Shai : All those watching sgx πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
09:20 Ankush Jain : πŸ™‚
09:20 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai 14540 supp right?
09:20 MJ : Yes ankit J singles.
09:20 K2dt : 32170rejection bnf πŸ™‚
09:22 Muralidhar Kaja : Charts stuck
09:22 Ankush Jain : fine
09:23 MJ : frozen
09:23 Shai : charts are fine
09:23 Shai : Please do a refresh
09:24 Muralidhar Kaja : Fine now (09:23) Shai : Please do a refresh
09:25 Shai : steady abv 14550 and 14580 for now
09:28 Yash : Cheif anything changed? we are getting 15k green bars from prev day
09:29 Yash : what used to be sellers number from few days?
09:29 Abhishek L : 1st candle of the day vol very good chief?
09:30 Chandrashekhar : good PE writing @ 14500 since open
09:30 Shai : context was a holiday in between
09:30 Shai : Avoid 1st candle
09:30 Shai : 32170 highe rref
09:31 Ankush Jain : chief room chrts need adjust
09:32 Jitender : 32.1ce 171-96…
09:32 Muralidhar Kaja : Pls Zoom down a bit (09:31) Ankush Jain: chief room chrts need adjust
09:33 Muralidhar Kaja : Thanks Shai…
09:33 Prashant : (09:32) Jitender : 32.1ce 171-96… Super Jit !
09:34 K2dt : 220-393 32100pe
09:34 K2dt : (09:20) K2dt : 32170rejection bnf πŸ™‚
09:34 K2dt : congo jit
09:34 Jitender : tx guys
09:34 Chandrashekhar : 14500 PE 36-57..Day job done
09:34 Prashant : what was the trigger for that trade Jit ?
09:34 Bhishma : 32170 shorted
09:34 Bhishma : cool points
09:35 Bhishma : whats downside chief
09:35 Ankush Jain : good volumes
09:35 Shai : 14480\
09:35 Jitender : dpoc P
09:35 Jitender : trade wat u understand πŸ™‚
09:35 Jitender : my thrills are in setup
09:36 Chandrashekhar : still building…..(09:30) Chandrashekhar : good PE writing @ 14500 since open
09:36 Sandesh : 31500 Pe: 51-107
09:36 Shai : +1 everyone
09:36 Shai : still on for 14480 on this red
09:37 Ankush Jain : 8k volumes
09:37 Chandrashekhar : +1 for all green MTM’:0
09:37 Jitender : the longs were done by FII due to their tuesday positions…teyhad to book
09:37 Prashant : Got it . Thanks .(09:35) Jitender : dpoc P
09:38 Shai : BNF for 31570
09:38 Chandrashekhar : can NF tag 440 Shai?
09:39 Chandrashekhar : below 480 if reds persist?
09:39 K2dt : 68-81 14500pe
09:39 Shai : 14490- (09:35) Shai : 14480\
09:39 Shai : looks done now
09:39 K2dt : 2 trades gud entry gud exit
09:40 K2dt : chief that 32170 was a mountain πŸ™‚
09:40 Shai : was too quick that move to ask all to get into a formal position
09:40 Shai : but congrats to all who saw the wave and shorted
09:41 Ranjith : 14300 ce 199 to 180
09:41 Shai : (09:39) Shai : looks done now
09:42 Chandrashekhar : that 14500 PE OI went up till 42L ..now down to 34L…got whacked early in the morning…sad
09:43 Tejaswini : NF 860 greens at the top of the 9.40 bar
09:44 Tejaswini : watching them
09:44 Ankush Jain : Don’t regret the miss but definitely learned much more
09:45 Yash : A period done!
09:46 Yash : Now be back in K
09:46 Yash : πŸ˜€
09:46 Nagaraj : Shai, can you pls explain the high vols in the first 5 min bar and why that needs to be ignored? That vol didnt let me ma decsiion on a short…
09:47 Nagaraj : *make a decision
09:48 Bhishma : mkt opened inside yesterdays range..so vol is not by institutions..my guess
09:48 Bhishma : @Nagaraj\
09:48 Nagaraj : ok…
09:49 Tejaswini : Chief next leg after 480 is crossed?
09:49 Amit null : conditions for ORR?
09:50 Ankit Maheshwari : low exact 14480
09:50 Chandrashekhar : and here it is…(09:39) Shai : 14490- (09:35) Shai : 14480\
09:50 Chandrashekhar : 440 coming next?
09:51 Tejaswini : 870 and 666 greens can puke>
09:52 Ankush Jain : that 666 green can bring lower levels?
09:52 Tanuj : BNF OF data not visible, tried refreshing too…. just me or others also seeing the same? NF data visible.
09:52 Chandrashekhar : there’s 0 below that ..those could be Sl O’s??
09:52 Chandrashekhar : those 666 greens in NF
09:53 Ankush Jain : SL order should be red?
09:53 Ranjith : BNF trading below yestrdays highest vol traded zone of 31837
09:55 Prashant : Zoom charts are working fine Tanuj(09:52) Tanuj : BNF OF data not visible, tried refreshing too…. just me or others also seeing the same? NF data visible.
09:55 Muralidhar Kaja : @Shai Open Type ORR?
09:57 Shai : No cross up of OAIR still
09:57 Shai : don’t see it as a good ORR yet
09:58 Muralidhar Kaja : Thanks
09:58 Rahul Goel : zoom and gotomeeting are fine
09:58 Ankit Maheshwari : 14100CE had good OI addition at bottom on tuesday. That guy is still in (for anyone hwo tracks OI)
09:58 Rahul Goel : this one is a bit delay
09:58 MJ : J period guys still at it from previous day?
09:58 Shai : 32195 and down she went – 09:06) Shai : 32170 to watch on any upper probes
09:59 Chandrashekhar : @Shai profile wise if the A singles are held and we get some more vols below 480 can we look for 440>405 as probable tgts in NF
09:59 MJ : Super Shai
10:01 MJ : 31500 round two 330-450 part out (09:18) MJ : I was looking at J period extn as support to enter markets at open.
