Many traders are used to viewing volume as a histogram beneath a price chart. This approach shows the amount of volume traded below the price Bar. The Order Flow approach is to see the Volume traded inside or within the price bar, an important distinction.
Order Flow trading is thinking about what order market participants do and when you think along this, you can anticipate what kind of action they will be taking in the market. This is a very important concept in Order Flow.
Room Chat
08:46 Kushal : gm all
08:49 Himanshu : GM Kushal
08:49 Kushal : gm Himanshu
08:50 Manikandan null : GM all
08:51 Santhosh : gm all
08:52 Vtrender Live : 30 min charts –
08:52 Rajan : Good morning all
08:53 Sanjib : Good Morning to All
08:54 Shai : Gm all
08:55 Abhijith : Gm all
08:55 Avinash : GM Everyone
08:56 Suhas : Gm all
08:57 Chandrashekhar : GM all
08:58 Ravi : gm all
08:58 Shai : GM all
08:58 Giri : GM all
08:58 Himanshu : GM all
08:58 Shai : 9060 and 8870 are 2 ref zones for the open today
08:59 Himanshu : Chief GM – 5 Minute link pls
08:59 Suhas : KITE
08:59 Shai : 9160 is the others eller from yesterday noon
08:59 Suhas : sorry typed in wrong window
09:00 Rajiv : GM all…am new in here
09:00 Vtrender Live : 5 min charts enhanced –
09:00 Rajiv : still going your trainings Shai…
09:00 Himanshu : Thk Chief
09:00 Rajiv : the levels you mention here i assume are in futures?
09:01 Shai : 9060 amd 9160 may attract the sellers again
09:01 Shai : clean sell if 8870 breaks for 8525 later today
09:02 Kushal : yes chief thnkhs
09:03 Anil : Good Morning All
09:04 Santhosh : welcome rajiv
09:04 Neeraj : Good Morning all
09:04 Manoj : good morning guys
09:05 Uttam : Good Morning All 🙂
09:06 Prateeek : Good Morning All
09:06 Santhosh : UG new member Rajiv is here
09:06 Piyush : GM Everyone.
09:07 Rajiv : Thanks santhosh
09:07 Manoj : Rajiv Welcome
09:08 Uttam : welcome to VT Rajiv, yes all levels mentioend are futures unless specified otherwise
09:08 Kushal : welcome Rajiv
09:08 Rajiv : thanks Uttam and kushal
09:09 Uttam : Nifty Spot also left a FA yesterday, its second in 2 days – Monday was at 9602 & yesterday at 9404
09:10 Sanjib : Looks like a gap up opening
09:10 Sanjib : Nifty up by 121 points in pre-open
09:10 Uttam : yesterday also was a gap up for first time in 7 days which was sold into at opwn so lets see what happens today
09:10 Seshadri : welcome rajiv
09:11 Kushal : another ORR? Who knows
09:11 Vijay : now a days 1% looks like flat opening
09:11 Kushal : yes Vijay…lol
09:11 Piyush : FA stands for?@uttam
09:11 Uttam : FA – Failed Auction
09:11 Piyush : ok thanks.
09:12 Rajiv : Oh another Rajiv here. Shai we need to find a way to differentiate
09:13 Kushal : change ur display name
09:15 Tejpreet : GM All.
09:18 Shai : First auction stays below 9060- (09:01) Shai : 9060 amd 9160 may attract the sellers again
09:18 Vijay : 9500pe 480-550
09:18 Govind : Yes Shai, great call
09:19 Shai : Home work 🙂
09:19 Himanshu : Yes Chief
09:19 Boppanna : +100 Shai
09:19 Himanshu : first trade done –
09:19 Suhas : 9100 pe shor at 188 to154 done
09:19 Suhas : work from home
09:20 Uttam : 9000pe from 213 to231
09:20 Govind : Congo Vijay and Suhas
09:20 Seshadri : shai always hits bullseye
09:20 Govind : and UG
09:21 Seshadri : i think rate refresh is slow
09:21 Shai : Looking to short break of this lows 8930
09:22 Seshadri : below 8930 whats the target shai
09:22 Shai : 8815
09:23 Suhas : nice decay on callside weekly
09:26 Anil : Chief for Bank Nifty ?
09:27 Anil : Premium Erosion going on both side
09:29 Suhas : 8815 coming?
09:31 Yash null : not refreshing?
09:31 Kiran : screen not visible
09:31 Suhas : reload
09:32 Suhas : boom
09:32 Shai : 8987 sl for shorts
09:32 Shai : put part booking orders at 8870
09:34 Tejpreet : 20 min and dt done.
