Live in Bangalore for 2 days
We are stoked to announce our in person face-to-face workshop on MarketProfile and Order Flow on Oct 2 and Oct 3 in Bangalore
The workshop is an added experience for traders where we meet, discuss and interact on the strategies and processes to follow in the markets.
Pre- Covid our last workshop was in Delhi on Feb 29th / March 1st last year and most of the traders from that workshop , not just negotiated the immediate volatility of the early Covid era ( we played the entire leg down to 7900 levels) but have gone on to become highly successful traders in the room today.
Randomness kills traders
At Vtrender we stress on knowing a working process over and above everything else.
Randomness kills traders.
Knowing what not to do and by applying correctly what needs to be done is the right path to make sustained profits in the markets.
The 2 day workshop intends to arm you with the right skills to take on the challenges of the markets.
It will put you on the fast track to becoming a skilled professional trader.
The details of the workshop are at – marketprofile-and-orderflow- workshop-in-bangalore/
The Bonus(es)
1) One month free access in the Vtrender Trading Room
2) Access to the Vtrender Training Library for a month
3) Bonus session on psychology ( adopting a right mindset is an un- discussed skill)
The workshop will be open to only vaccinated members
We have limited seats
Link to sign up- workshop-in-bangalore-oct-2– 3-of-2021
Costs are INR 29999/- inclusive of GST
The payment gateway charges 2- 3% additional for cards, to avoid that you can also UPI directly to vtrendertradingroom@icici
Should you have any questions , do mark a mail to [email protected]
Can also connect with Manoj ( whatsapp text only) on 9284331270 for more.