10:01 Sanjay : Open is outside range, no?(09:57) Shai : No cross up of OAIR still
10:01 Tejaswini : That was fantastic (09:58) Shai : 32195 and down she went – 09:06) Shai : 32170 to watch on any upper probes
10:02 JayJ : shai can you adjust Banknifty chart vol not visible
10:03 JayJ : thanks
10:03 Chandrashekhar : all bars in NF since open have >2k vols today so far
10:03 Shai : kick was down to the 14480 zone where SC happened on tuesday
10:03 Shai : supply disappeared there
10:03 Shai : if we get extension there we trade for 14400
10:04 Shai : Hence I mentioned was done- (09:39) Shai : looks done now
10:04 Tejaswini : Super chief
10:05 Shai : A good ORR folows through in B and shpuld be below VAH and POC at least
10:05 Shai : hope you can comprehend
10:05 Uttam : +1
10:05 Nagaraj : +1
10:06 Shai : But yes supply is there at 14575- 90 now
10:06 MJ : Cheif two big forces in it so far?
10:06 Ranjith : UG 829 green stuck at VWAP
10:06 Prashant : Shai .. Looks like there’s a pop up on the charts
10:06 Abhishek L : yes
10:07 Sumeet : vpoc alert
10:08 Ankush Jain : no more
10:08 MJ : 236 529 ducks.
10:08 Jitender : guys..its gonna be volatile…pls be mindful oy vols
10:08 MJ : Yes jit.
10:08 Jitender : in case u r not sure….wait
10:08 MJ : been full two ways.
10:08 MJ : and fast.
10:08 Chandrashekhar : +1
10:09 K2dt : 242-311 31800pe
10:09 S M : Nifty numbers are not clearly visible . . .. too overlapping.
10:09 Jitender : grt K2
10:09 Arul : very fast… couldnt make decision both times
10:09 Sumeet : shai possible to adjust nf chart too ?
10:09 K2dt : tx jit
10:10 K2dt : poss of a c side here ?
10:12 Sumeet : thanks for the adjust shai.
10:12 Sumeet : loving the italics too… easier on the eyes somehow
10:12 Rajan Modi : but today so many italians for liking πŸ™‚
10:15 Ankush Jain : C side extn
10:16 Prashant : Shai, if you could do something about IS/IB, RB to IS etc….covering the last numbers in a bar…
10:17 Shai : okay noted
10:17 Shai : will do
10:19 K2dt : 251-310 31800pe
10:19 K2dt : morning job done
10:19 K2dt : (10:10) K2dt : poss of a c side here ?
10:19 Tejaswini : C has good volumes. Chief do we trade for 400?
10:19 Jitender : congo K2
10:19 K2dt : tx Jit..congo all in green
10:20 K2dt : vwap rejection and ypoc rejection was the key bnf
10:21 Chandrashekhar : 14400 PE 36-52 on the c side extn
10:21 K2dt : +1 CS
10:21 Jitender : +1
10:21 K2dt : pdvwap tag almost done nf
10:22 Chandrashekhar : +1…just 4 points short
10:22 Himanshu : Infy – HDFC – INDUSIND weak
10:22 Chandrashekhar : now BNF @ 30 min lower ref
10:22 Himanshu : more selling in spot can create some panic
10:23 K2dt : buyback was a nice bull trap in infy
10:23 Chandrashekhar : YVwap tag done in NF
10:23 K2dt : yupp
10:23 Jitender : Wat else is ter CS ?
10:24 Favas : jit ur ref?
10:24 Jitender : (10:22) Chandrashekhar : now BNF @ 30 min lower ref
10:24 Jitender : Favas 640-660 zone here..watch it
10:24 Chandrashekhar : Sorry i Jit i onl trade NF..BNF just watching the charts on screen
10:24 Jitender : cool
10:24 Favas : okey
10:24 Chandrashekhar : have no ref tracked for BNF
10:25 Jitender : dval+30min lower ref both tere
10:25 Chandrashekhar : +1
10:25 Chandrashekhar : ususally these ref hold and sometimes bounce back..so a good ref to execute/manage our trades
10:26 Chandrashekhar : +100 Shai for these info on charts..the 30 min ref are too good
10:26 Shai : is a clean break to 31300 below it
10:27 Chandrashekhar : yep see the extn singles in BNF below it
10:27 Shai : Buy 14500 pe at 102 sl of 82 tgt 130
10:28 Shai : 118 book half- (10:27) Shai : Buy 14500 pe at 102 sl of 82 tgt 130
10:29 Shai : revise tgt to 145 on rest with sl at 100
10:30 Shai : C is a good red band and 70% of distance done- (10:03) Shai : if we get extension there we trade for 14400
10:30 Chandrashekhar : +1
10:31 Shai : 14400- 417 critical for PE writers for noon show
10:32 Shai : there is nothing major left below
10:32 Chandrashekhar : Holiday special dukaan opening done in 14500PE. in the morning…noon for 14400;)
10:34 K2dt : noon we open CE dukaan CS πŸ™‚
10:34 Chandrashekhar : nice
10:34 Shai : Book the PE fully for now
10:35 Chandrashekhar : we got LL in B & C ..d would also continue to confirm trend day i guess..vols are also good
10:35 Shai : book full- (10:28) Shai : 118 book half- (10:27) Shai : Buy 14500 pe at 102 sl of 82 tgt 130
10:35 Chandrashekhar : trend day down in the forming?
10:36 Chandrashekhar : see whathappened here ta those ref…(10:25) Chandrashekhar : ususally these ref hold and sometimes bounce back..so a good ref to execute/manage our trades
10:36 Chandrashekhar : 30 min lower ref in both
10:36 K2dt : +1
10:39 Ranjith : Can coming D be series of singles.
10:40 MJ : Vols kitthe?
10:40 Rajan Modi : that was a good trade Shai _/\_
10:42 Ankit Maheshwari : 1 min to go, can C comeback into IB?
10:43 Yash : where can we see orderflow for scripts ? any idea?
10:45 Sunil : Can someone plz share 30 min charts link.
10:45 Sunil : my chat window is having some issues… unable to find it
10:47 Ankush Jain : vwap coming?
10:47 Arul : https://app.gotomeeting.com/?meetingId=856035645
10:48 KK : so if trends dday, we stay below 466 , Shai ?
10:49 Sunil : Arul that’s 5 min chart
10:49 Sunil : needed 30 min one
10:49 Arul : im using 5 mins
10:54 S M : Can someone adjust the charts. Thanks
10:54 Rajan Modi : hi UG
10:57 Uttam : we only watch the 5min OF charts live Sunil since Monday, for 30min ref oyu can watch MPLite – (10:45) Sunil : Can someone plz share 30 min charts link.