09:35 Chandrashekhar : Congrats Tej
09:35 Prateeek : great tej
09:35 Kushal : super Tej
09:36 Ankit : +1 tej
09:36 Shai : 8967 trailing – (09:32) Shai : 8987 sl for shorts
09:37 Uttam : 9000pe from 231 to 242
09:38 Ankit : kamaal hai UG +1
09:38 Uttam : needds to get abv that 252 that pe
09:38 KK : 1 DT done.. closing for now..discipline.+1 Shai
09:38 Yash null : out 9200pe, 346 – 361
09:39 Tejpreet : tks guys
09:39 Uttam : congrats guys 🙂
09:39 Tejpreet : congrats to all green mtm in room
09:39 Suhas : yesbank is furious
09:40 Boppanna : congts all
09:42 Kushal : congrats everyone
09:42 Shai : book the short for now
09:43 Shai : that volume at 8970 stopped 50 lowe r yesterday also
09:43 Shai : day low is 8884\
09:43 Shai : seller is in
09:43 Shai : look to sell into strength
09:43 Shai : no counter trend buys
09:44 Shai : it'[s a period dominated by sellers
09:44 Uttam : BNF looking weaker
09:44 Uttam : already below PDL
09:44 Uttam : red coming in NF here too
09:45 Uttam : 8920 ref on upside
09:45 Abhijith : shai can go short again below 8870 ??
09:45 Uttam : BNF looks like going for 21548
09:46 Uttam : 60k green at 8880
09:46 Shai : yes can
09:46 Shai : prem melt
09:47 Shai : hence the awkwardness here
09:47 Shai : down to 40 poinmts now the disc
09:47 Shai : was 110
09:48 Kushal : 8870 here Shai
09:50 Sachin : holding from 9060 – should i book shai?
09:50 Sachin : shorted at level you told
09:50 Uttam : 9000pe again from 258 to 267
09:50 Neeraj : 9100pe from 275 to 320
09:50 Govind : 9000PE from 222 to 262
09:50 Govind : COngo guys
09:51 Uttam : good greens here in NF
09:51 MJ : 45k cot at lows
09:51 Uttam : at PDL
09:51 Sachin : booked out
09:51 Kushal : +1 Gov
09:51 Govind : greens @ PDL
09:51 Suhas : again 9100 ce from 134 to96
09:51 Uttam : 93k
09:51 Suhas : congrats all
09:52 MJ : 9070 to 8855. exits coz of those green.
09:52 Uttam : done the first part – b) The auction has immediate support at 8900 below which could it fall to 8870-50 / 8690-80 & 8613-00
09:53 Sachin : thanks uttam, took a quick trade 22000 ce, 434 to 449, done
09:53 Uttam : BNF 21590 so far – b) The auction has immediate support at 21960 below which it could fall to 21870-800 / 21568-*542* / 21425 / 21300-233 & 20992
09:53 Suhas : +1 Ug
09:53 Suhas : gr8
09:53 Sachin : thanks all, done, no more trading
09:53 Sachin : will watch
09:53 Uttam : 21542 is a weekly VPOC in BNF
09:54 MJ : Uttam: i was worried about the pos. I had not squared off an overnight short. Phew. human error.
09:54 Govind : I entered at SHai’s 8930 and was gonna exit at 8870 but it went thru it a bit faster than the initial downmove. Thanks Shai
09:55 MJ : Esp with the way ES was moving.
09:55 Govind : Uttam, got an exit on that monthly 9100 remainder as well
09:55 Sachin : what was last week LC level?
09:56 Ravi : 8555
09:56 Govind : Ravi, that was spot no?
09:56 Ravi : Yes
09:56 Abhishek Lalwani : @ravi we will once touch 8555 n below for sure
09:56 Uttam : done – (09:45) Uttam : BNF looks like going for 21548
09:56 Govind : 8300 it was in futures I think
09:56 Sachin : if the price went down despite cot
09:56 Sachin : this means booking out?
09:57 Shai : book
09:57 MJ : 8299 F yes gov.
09:57 Govind : +1 Shai
09:57 Uttam : Super Gov 🙂 congrats
09:57 Ankit : +1 8815 herre
09:57 Govind : Clean trade this
09:57 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai, super trade
09:58 Govind : Thanks Uttam
09:58 Uttam : (09:44) Uttam : BNF looking weaker(09:44) Uttam : already below PDL
09:58 Govind : I’ve not traded BNF in a week and am not missing her 🙂
09:58 Kushal : great callnShai
09:58 Suhas : gone
09:58 Uttam : 302 high in it now – (09:38) Uttam : needds to get abv that 252 that pe
09:58 Uttam : 9000pe
09:59 Uttam : 8690-8680
09:59 Uttam : next reference lower in NF
09:59 Uttam : 8820 immediate level to watch on upside
09:59 Uttam : 8820-40 zone actually
10:00 Jitender : congrats all
10:00 Sanjib : Cot is not supporting should we expect bounce vwap?