10:57 Uttam : hi Rajan
10:58 Sunil : thnx Uttam
10:58 Uttam : +1
10:59 Rajan Modi : missed u since morng πŸ™‚
10:59 Uttam : _/\_
11:00 Chandrashekhar : D for new lows?
11:00 Ranjith : Hi UG below 14404
11:01 Ranjith : more selling ?/
11:02 Bhishma : 584 m 484 bnf long trapped?
11:04 K2dt : 226-291 31600pe
11:04 Tejaswini : Kush bhai u r on a roll. congo
11:04 Uttam : yes 14404 is yPOC and NF gets weaker if that goes
11:05 K2dt : mkt is kind to me today T πŸ™‚
11:05 K2dt : tx
11:05 Uttam : but will more selling come we need to watch that in OF
11:05 Uttam : and take action
11:05 Ranjith : Thanks UG πŸ™‚
11:05 Uttam : 14400pe taken sup at vwap of 40 and looks set for 93 if that 14404 breaks
11:06 MJ : rb in bnf
11:08 Chandrashekhar : YPoc tag also done in NF
11:08 MJ : 1k guy bnf
11:08 K2dt : our guy MJ
11:08 K2dt : πŸ™‚
11:08 MJ : bnf entered invalidation 477
11:09 Chandrashekhar : NF @ 30 min ref now
11:09 Ankit Maheshwari : He should give 100 point easily if held
11:09 MJ : 31505
11:09 MJ : entry
11:10 K2dt : vpoc too shifts down in bnf
11:12 MJ : Lets see if we get something kush :0
11:12 MJ : πŸ™‚ *
11:13 Ankit Maheshwari : Another 1000
11:13 K2dt : +1 MJ
11:13 MJ : out
11:13 K2dt : bnf pdvwap tag done
11:13 MJ : hit
11:13 MJ : wil lcome back abov e that 1097
11:14 Surya ganti : NF 1.5Ib done?
11:14 MJ : if we flyy up.
11:14 K2dt : chief can u zoom bnf chart pl?
11:20 Arul : 14420-445 previous supply zone mentioned by Shai
11:22 Shai : Buy 14400 pe at 64 sl of 32 tgt 99
11:23 Shai : 14320 doable
11:23 Shai : sl for day is now 14490 of morning shorts
11:29 Surya ganti : 744 flag?
11:29 Prashant : bnf not helping…744 too
11:29 MJ : 744
11:29 MJ : πŸ™‚
11:30 Amit null : 744 SL orders with 0
11:30 Prashant : but pe value not falling
11:31 Chandrashekhar : that 744 reds in NF disappeared?
11:31 Prashant : how come 744 changes to 372?
11:31 Ankit Maheshwari : refresh
11:32 Ankit Maheshwari : first INB in NF right? (if it persist)
11:32 Ankit Maheshwari : *IB
11:32 Ankit Maheshwari : gone
11:34 K2dt : flag gayab !
11:37 MJ : bnf is chilling in prev day singles zone.
11:37 MJ : 50% out (11:13) MJ : wil lcome back abov e that 1097
11:40 MJ : TSL up to 560.
11:41 MJ : 1000 lot guy in bnf
11:41 MJ : god bless you.
11:42 Prashant : solid mj
11:43 Arul : MJ that 505 entry was in long?
11:43 MJ : yes
11:44 MJ : (11:08) MJ : 1k guy bnf(11:08) MJ : bnf entered invalidation 477(11:13) Ankit Maheshwari: Another 1000(11:13) MJ : wil lcome back abov e that 1097
11:44 MJ : sl got hit at 477
11:44 MJ : did a re-entry above that 1000 guy
11:45 MJ : thanks prashant
11:45 Swapnil : Thanks MJ
11:45 Ankit Maheshwari : BNF 31503 to 31720 on that 1000 guys
11:45 K2dt : cheers MJ..sniper trade
11:45 MJ : anyone else traded that 1k guy?
11:45 MJ : cheers ankit
11:45 Sumeet : yep
11:45 Chandrashekhar : congo MJ
11:45 Rajesh G : COULD NOT RE ENTER
11:45 Rajesh G : sorry caps
11:45 Swapnil : +1 MJ
11:46 K2dt : entered 14300ce at 99 but exited as that 775 guy vanished πŸ™
11:46 MJ : J period singles low.
11:46 MJ : touched and then πŸ™‚
11:46 MJ : TSL up to 760
11:46 Ankit Maheshwari : This seems FII
11:46 MJ : Lol
11:46 Ankit Maheshwari : Using HDFCBank, RIL and ICICI to manage
11:46 MJ : This seems to be OF πŸ™‚
11:46 MJ : and how to sniff the levels.
11:46 Shai : 14485 upper ref
11:47 Shai : one pullback was due
11:47 MJ : TSL taken.
11:47 Shai : will add to the PE again below 14430
11:48 Ankit Maheshwari : IB after 6IS
11:48 Swapnil : still holding this(11:22) Shai : Buy 14400 pe at 64 sl of 32 tgt 99
11:49 KK : why ?
11:49 Chandrashekhar : SL ht in the PE
11:49 Shai : Sl taken om PE -= Make exits- (11:22) Shai : Buy 14400 pe at 64 sl of 32 tgt 99
11:49 K2dt : bnf who’s the culprit πŸ™‚ :p
11:50 Sumeet : 31500 pe 130-78 5-% out.
11:50 Ankit Maheshwari : lets see action around 14485 now
11:50 MJ : Cheers guys
11:51 KK : if it was 2 PM, BNF would have given 10 rs to 200..
11:51 MJ : you don’t mess with 1k.
11:51 K2dt : lol KK
11:51 Shai : +1
11:51 Swapnil : bnf 32k ce – in 40 – half out at 77. (11:45) MJ : anyone else traded that 1k guy?
11:51 Shai : 14486 F
11:51 MJ : cheers lads//
11:51 Ankit Maheshwari : 14400CE writers, how are they reacting?
11:52 Ankit Maheshwari : still in control?
11:52 MJ : That 1k guy just came around J singles low (09:18) MJ : I was looking at J period extn as support to enter markets at open.
11:53 MJ : Every bnf dip they have responded so far (09:58) MJ : J period guys still at it from previous day?
11:53 KK : Now to go back would be ..
11:53 KK : 500 points up from lows , BNF, yesterday J buyers
11:54 KK : yup
11:54 MJ : πŸ™‚
11:54 MJ : 494 on top bmf
11:55 Sanjib : 14400 PE 31 – 37 small trade
11:55 Shai : shoukld do 50 again
11:56 KK : bnf vs NF at VWAP
11:56 Ankit Maheshwari : BNF sustaining above VWAP for now
11:57 Shai : That 14400 pe pooped to 79 after our entry and gave back all gains
11:57 Shai : I think we get one more trade in it
11:57 Sanjib : re-entered at 33 wih TGT 50
11:57 Shai : BNf move dquick
11:58 Shai : be quick wityh NF shorts, BNF is not aligned now
11:59 Sanjib : 50% out at 41
12:00 MJ : chief A high revisit on this OF of bnf possible?
12:00 MJ : or done.
12:02 KK : Do we have transition in place, Shai ?
12:02 KK : Buy on dips and Book
12:04 KK : 350 CE 83 to 94
12:05 Shai : I’m not bullish till this is crossed in NF- (11:46) Shai : 14485 upper ref
12:05 Jitender : wpi at 7.39%
12:05 Shai : has stopped that last leg at 1486
12:06 Shai : 14486
12:06 Yash : bnf 31800 ce pe around 380!
12:06 Shai : But BNF has confirmed a transition and is bullish for 32330
12:06 Chandrashekhar : is that Whoe sale price Index Jit??…(12:05) Jitender : wpi at 7.39%
12:06 Jitender : ys fr mar
12:06 Ankit Maheshwari : inflation
12:06 Chandrashekhar : whats your inference on it for mkt?
12:06 KK : so, 400 CE above 83
12:07 Chandrashekhar : higher inflation making mkt slow down/slide
12:07 KK : or says something about demand..?
12:08 Ankit Maheshwari : Boom boom
12:09 Ankit Maheshwari : 1008 buyer
12:09 K2dt : 220-344 31700ce
12:09 K2dt : done for the day
12:09 MJ : those 0s to watch
12:10 MJ : 32k ce 80-160
12:10 MJ : traded only via days profit.
12:11 Rahul : hi everyone, here after long time. hope all safe
12:11 Ankit Maheshwari : how many IBs in BNF so far?
12:11 Shai : BNF should cross day highs now
12:11 Shai : Auction gone weird
12:11 Shai : was nicely one time framing lower
12:12 Chandrashekhar : +1.. i thoought this would be the PB
12:12 Ankit Maheshwari : 32K CE started puking
12:12 Surya ganti : 2nd rejection from vwap for NF
12:13 Ankit Maheshwari : this is Delhi lockdown news playing
12:13 Ankit Maheshwari : 1PM Kejriwal PC
12:13 Uttam : BNF took support right at Tuesdays extension handle
12:13 MJ : they are still fine Ankit.
12:13 Swapnil : 14.5 CE OI at 61L- started the day at 20L i think
12:13 MJ : actual puke above 170
12:13 Uttam : 31467 it was and vwap was at 31463
12:13 K2dt : they doing a lockdown in delhi too now?
12:14 Ankit Maheshwari : downmove on that speculation
12:14 Ankit Maheshwari : upmove when news channel flashed, weekend closure
12:14 Swapnil : Bnff wow
12:14 Ankit Maheshwari : Koi NF ko jagao πŸ˜›
12:16 MJ : bnf is like aaj na chodenge tujhe.
12:16 MJ : but tsl must. expiry hai doston.
12:16 MJ : don’t give back to the market.
12:17 Prashant : greens stk in bnf?
12:17 Himanshu : I am going for balance 3K steps – coudl do 7.2K in morning ..
12:17 Himanshu : I dont want to give back to Market and MJ ..#
12:17 KK : kejri, yeh Kya kiya..
12:17 Prashant : what news?
12:18 Himanshu : Now a days – Udhhav and Kejri are bigger indicatior then PM
12:18 Himanshu : or equivalent
12:18 MJ : Lol himanshu.
12:18 KK : NF for ;lows , is it H ?
12:18 Ankit Maheshwari : KK kya aaya?
12:18 Ankush Jain : 0s negated in BN?
12:18 Himanshu : See 2L cases – Now we are debating Oxygen –
12:18 Himanshu : so not healthy sign..
12:19 K2dt : 249-295 on those series of stuck greens
12:19 Himanshu : Otehr Bhaccines are post July – though – Ordeflow knows everything ..
12:19 Tejpreet : Jit you think full lockdown a possibility in Delhi ?
12:19 K2dt : 32kpe
12:19 Ankush Jain : toyal active cases are merely 0.1% of the population
12:19 Ankit Maheshwari : No Tej
12:19 Ankush Jain : if it becomes 1%, scary
12:19 Himanshu : In Surat – They did cremeation like – one in NYork in first round ..
12:19 Tejpreet : just curfew and weekend then Ankit
12:19 Himanshu : mass Cremation – reminds me of WW2
12:20 KK : Delhi , only has 2 cr population..but very high optics
12:20 Himanshu : One news piece was reduction in Freight Rates – Which has spooked – all truck lenders –
12:21 Himanshu : Indusind, IDFC, – NBFCs..
12:21 Jitender : Tej….tey will hold off as long as poss
12:21 Tejaswini : Chief liquidation below vwap in BNF possible?
12:22 Jitender : its not upto him…the decision is woth upstairs
12:22 Jitender : LG has all powers since that passn of bill
12:22 Ranjith : so many greens stuck in Nifty
12:22 Ranjith : sorry BNF
12:22 K2dt : LG or centre Jit?
12:22 Himanshu : HDFC – B to be watched 1400-1395 below liquidation can come .
12:23 Jitender : K2….r tey diff ?
12:23 K2dt : :)))
12:23 KK : Chief, buy that NF pe on BNF VWAP Break ?