10:00 Jitender : 22306-21467 done
10:00 Govind : greens coming here
10:00 Uttam : congo Jit
10:00 Jitender : 1 trade
10:00 Govind : Congo Jit
10:00 Prateeek : great brothers
10:01 Vijay : congo Jit
10:01 Jitender : tx gents
10:01 Kushal : super Jit
10:01 Ankit : +1 jit
10:01 Neeraj : COT positive, should we expect a bounce here??
10:02 Govind : Neeraj, Shai said no contra trades as of yet
10:02 Jitender : 2351 is 27/12..4 year back spx point from were trump rally started
10:02 Govind : and it looks like every small PB is being shorted for now
10:02 Sanjib : WE might get to play C Side failure today
10:02 Abhijith : 160 points don in nf
10:02 Neeraj : ohh….sorry, missed that …..thanks
10:02 Jitender : a ref from spx yday nite bounced (10:02) Jitender : 2351 is 27/12..4 year back spx point from were trump rally started
10:03 Jitender : if broken….
10:03 Govind : Yes Jit, it did bounce from there last night. will keep an eye on it
10:03 Boppanna : +1 Jit on BNF trade
10:03 Sanjib : + Jit
10:04 Jitender : also second data…based on the analysis done…on day types…on data by Shai…NE has a 8% chance of follow up…and today apart from tat open..we have tat also
10:05 Jitender : tx guys
10:05 Jitender : b safe
10:06 Jitender : one +ve guy has been confirmed in my locality and he was roaming around and has gone to Singapore
10:06 Sanjib : Agree Jit. I am down to very very small size
10:06 Jitender : so reality has struck near to home
10:06 Jitender : pls take adequate precautions
10:06 Ankit : 8900 ce 155 to 171
10:06 Kushal : thnx Jit
10:07 Vishnu : ne low 8851 still resisting
10:07 Prateeek : did not took single trade. as did not had confidence. will wait. zero mtm better than negative
10:08 Prateeek : congrats to all green mtms
10:08 Sanjib : all +ve COTs; not shorting here
10:09 Kushal : same here Prateek, no trades.. missed the 1st bus
10:09 Prateeek : kushal – yesterday went negative on the opening trade. so waited today. patience is what vt taught
10:10 Kushal : yes, agree…. patience is must
10:11 Ankit : 9000 pe 186 to 300
10:11 Ankit : *286
10:12 Gopi : considering COt not able to short, by looking trend no longs
10:13 Ankit : yes gopi
10:13 Ankit : theoritically trend days are so easy to trade.. but practically re rntry is always a challenge with a fear in mind of pull back
10:14 Gopi : yeah ankit
10:14 Rajesh : still holding 9000 CE from 275. now 95
10:15 Ankit : 70000 qty ?
10:15 Govind : Why Rajesh?
10:15 Vishnu : i booked at the open rajesh with small profit
10:15 Rajesh : sold at 275 this morning…
10:15 Govind : oh ok
10:15 Govind : +1
10:15 KK : 10K bnf
10:17 Uttam : C side in both with RB coming in
10:17 Anil : Rajesh are you Writing ? Options
10:18 Boppanna : 540-60 ref for me if trailing in morning shorts
10:19 MJ : KK 10k gives quick 50.
10:19 Jitender : congo all
10:20 Seshadri : shai morning you had mesaged below 8870NF we are heading towrds 8550.. do you still have same view
10:20 Vishnu : covered call short weekly 9500 318-16.5 just 10 l did and 2 dt done today boked
10:21 Himanshu : Day COT now 145K plus – this does not mean contra trade
10:21 Himanshu : just for info
10:21 Uttam : @Seshadri, it will not a single line move so that view holds till we do not see any change in OF & charts which would be the auction getting back above VWAP with greens
10:22 Seshadri : i understand it wont be single line move
10:22 Seshadri : thanks uttam
10:22 Chandrashekhar : C side extn in Play Uttam?
10:22 Uttam : right now C side extension playing out
10:22 Chandrashekhar : +1
10:22 Uttam : PDL
10:22 Uttam : above PDL can get to todays vwap & ext handle of 8880
10:23 Ankit : just loving this 5 min screen
10:23 Ankit : thank you shai
10:23 Uttam : (10:17) Uttam : C side in both with RB coming in
10:23 Jitender : 🙂 (10:23) Ankit : just loving this 5 min screen
10:23 Ankit : 😀
10:23 Uttam : boom boom
10:23 Uttam : IB forming at 8840
10:24 Uttam : we have COT so that we are never in any doubt
10:24 KK : NF 9K 95 to 130
10:24 KK : CE
10:24 Uttam : done – (10:22) Uttam : above PDL can get to todays vwap & ext handle of 8880
10:24 Vishnu : ibl broj=ken and give touch at vwap
10:24 Prateeek : first trade done. 8830 to 8885.
10:24 Uttam : congrats Prateek 🙂
10:25 Sanjib : 8796 to 8880: C Side failure trade
10:25 Uttam : super Sanjib
10:25 MJ : Awesome!