12:23 Himanshu : Now chart has lower day – projection to 31128
12:23 Himanshu : reduced by 150 Points then D
12:23 K2dt : lets break vpoc 850 bnf
12:23 Ankit Maheshwari : No major reds in the IS as per me in BNF
12:24 Swapnil : No volumes
12:25 Ranjith : stuck in PDH
12:25 Ranjith : greens
12:28 Ranjith : UG … Greens stuck near PDH belwo VWAp can be for 31560
12:28 Ranjith : red band too IS
12:28 KK : 400 CE 59 to 51, that 485 looks kind of not doable
12:29 MJ : melt in options happening. nice wala.
12:29 Ankush Jain : chief BN ploarity changes again?
12:29 Ranjith : 1st IS with good vol
12:30 Uttam : BNF it is an RS @Ranjith at 32064 with a stuck green of 837 which gives vwap
12:31 Himanshu : Gone ICICB slipped
12:31 Shai : 14735 sl for any longs in BNF
12:31 Ankit Maheshwari : If VWAP support BNF here, it is good for longs
12:31 Manoj : ?
12:32 Chetas : 14735? tppo
12:32 Chetas : typo πŸ™‚
12:32 Arjun : 31735*
12:33 MJ : 201 bnf
12:33 MJ : bulb
12:34 Ganga Katara : 31735?
12:34 Shai : NF gone sideways
12:34 K2dt : waiting for AK?
12:34 Shai : rescue act for 14400 pe
12:35 Shai : who is AK?
12:35 Ankit Maheshwari : Kejri
12:35 K2dt : yes mr kejriwal πŸ™‚
12:35 Shai : for lockdown?
12:35 Shai : POlicy is not to impose lockdowns
12:35 Yash null : lock down is must,
12:35 K2dt : 1pm press con someone mentioned
12:35 Ankush Jain : AK presser at 1 pm
12:35 Yash null : 15days
12:35 KK : Shai thought, Ab yeh AK AK kya hai
12:35 Shai : will be surprised if any CM does
12:36 MJ : AK big enough to move morkets?
12:36 KK : PK to suna tha
12:36 MJ : markets*
12:36 Ankit Maheshwari : If Maha didn’t, AK don’t even have power
12:36 Ankush Jain : the reports coming out from ground are scary
12:36 MJ : lets watch OF.
12:36 Rajiv Ohri : Political Harakiri if they do. 12:35 Shai : will be surprised if any CM does
12:36 Yash null : he will come and say, lock down is needed but I hv no power
12:36 Vishnu : whatever happens even 1 lakhs death ( not wishing ) the govt wont go for any lockdown. they need economy and no one need to consume it .
12:36 MJ : gents. market please?
12:37 Ankit Maheshwari : BNF for day high?
12:37 Shai : wait mode in NF
12:38 Shai : No positions openm
12:38 Shai : Anyone wants to respond to this chap- https://twitter.com/PalaniappanP11/status/1382589513772404736?s=20
12:38 Ranjith : Chief that 1000 green in BNF has covered or not??
12:38 Shai : what a buffoon
12:39 Yash : chief, bnf range is on up side from prev day, so chances of upper spike?
12:39 K2dt : who is this man??
12:39 K2dt : twitter random type he seems
12:39 Ankush Jain : perils of SM chief
12:40 K2dt : someone has liked his reply too that his funny πŸ™‚
12:41 Shai : back to markets\
12:41 Shai : 14486 ref
12:42 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai remove that toolbox again plz
12:42 Ankit Maheshwari : on Profile chart
12:42 Tejpreet : tks Jit….got logged out …12:21 Jitender : Tej….tey will hold off as long as poss
12:43 Tejpreet : yes chief ….(12:41) Shai : back to markets\
12:43 MJ : nf wants to enter ibl?
12:43 MJ : nah
12:44 Ankit Maheshwari : 14500CE price increasing a bit abrupt
12:45 Swapnil : At what level does 14500CE feel the heat ? 65L OI in it
12:47 Bhishma : locals trading
12:48 Ankit Maheshwari : VWAP rejection
12:48 Ankush Jain : NF trying its best to cross vwap
12:48 MJ : 2k bars missing
12:49 Prashant : 14472 vwap vs 14495 on other feeds incl mplite
12:49 MJ : Room has a different way to calculate vwap @P
12:49 K2dt : room charts r calculated on tick data P
12:50 Prashant : diff is too big..shai mentioned tick data…but diff
12:50 Shai : it’s volume and time also
12:50 Shai : vwap+ twap
12:50 MJ : yes vwap + time.
12:50 Shai : works better than vwap
12:51 Ranjith : Chief BNF greens stucks right??
12:51 Shai : the late ones are
12:51 MJ : 242 reds nf
12:51 Yash : not so easy, vwap and Ibl are close!
12:51 Shai : the earlier ones fropm 31500 now trail at 31750
12:51 Ranjith : Thanks chief
12:52 Prashant : if reaction to vwap is something one looks at, then shouldn’t we be looking at vwap that everyone sees..
12:52 Prashant : bnd vwap diff is only 3..
12:53 Ankit Maheshwari : HFT uses twap heavily. Its not new concept
12:53 Prashant : bnf
12:53 MJ : that 254 reds in nf. hilega?
12:54 Arul : DPOC 31950
12:54 MJ : that day open Arul
12:55 Yash : market needs to run, or else belly bahar aa jayega!
12:55 Swapnil : just no volumes πŸ™
12:56 Yash : 31800 ce pe from 380 to 340!
12:57 Ankit Maheshwari : no one wirting 14500CE?
12:58 Ankit Maheshwari : no OI addition in last 1 hour
12:59 MJ : bnf o bnf
13:00 MJ : 254 reds gave quick bucks in 14300 ce
13:00 Ankit Maheshwari : 679 greens
13:00 MJ : ankit 14500 mein kardo kuch
13:01 Ankit Maheshwari : 14486, waiting for Shai’s level
13:01 Arjun : RS happening here at this level?
13:02 MJ : 703
13:02 MJ : nf
13:03 Ankit Maheshwari : 703 for AK
13:03 Ankit Maheshwari : πŸ˜›
13:04 Yash : 14500pe in at 88
13:04 Jitender : 2 algo’s fighting
13:04 MJ : +1 jit
13:05 Ankit Maheshwari : PC started
13:05 Shai : vwap forced shorts out at 14483
13:06 Ankit Maheshwari : that 703 is shorts SL shai?
13:06 Sumeet : what pc is this ? kejriwal ?
13:06 Chandrashekhar : weekend curfew in Delhi
13:08 Shai : Market is not worried about thse lockdown guys. They have a 2 to 5 day effect, not more
13:08 Uttam : +1
13:08 MJ : +1 cheif
13:08 Shai : check FTSE chart whoch went into second phase lockdown from dec to now
13:08 Ankush Jain : but I am worried abt my business
13:08 Shai : we didn’t rect last year also
13:08 Shai : oh yes it’s bad for business
13:08 Shai : And economy
13:09 Shai : but markets and economy are 2 diff things
13:09 Vishnu : shai nifty monday singles still protected. is that monday seller still persists?
13:09 Shai : yes
13:09 Vishnu : tnx ur destination for that seller 13800-900?
13:09 Shai : 14400- 14417 range still to watch
13:10 Shai : if we don’t get active sellinbg below it then no further downbsides
13:10 Vishnu : grt
13:10 MJ : reds below vwap in bnf.
13:10 MJ : Yest same had happened.
13:11 Vishnu : nifty tuestday exit handle todays vwap. seems tough to break above with this volume
13:11 MJ : roughly in i J period.
13:12 Adnan : Cheif if vwap is taken out with green bands and vols then IBH possible?
13:14 Chandrashekhar : where is the Dpoc for NF now?
13:14 Uttam : volumes building at 14450
13:16 Uttam : dPOC could have already shifted there looks like
13:16 Chandrashekhar : the table shows 598…which is incorrect and needs to be updated i guess
13:17 Uttam : similar vols there from open
13:19 Prashant : 598 still has the highest vol..
13:19 MJ : Jit those two algos levels wise are at?
13:21 Jitender : 32020-40 n 32800-20
13:22 MJ : thanks.
13:22 Jitender : *31800
13:22 Himanshu : 31500 K PE strike under hammer
13:24 MJ : Every dip gets some jump.
13:24 Abhishek L : i agree chief wen last time lockdn happened wave didnt start now daily cases abv 1.8 lks is a bit of a worry
13:26 MJ : 31800 again jit.
13:26 Jitender : last time wen lockdown was announced…mkt made lows n started recvorn
13:26 Jitender : 23rd/24th March
13:26 Shai : +1
13:26 Yash : many ppl will go bonkers if lock down happens
13:27 Yash : my industry got volumes down to 50%
13:27 Yash : we are into ice creams
13:27 Yash : ice cream industry will be wiped out!
13:27 Chetas : last time market was down 40% before lockdown, how can we compare
13:27 Yash : only few big players will survive!
13:27 Jitender : now ample $ are being printed…u have GASP here…vaccines…and rejection of actual economic reality…..so it will be volatile
13:28 Yash : this time issues will be different, US UK has no issues now, this is more like India issue!
13:29 Jitender : just dont trade with bias until clarity happens….use setups n SL
13:29 Yash : +1 Jit
13:29 Yash : no bais, give me 10k guy on upside, Ill print ces πŸ˜€
13:29 Swapnil : another low volume attempt to go above vwao?
13:30 Ankit Maheshwari : It checked for supply at 1443
13:30 Ankit Maheshwari : *14430 and seems like lack of it
13:30 Ankit Maheshwari : waiting for 14486 level action
13:30 Swapnil : yes Anki
13:30 Swapnil : Ankit
13:30 Ankush Jain : almost 90 minutes, NF trying to conquer vwap
13:31 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai any dukaan to track>
13:31 Ankit Maheshwari : ?
13:31 Prashant : dpoc lower?
13:31 MJ : that shai’s 486 is adamant.
13:31 Jitender : chalo guys..time to shut my shop…only scalps bnow…
13:32 Ankit Maheshwari : greens piling up slowly in BNF
13:32 Jitender : *now
13:32 Yash : +Ankit
13:32 MJ : jit 518 at your 31800 level.
13:32 Prashant : arree casino line pls…
13:32 Jitender : casino stands open πŸ™‚
13:32 MJ : gave 80 pts in 31500 ce
13:32 Prashant : πŸ™‚
13:34 Ankit Maheshwari : Infy bhaga
13:36 Ankit Maheshwari : Adamancy of 14486 continues
13:38 Ankush Jain : 14500 ce +48 l 14400 pe +48 L
13:38 Ankush Jain : ek kee dukaan to luttegi
13:38 Ankit Maheshwari : Aao thakur aao
13:38 MJ : πŸ˜€
13:38 MJ : Jebaat!
13:38 Swapnil : volumes coming yes!
13:39 Ankit Maheshwari : Bias change Shai? If we stay here?
13:41 Ankush Jain : when will 14500 guys panic?
13:41 Uttam : 14400ce waloon ke baad
13:41 Ankush Jain : haan
13:41 Ankit Maheshwari : where is their dukaan?
13:41 MJ : 14500 ce
13:41 Uttam : from today vwap to yvwap dont in that 14400ce
13:41 Uttam : 63-90
13:41 Swapnil : 14.5 CE covered 5 L
13:41 Ankush Jain : 14500 starts dipping
13:41 Uttam : stays above 90 more push possible
13:42 Ankit Maheshwari : dvah cross karao
13:45 Chandrashekhar : looks like 440-450 closing rahega…writers managing it?
13:46 Ranjith : UG TVWAP ??
13:46 Jitender : KISS πŸ™‚ (13:04) Jitender : 2 algo’s fighting(13:19) MJ : Jit those two algos levels wise are at?(13:21) Jitender : 32020-40 n 32800-20
13:46 Ankit Maheshwari : Managing above 14486 fir now
13:47 Shai : Buy 14300 ce at 167 sl of 132 tgt 210
13:51 Swapnil : no volumes again
13:53 Ankush Jain : 192
13:54 Shai : has bounced from 14766 on that transition volumes- (12:06) Shai : But BNF has confirmed a transition and is bullish for 32330. (12:31) Shai : 14735 sl for any longs in BNF.
13:54 Jitender : +1
13:54 Swapnil : +1 Shai for Bnf
13:54 Shai : 31735 I had meant**
13:55 Ankit Maheshwari : 14400CE writers safe?
13:56 Shai : 187 book half the CE
13:56 Bhishma : choppy auction no smootin moves?