10:25 Sanjib : Tx UG
10:25 MJ : congrats all.
10:25 Prateeek : thanks ug – for the heads up.
10:25 Kushal : 8816-8887 done.. khata khula 🙂
10:25 KK : BNF always shows good RB first..NF follows in these falling knife scenarios
10:25 Kushal : +1 Prateek
10:25 Prateeek : congrats kushal
10:25 Uttam : @Seshadri we have some good set ups to trade and with Vix at 62.5 we need to be swift with all trades
10:26 Chandrashekhar : C side played perfectly to Vwap…
10:27 Shai : 8910 ref line for shorts here
10:27 Shai : may test 8810 again
10:29 Kushal : DPOC is price POC right UG?
10:29 Uttam : today’s POC
10:30 Vijay : 9500pe 630-670
10:30 Kushal : ok thnmks UG
10:31 Ankit : 9000 pe 252 to 267
10:33 Shai : Abv 277 that will give you 323
10:33 Ankit : okay chief!
10:33 Ankit : eyes on it thanks
10:34 Shai : (09:18) Shai : First auction stays below 9060- (09:01) Shai : 9060 amd 9160 may attract the sellers again
10:34 Shai : first auctions are always decisive
10:34 Seshadri : good call shai
10:35 Shai : yesterday was up
10:35 Shai : todat down
10:35 Ankit : yes shai
10:35 Uttam : rejection at vwap has hapened so a IS here would set up the afternoon nicely 😉
10:36 Kushal : yes UG
10:36 Uttam : needs to sustain below 8840
10:36 Uttam : that 90l COT IB is there
10:36 Uttam : 90k*
10:37 Shai : yes next trade we take on extension lower – (10:20) Seshadri : shai morning you had mesaged below 8870NF we are heading towrds 8550.. do you still have same view
10:38 Kushal : we let dPOC move higher?
10:38 Kushal : i mean wait*
10:38 Uttam : back above VWAP means buyers gaining contrl
10:39 Vishnu : yes
10:39 Vijay : I think markets expecting a shut down for a few days so shorts covering
10:42 Jitender : zee is running a cz=ampaign to close mkts
10:42 Jitender : n u know who tey wrk fr
10:42 Vijay : +1
10:42 Prateeek : i believe india would do that only if us does – as we are behind them in corona and correction both
10:44 Kushal : RS from 8908.. Shai 🙂
10:44 Shai : (10:27) Shai : 8910 ref line for shorts here(10:27) Shai : may test 8810 again
10:45 Shai : 286
10:45 Jitender : +1
10:45 Ankit : +10
10:45 Anil : +1
10:45 Govind : 8900 pe 202 to 231, half out
10:45 Ankit : 9000 pe 277 to 292
10:45 Ankit : thanks shai
10:45 Uttam : 8800pe from 180 to 192.3
10:45 Govind : 🙂
10:46 Jitender : +1 guys
10:46 Ankit : +1 uttam
10:46 Govind : Congo Ankit and Uttam
10:46 Prateeek : 9000 pe 275 to 282
10:46 Ankit : thx govind.. just uswed shai”s ref
10:46 Uttam : 195 needs to be crossed & sustained in that 880pe now
10:46 Jitender : zee wants sc
10:46 Kushal : +1 Gov, UG, Ankit
10:46 Shai : (09:43) Shai : look to sell into strength(09:43) Shai : no counter trend buys(09:44) Shai : it’s a period dominated by sellers
10:46 Ankit : thanks all… congo prateek
10:46 Abhijith : 866-806 🙂
10:47 Govind : Shai’s ref is like GPS Ankit 🙂
10:47 Prateeek : thanks bro
10:47 Ankit : haha yeah
10:47 Shai : lol
10:48 Uttam : COT back to reds last 2 bars
10:48 Uttam : 8840-20 again being marked
10:48 Neeraj : 9000pe from 235 to 285
10:48 Shai : expecting 8732 on the balance
10:48 Uttam : plus D starting
10:48 Neeraj : thanks Shai
10:48 Shai : sl still 8910
10:48 Sachin : keeps resisting at 8800 and 21420 levels, need to break these
10:48 Uttam : so lets have the D period ext
10:49 Shai : 323 plus on that 9000 pe
10:50 Ankit : finally dt done.. because trading on 25% qty
10:50 Ankit : aye captain
10:50 Sameer : US futures in lower circuit ?
10:50 Kushal : +1 Ankit
10:51 Srinivas : yes
10:51 Jitender : ys
10:51 Kushal : yes sameer
10:51 Sachin : not yet, 20043, lc is 1% away
10:53 Srinivas : its hit LC buddy, price is frozen and orders are not going thru
10:53 Sachin : ah ok you right 4% \
10:54 Govind : needs a clean break at 8790
10:54 Kushal : vix!
10:55 Uttam : 8815 is IS
10:56 Saheer : is this vix higher than 2008?
10:56 Govind : exited the rest of 8900 PE at 249.5
10:56 Ankit : 9 K PE already at 311 +10 shai
10:57 Abhijith : uttam IS ??
10:57 Govind : Saheer, Jit said 2008 Vix was in the 80s
10:57 Saheer : OMG!!!
10:57 Jitender : 85
10:57 Jitender : posted in random ystrdt
10:58 Shai : book full- (10:48) Shai : expecting 8732 on the balance
10:59 Govind : Done Shai +1
11:00 Avinash : Fantastic Shai. This process has brought so much clarity into my day trading.
11:01 Neeraj : +1
11:01 Rajiv : +1..amazing shai
11:01 Govind : that 17k green holding it for now?
11:01 Shai : Cheers – (11:00) Avinash : Fantastic Shai. This process has brought so much clarity into my day trading.
11:02 Govind : gone
11:02 Avinash : Cheers
11:03 Uttam : scratched 880pe from 190 to 198 as not hitting new hgihs
11:03 Uttam : can go now
11:03 Suhas : yes
11:03 Suhas : ready
11:03 Sagar : 9843 to 9756 clean points 🙂
11:03 Abhijith : uttam IS ??
11:03 Prateeek : great sagar. congrats
11:03 Uttam : 20992 was a FA in BNF
11:03 Prateeek : you meant 8843 to 8756
11:04 Uttam : which has not been visited from 3 years 🙂
11:04 Sagar : Thanks @prateeek
11:04 Uttam : IS = Initiative selling Abhijit
11:04 Abhijith : ok
11:06 Yash : +16k at lows?
11:06 Yash : Gone
11:07 Yash : ?
11:08 Sameer : one thing i learned today …. when IV are abnormally high avoif buying OTM options…better to buy ITM options even for intra
11:09 Abhijith : open drive lower not even tested yval
11:09 Uttam : (10:48) Uttam : so lets have the D period ext
11:09 Suhas : 8700 coming
11:09 Chandrashekhar : +1 Uttam
11:10 Uttam : NF open was OAIR above the Neutral Extreme ref – (11:09) Abhijith : open drive lower not even tested yval
11:10 Shai : Look for fresh selling below 8712 now
11:10 Uttam : BNF we can say was an ORR down as it got rejected from previous VAL to break below PDL at open itself
11:10 Shai : tgt would be 8606/ 8515
11:10 Uttam : +1 Shai
11:11 Uttam : 8613 is 2atr from yesterdays FA
11:11 Shai : +1
11:11 Ravi : AM(azing)Shai 😉
11:12 Sameer : Shai whats target for BNF intra ?
11:13 Shai : BNF is a monster
11:13 Uttam : 20992 level to watch in it
11:13 Uttam : it goes can give another 100 points down
11:13 Shai : I’ve not taken a single BNF trade this series so far, and that is saying a lot cos BNF was the beast for 10 plus years for me
11:13 Ankit : shai’s 9k PE above 323!!
11:14 Uttam : b) The auction has immediate support at 21960 below which it could fall to 21870-800 / 21568-*542* / 21425 / 21300-233 & 20992
11:14 Shai : but at current volatility NF is what BNF used to be
11:14 Uttam : same here Shai, traded only NF
11:14 Shai : And at 75 bucks works better for me
11:14 Srinivas : +1 Shai.. I could not handle the vol and SLs in BN
11:14 Srinivas : switched to NF
11:14 Uttam : laste shorts getting trapped?
11:15 Yash : bought 8800ce at 160, half booked at 180!
11:15 Shai : BNF 21600 are the sellers
11:15 Yash : went to short, found Jump in COT, :))
11:15 Shai : don’t shorts BNF here
11:15 Uttam : 21300 one small ref in BNF
11:16 Yash : so went long!
11:16 Shai : (11:10) Shai : Look for fresh selling below 8712 now
11:17 Shai : objective was done at 8732- (10:48) Shai : expecting 8732 on the balance
11:17 Manoj : charts updating ?
11:17 Shai : Hence
11:17 Shai : hope all safe
11:17 Govind : ES hits LC
11:17 Suresh : Hi Shai sorry to ask this question how did you calclate 8712 selling
11:17 Santhosh : YES SIR
11:17 Kiran : chart stuck
11:18 Santhosh : y 910 SL
11:19 Santhosh : its follwed with good trade, thank u
11:19 Shai : charts up now?