13:56 Shai : sl at 163 now on rest – (13:47) Shai : Buy 14300 ce at 167 sl of 132 tgt 210
13:56 Shai : Almost a F this trade
13:56 Shai : we are trading with 14480 as ref
13:56 Shai : 14575/ 14625 tgts
13:56 Rahul Goel : shai what do you mean by almost an F??
13:57 Amit : free
13:57 Jitender : Probab of Dh being done in bnf is tere….
13:57 Arjun : future*
13:57 Surya ganti : moving 1 rupee for every 1 rupee in F prices
13:57 Sumeet : deep itm almost acts like a future
13:57 Surya ganti : +1
13:58 Shai : Yes delta works like F
13:58 Yash : shai, if we break 485?
13:58 Shai : can’t do ATM buys with 90 mins left
13:58 Shai : thgen 14430 quick
13:58 Ankit Maheshwari : 14625 would be good
13:58 Shai : we are good at 163 on tha
13:59 Ankush Jain : +1
14:00 Ankit Maheshwari : UG 14400 wirter managing 90 till now
14:00 Shai : delta = F – (13:56) Rahul Goel: shai what do you mean by almost an F??
14:01 Ankush Jain : F for future
14:02 MJ : roughly 70pt a singles.
14:02 MJ : nf
14:02 Prashant : stops here always..
14:03 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai 14400CE dukaan?
14:03 Ankush Jain : 210
14:04 Uttam : above 50 14500ce chance to start puking πŸ˜‰
14:04 Ankush Jain : TSL shai?
14:04 Shai : 215 – (13:47) Shai : Buy 14300 ce at 167 sl of 132 tgt 210
14:04 Ankush Jain : +1
14:04 Uttam : 14400ce 90-118
14:04 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai hold or book?
14:04 Shai : those who want to hold for 575/ 625 sl is now 172
14:04 Ankit Maheshwari : 551 buyers
14:05 MJ : 14500 pe bhi dekhte rehna
14:06 MJ : goes above 551
14:06 MJ : safe
14:06 Ankush Jain : 222
14:06 Uttam : 125 now and OI down from 35L to 26/L – (13:41) Uttam : 14400ce waloon ke baad(13:41) Uttam : stays above 90 more push possible
14:08 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai these greens in NF good for 14625?
14:08 Ankit Maheshwari : 1079 in BNF red
14:09 Shai : Book out the 14300 ce fully now
14:09 Jitender : 70 bps swipe on it (13:57) Jitender : Probab of Dh being done in bnf is tere….
14:09 Ankush Jain : wow
14:09 Shai : +1
14:09 Jitender : invalidated…abv DH
14:09 Ankit Maheshwari : K move?
14:10 Shai : some very late longs in NF
14:10 Ankush Jain : 606 late lateef
14:10 Jitender : tis is morn open seller
14:10 Yash : K is yet to begin!
14:10 Rajiv Ohri : He is back again
14:10 Bhishma : 10000
14:10 Bhishma : 1000lot
14:11 Swapnil : bnf guy booking out?
14:13 MJ : chief this bnf 1k strike rate is gajab
14:13 MJ : /\
14:13 Ankit Maheshwari : K is here
14:13 Ranjith : Above IBH K extension possible ?? chief
14:14 Ranjith : bnf
14:15 Jitender : scalped 50 our of 32.1ce (14:09) Jitender : 70 bps swipe on it (13:57) Jitender : Probab of Dh being done in bnf is tere….
14:15 Jitender : out of
14:15 Jitender : had to avg…(not a good practice though)
14:16 Ankit Maheshwari : where is 14500 CE dukaan?
14:19 Ankit Maheshwari : Shai why we said late longs on NF?
14:21 Swapnil : Thank Jit (13:57) Jitender : Probab of Dh being done in bnf is tere….
14:21 Jitender : wc
14:22 Ankush Jain : vwap waapsi?
14:22 Surya ganti : lol ping pong πŸ˜€
14:23 Jitender : tat swipe happened by sumone who panicked n did SC…else…cud have dipped ten only
14:23 Shai : Buy 14600 pe at 118 sl of 90
14:23 Shai : close at 14480 F
14:25 Bhavin : (14:23) Shai : Buy 14600 pe at 118 sl of 90 – IN…
14:26 Shai : goping for vwap
14:26 Ankush Jain : aao
14:26 Shai : saw what happened?= (14:19) Ankit Maheshwari: Shai why we said late longs on NF?
14:26 Sanjiv : +1
14:30 Surya ganti : SL taken on the pe
14:30 Rajesh G : YES
14:30 Tejaswini : Chief stopped out. Reenter?
14:31 Bhishma : better to short fut?
14:31 Shai : stopped
14:31 Shai : make exits
14:31 Shai : fell shirt by 20 points
14:32 Bhavin : we will come back stronger
14:35 Rajiv Ohri : Most the days I like to think I am clueless, today NF and BNF are clueless πŸ™‚
14:36 MJ : πŸ™‚
14:37 Nagaraj : Supply still seems to be there around 14580
14:37 Shai : undecided actually to throw out 14500 ce or 14500 pe
14:37 Shai : may be a tie
14:37 Surya ganti : like a drunken monkey that pe is jumpoing around
14:37 Nagaraj : ok
14:37 Surya ganti : 137!
14:42 MJ : thoes reds in bnf?
14:42 MJ : can be sprayed?
14:42 Mayur null : tanqΓΉ2111q01iiqq1n118.n
14:43 Swapnil : please give username and website also Mayur
14:45 Ankush Jain : Nifty settling at 14500 (spot)?
14:46 Shai : yes
14:46 Shai : truce
14:46 Ankush Jain : wo bhi jaroori
14:47 Mayur null : 98££?u0b0ip7ui.
14:48 Mayur null : sorry about that
14:49 Abhishek L : hdfcbank showing strenght can see 1475
14:53 MJ : chief can spike?
14:53 MJ : nf?