11:19 Giri : yes
11:20 Govind : Yes
11:20 Uttam : yes
11:20 Manoj : yes
11:20 Kushal : y
11:20 Shai : It’s COT based – (11:17) Suresh : Hi Shai sorry to ask this question how did you calclate 8712 selling
11:20 Shai : same with 8910
11:20 Shai : Let’s just say there is more to the Orderflow than what you see here
11:20 Uttam : 🙂
11:20 Shai : Phase 2 will be picking up levels
11:20 Suhas : +1
11:20 Shai : we are just pahse 1 of COT now
11:21 Uttam : _/\_
11:21 Govind : Back to that 8790 again
11:21 Shai : And I’m developing phase 3 already
11:21 Manoj : super Shai
11:21 Suresh : Thanks Shai
11:21 Ankit : woah
11:21 Uttam : lol Shai please take us along with you
11:21 Kushal : thnx a ton Shai
11:21 Gopi : awsome
11:21 Suhas : gr8 shai
11:21 Uttam : breakoutsession tom 😉
11:21 Shai : for now watch the levels , wille xplain in a webinar once this volatility settles
11:21 Uttam : +1
11:21 Rajan : +100 Shai
11:21 Suhas : +1
11:21 Seshadri : +1
11:22 Anil : Thank you Shai
11:22 Chandrashekhar : +1 Shai
11:22 Govind : Phase 3?!! Looks like I will need more than 10000 hours Shai 🙂
11:22 Avinash : Superb Shai
11:22 Abhijith : +1
11:22 Amit N : Awesome Shai
11:23 Jitender : Shai..pls introduce 3 year package fr VT
11:24 Jitender : will benefit all here willing ot learn
11:24 Shai : 336- (10:33) Shai : Abv 277 that will give you 323
11:24 Srinivas : +1 I took 3months and its been only a month… thinking of extending to 1 year 😉
11:24 Yash : charts stuck again!
11:24 Prateeek : 9000 pe. yes shai. awesome
11:26 Shai : lol – (11:23) Jitender : Shai..pls introduce 3 year package fr VT
11:26 Shai : whoever wants to stay will stay
11:26 Kushal : this fall is mostly from BNF.. what happens when NF too becomes wild
11:26 Shai : we know what we are doing here and are here to trade
11:26 Jitender : Gov can subsidise lot of usc:)
11:26 Jitender : *us
11:26 Suyog : hmm, phases 2 & 3 for room charts too.. Shai 🙂
11:26 Jitender : +1
11:27 Uttam : super Suyog 🙂
11:27 Yash : BNF daily COT positive?
11:29 Suyog : +1 for non-stop inspiration _/\_
11:29 Shai :
11:29 Shai : 🙂
11:29 Shai : People asking about COT to the chart provider
11:29 Shai : wish they knew what it was!
11:29 Uttam : lol
11:29 Ankit : hahah
11:30 Kushal : loool
11:30 Srinivas : +1 Shai you made COT famous in India
11:30 Jitender : wah
11:30 Govind : Jit 🙂
11:30 Kushal : no shortcuts here 🙂
11:30 Shai : find out how to trade with COT, find sl and tgts of COT. They keep looking at all wrong places
11:30 Govind : Not quite there yet Jit
11:31 Sanjib : For ppl they have the answer which BellTPo provide.
11:31 Govind : Shai, this person should’ve looked at the CME website for COT 🙂
11:31 Sagar : can anyone copy thath tweet and paste here tweeter is blocked in office
11:32 Kushal : ghanti(bell) ka to naam hi na lo….
11:32 Shai : Yeah those guys have one number at top and one at bottom and all is wrong
11:33 Kushal : +100 Shai
11:33 Shai : but you can sell anything to a guy who does not know the O of orderflow
11:33 Shai : Cot is next level
11:33 Shai : Anyways back to market
11:33 Shai : look at sellers again below 8714
11:35 Abhijith : can sell here
11:35 Sanjib : Sagar see it in slack posted
11:35 MJ : 40k red at 8716.
11:35 Govind : 8800pe from 202 to 224
11:35 Sagar : yes
11:35 Govind : quickie trade
11:35 Himanshu : BNF weekly 19000 PE is trading at 165
11:36 Himanshu : do they want to take it there tom – and buyers are double of sellers – poor order book
11:36 Sagar : next REF NF ?
11:36 Himanshu : PNB
13:09 Uttam : ?
13:09 Uttam : 37500 green also there
13:10 Uttam : BNF also want to shhift the dPOC lower?
13:10 Uttam : to around 20500
13:13 Himanshu : Gov – HDFC bank 900.10 Low in spot
13:13 Himanshu : Uttam – 3 IB would be – where in BNF
13:14 Govind : Himmy, it was there y’day too
13:15 Govind : would be nice if we can get vwap
13:15 Himanshu : yday low was 954 in spot I guess
13:15 Himanshu : today new low – in HDFCBK
13:15 KK : when NF was at low, someone said. like this to LC lag jayega..chalo wapis..UG thanks..
13:15 Govind : oh ok
13:15 KK : in BNF
13:17 Himanshu : HDF last suppot 870-880 Range as per MP
13:18 Himanshu : after that Prom POC is 500-525 range of 2016
13:18 Himanshu : The way ETF guys are selling EM bluechips – we might see that sooner
13:19 Himanshu : It looks like those Sci-Fi movie as world is coming to end –
13:19 Himanshu : Seems Virus wil make chinese coonvert to Vegan
13:20 Govind : 8400 and 8299 (LC low) are the next targets as per UG Hypos, fyi
13:20 Kushal : +1 Gov
13:25 Uttam : NF has completed 2 IB down inspite of the 295 point IB
13:25 Uttam : third consecutive day of 500+ points
13:29 Uttam : BNF dPOC also shifts lower to 20496
13:29 Govind : Dax down 4% roght off the bat
13:30 Swapnil : Which website do you use GOv for tracking
13:30 Govind :
13:30 Neeraj : data not getting updated??
13:30 Swapnil : ok thansk
13:30 Uttam : charts working fine Neeraj
13:31 Shai : stay low on qty
13:31 Shai : no poullback coming
13:31 Shai : so time based it is
13:31 Sagar : getting 100 points in is become less than min task
13:31 Shai : dpoc keeping the market flat
13:33 Neeraj : yea its fine now, thanks
13:34 Uttam : COT also not showing nay new selling here
13:36 Abhijith : chat hang ??
13:38 Uttam : IS forming?
13:38 Uttam : lets see how this bar closes
13:40 Sameer : Bandhan bank trading at 33K crore market cap ,,,, Gruh finance last day trading market cap 23K crore
13:40 Himanshu : 45k Red there
13:40 Himanshu : @8570
13:40 Sameer : bad marriage
13:41 Uttam : BNFfff
13:41 Uttam : going to VWAP?
13:41 Kiran : bnf so manu 0
13:42 Uttam : 52k cot in this bar
13:42 Uttam : boom boom
13:42 Saheer : let it go then only we can short again
13:43 Uttam : 60k red at 8570 in NF
13:44 Uttam : 20750 in BNF probable rs
13:44 Sameer : Uttam what is RS ?
13:44 Uttam : responsive selling
13:44 Sameer : OK thanks
13:44 Uttam : pull back done?
13:45 Sagar : i had sold at top and covered here 150 BNF points
13:46 Kushal : no LIC today
13:46 Uttam : IS forming in BNF at 20600
13:46 Uttam : 8540 in NF
13:47 Sagar : should we sell here again
13:47 Uttam : you already sold & covered so be happy Sagar 🙂
13:47 Sagar : yeah
13:47 Uttam : -80k COT in NF
13:47 Sagar : 40% on investment
13:47 Uttam : bar yet to close though
13:48 Kushal : pink band
13:49 Sameer : what will be next Trump scheme ? Distributing money printing machine to every US household
13:49 Kushal : lol Sameer
13:52 Jitender : ten it will become Venezuala
13:53 Avinash : DPOC has shifted down to 8560 does this hold any significance for trend in daily scale?
13:54 Chetas : what is the current weekly POC in Nifty
13:54 Shai : it’s 9091
13:55 Yash null : dump coming below 8500?
13:55 Shai : trend down lower stopped
13:56 Yash null : ok shai so should hold shorts right now or it’s over?
13:56 Shai : A bounce would be good to9 short again
13:56 Avinash : Thank you Shai
13:56 Shai : (12:42) Shai : COt in the 2 lows near 8525 show supply reducing(12:42) Shai : CUt shorts(12:42) Shai : And wait on a bounce
13:59 Govind : 8500PE MAR from 408 to 429, half out
14:01 Govind : Vix is forming beautiful dojis at around 63, like 6 of them today in the 30 min TF 🙂
14:02 Govind : all out, bounced without breaking DL
14:05 Shai : 8535 is the new seller
14:05 Jitender : Shai…view on vix pls
14:06 Shai : 68 and 76 expected
14:06 Sachin : look at the past 2 1 min candles
14:07 Sachin : bank nifty from 20400 to 20550 and down again by 100 points
14:07 Sachin : i have never seen this
14:07 Abhijith : shai can short at 8530 ??
14:08 Shai : can short small qty with sl of 8565
14:08 Kushal : vix about to shoot up
14:08 Shai : not a good trade location
14:08 Jitender : tx Shai
14:08 Shai : but can do 8420
14:08 Shai : 8535 is the new kid
14:09 Abhijith : ok thanks 🙂
14:09 Shai : he should tgt 8465 day low
14:11 Shai : day lws
14:11 Shai : did you guys see his entry?
14:11 Govind : ad he is out
14:11 Govind : and*
14:11 Avinash : Yes
14:11 Suresh : yes clear
14:12 Sanjib : wow-classic
14:12 Shai : That’s what I want you guys to pick up
14:12 Kushal : wohww
14:13 Govind : OF masterclass
14:13 Vishnu : todays referene for down any shai
14:13 Shai : It’s not as easy anymore as the one from 8770 earlier we did
14:13 Shai : but we can still run with them and make money
14:13 Prateeek : ok chief
14:13 Yash null : 8800 pe 340 to 370!