14:54 Shai : can
14:54 Shai : 14500 ce abv 30
14:54 Shai : sl of 16
14:54 Swapnil : In already
14:55 Shai : tgt 53
14:56 MJ : 14400 moving like a hog
14:56 MJ : #@#!@#
14:57 Shai : exit 27/28
14:58 Surya ganti : ouchh
14:59 Sanjiv : done: (14:55) Shai : tgt 53
14:59 Chetas : exited and left for a minute , dobled almost
14:59 Chetas : πŸ™‚
14:59 Surya ganti : i exited too
14:59 Prashant : froze
14:59 Ankush Jain : that CE
15:00 Ankush Jain : πŸ™
15:00 Shai : part of the game
15:00 Ankush Jain : yes
15:00 Chetas : but did well with day targets, so happy
15:00 Shai : hesistated at 30 hence
15:00 Tejaswini : +1
15:00 Shai : was clear for 55 if it had not
15:00 Prashant : reentered…28-55
15:01 Nisha : Entered again at 42 and exited at shai tgt of 54 πŸ™‚
15:02 Shai : 42 sl high high roisk
15:02 Shai : tgt 87
15:02 MJ : (14:42) MJ : thoes reds in bnf?(14:42) MJ : can be sprayed?
15:03 Shai : 525 destination
15:03 Shai : 625*
15:03 MJ : 77 is vwap 3sd in that 14500 ce
15:03 Ankush Jain : truce called off
15:03 Amit : +1
15:05 Shai : sl at cost 53
15:06 Shai : 67 book full
15:06 Shai : CE got whacked
15:07 Shai : All in a day πŸ™‚
15:07 MJ : Katle aaam!
15:07 MJ : thanks for spike ack chief πŸ™‚
15:07 Ranjith : Nice … πŸ™‚
15:07 MJ : kept spraying ces.
15:07 Shai : That 14600 pe held 88- 90 for a long time
15:08 Shai : ocne it broek signal was given that truce will not work
15:10 MJ : 23L still in that 14500 ce
15:10 MJ : oi
15:11 MJ : done (15:03) MJ : 77 is vwap 3sd in that 14500 ce
15:11 Shai : 14500 ce again
15:11 Shai : can climb
15:11 Shai : 66 sl
15:11 Shai : 87
15:11 Shai : tgt
15:14 MJ : bnf expiry done looks like.
15:14 MJ : nf wants dhi?
15:14 Ankit Maheshwari : 17 to 27 on 15550CE πŸ™‚
15:15 Ankush Jain : PE not moving
15:15 Adnan : 1089 reds at 14,05 is stalling BN
15:15 Ankush Jain : sorry ce
15:15 Ranjith : +1 adnan’
15:16 Shai : Book out now 80
15:16 Shai : Chalo done for the day\
15:16 Ankush Jain : yess
15:16 Ranjith : yes
15:16 Shai : That 14600 pe messed up, else all went to plan
15:16 Shai : All okay here?
15:16 Sag1 SAWANT : +100
15:16 Abhishek L : some what
15:16 Ranjith : Yes Green
15:16 Ankit Maheshwari : Yes, dessert was good
15:16 Amit : yes
15:16 Ankush Jain : yeah not bad
15:16 Arul : stopped out
15:17 Arul : but decent day
15:17 Surya ganti : a little red.. but it’s okay πŸ™‚
15:17 MJ : yes chief
15:17 Ankush Jain : a little green
15:17 MJ : 12-18-24 14500 ce buys
15:17 MJ : 77 out πŸ™‚
15:17 Arul : MJ can u help how did u go long at 505 in BN pls
15:17 Bhavin : yes chief…
15:17 MJ : 1000 greens were there.
15:17 Ankit Maheshwari : He told right?
15:17 Ankit Maheshwari : J singles of yesterday
15:17 Arul : What made u to decide that trade
15:17 MJ : I did explain. I’ve refreshed. chat would have gone.
15:18 MJ : @ankit if you can post it for him/
15:18 MJ : ?
15:18 Ankit Maheshwari : Gone for me as well. Wait for transcript, it will be there
15:18 Arul : ok… what do u mean by 1000 greens
15:19 MJ : bnf had 1000 greens.
15:19 MJ : at lows
15:19 MJ : 2 of them.
15:19 Swapnil : Thanks for that again MJ πŸ˜‰ (15:19) MJ : bnf had 1000 greens.
15:20 Swapnil : I am mostly watching nifty only
15:20 MJ : Cheers guys.
15:20 Ranjith : That 1089 Red didnt cross
15:20 MJ : be ears and eyes of eachother.
15:20 Arul : when u say greens in the OF candle 1000 greens
15:20 Ankit Maheshwari : 1000 guy gives 100 in BNF
15:20 Ankit Maheshwari : how much in NF?
15:20 MJ : yes arul
15:21 Arul : Thanks MJ… let analyse and learn
15:22 MJ : Watch your yesterday’s IJ period bnf reds getting stuck below vwap. Today also had same scnees.
15:24 Rajiv Ohri : NF DPOC at the top now. Gap up?
15:25 Arul : Ok, sday J single as low
15:26 Rajesh G : shai view for tomorrow
15:27 MJ : bnf felt bad about what I said.
15:27 MJ : I guess
15:28 Himanshu : all okey here
15:29 Shai : 14480- 520 zone is back as supp
15:29 Shai : 14417 higher supp for swing
15:29 Shai : we will narrow it down at open
15:29 Surya ganti : wow those volumes at close?
15:29 Rajesh G : thanks shai
15:29 Bhavin : good day team… good evening
15:29 Shai : This will continue- 09:05) Shai : 14400- 14540- 14646 zone of trade of this auction(
15:29 Shai : tc all
15:29 Rohit : Thanks all
15:29 Shai : have a good evening
15:29 Surya ganti : bye everyone
15:29 Kannan : Thank You Chief _/\_
15:30 Arul : Thanks all… Cheers! bye
15:30 Chetas : bye all, good tading day
15:30 Chetas : good trading day
15:36 Mayur null : bye all
15:42 Ranjith : bye all

Market Profile and Orderflow Masterclass – Jan 11th

πŸ“… Date: Jan 11, 2025
πŸ“ Location: Ritz Carlton, Bangalore
πŸ’° Cost: β‚Ή14,999 (inclusive of 18% GST, lunch, and coffee)
⏰ Time: 09:30 AM – 06:30 PM
🎁 Bonus: Lifetime access to our e-course worth β‚Ή5,899!

What You’ll Get

βœ…Β 5 Power-Packed SessionsΒ (90-120 minutes each)
βœ… Learn Market Profile and Orderflow techniques.
βœ… Live examples from MarketProfile and Orderflow charts
βœ… Networking opportunities with fellow traders.

βœ…Β BONUS: Lifetime access to our e-course worth β‚Ή5,899!