14:14 Yash null : finally one small move agains my all previous stunts today!
14:14 Abhijith : shai _/\_
14:15 Santhosh : Sir, u r a genius in the market
14:15 Yash null : I entered into same pe at 220 in the morning, and then left it with small profit, my biased got affected because of !
14:15 Uttam : _/\_ – (14:12) Shai : That’s what I want you guys to pick up
14:15 Yash null : anyways thanks guys!
14:16 Santhosh : i did th pe 220 to 247
14:17 Yash null : 8800pe ckt day high was 370, above it now!
14:17 Abhijith : orderflow video helps a lot but in live market its entairly rocking
14:17 Yash null : I still feel Shai’s tgt on lower side is open for today
14:18 Jitender : tx chief (14:12) Shai : That’s what I want you guys to pick up
14:19 Uttam : still lot of time left in the day – 69 minutes 😉
14:20 Sanjib : 🙂
14:20 Sanjib : SC?
14:22 Uttam : 8520 IB in NF
14:22 Uttam : shorts getting squeezed out?
14:22 Uttam : 44k green at top
14:22 Uttam : 8560
14:23 Santhosh : excited to c new kid in the town
14:29 Vishnu : dooc resisting took pe there and booked out 20 points
14:30 Uttam : BNF can give a good move Shai?
14:30 Uttam : 500 point either side in this last hour
14:32 Jitender : HUL increases prices of soaps
14:32 Jitender : very sad
14:33 Vishnu : ug u said in bnf or nf that 500 point
14:34 Uttam : BNF as it has been coiling
14:34 Uttam : 21k or 20k
14:39 Rajiv : JIT where is this HUL news flashing
14:40 Jitender : tv
14:40 Rajiv : I mean which channel
14:40 Jitender : it was on zee
14:41 Rajiv : ty
14:42 Shai : 8598 Sl for one final sell here tgt 8250
14:42 Shai : Trade to your risk
14:42 Yash null : in ,
14:42 Shai : 8600 pe cmp 218 tgt 346 sl of 178
14:42 Yash null : half size
14:42 Shai : trade to your risk
14:43 Shai : has been a good day so far
14:43 Shai : Not as easy as morning but looking for a flash down with 9597 as sl
14:43 Shai : 8597*
14:47 Neeraj : Hi Guys, one question. since COT has been positive in 30 min frame since 1415 hr but still market not going anywhere, so what does it signify??
14:48 Shai : profit booking
14:48 Neeraj : ok, shorts booking profit
14:48 Uttam : yes
14:49 Neeraj : ok, thanks Shai and Uttam
14:49 Abhishek Lalwani : @shai tgt for 8600pe is 246 or 346
14:49 Shai : 346
14:50 Abhishek Lalwani : ok
14:50 Vishnu : 8250 future today or tom morning
14:53 Shai : need big neg COT
14:53 Uttam : coming 🙂
14:54 Vishnu : yesss
14:54 Shai : 8428 we take half out
14:54 Shai : ride the rest free
14:54 Tejpreet : +100
14:56 Sagar : one more push
14:56 Uttam : 3:05 bot needs to do that
14:59 Vishnu : booked 50 points from 8600 pe shai
14:59 Vishnu : thanks
14:59 Shai : book half here
14:59 Vijay : +100
14:59 Shai : SL 8529 now on rest
15:00 Sagar : superb Shai 🙂
15:00 Uttam : 192 to 209 8500pe
15:00 Uttam : 206 sorry
15:00 MJ : 8427 low
15:00 MJ : wow bossman
15:00 MJ : /\
15:00 MJ : 8425.xx
15:01 Shai : those red sconfirmed this – (14:53) Shai : need big neg COT(14:54) Shai : 8428 we take half out
15:01 Uttam : 8400 coming
15:01 MJ : what is amazing is the levels to book out too
15:02 Vijay : 8600pe 210-270 75% out
15:02 Vijay : Thank you shai
15:02 Shai : 8497 trailing now – (14:42) Shai : 8598 Sl for one final sell here tgt 8250
15:02 Uttam : 8400 here 🙂
15:03 Uttam : 8299 next?
15:03 Uttam : BNF show your move too
15:03 Kushal : shaiiiiiiiii!!
15:03 Kushal : pranam
15:03 Shai : 282 book – (14:42) Shai : 8600 pe cmp 218 tgt 346 sl of 178
15:04 Uttam : superlative trade Shai +1000
15:04 Tejpreet : +100 Chief
15:04 Boppanna : +100 Shai
15:04 Sanjib : Great trade Shai
15:04 Kushal : yes ug +1000
15:04 Rajan : +100Shai
15:04 Suresh : Fantastic Trade setup
15:04 Uttam : 10 mins 70 points in a PE 🙂
15:04 Sagar : VT jindabad 🙂
15:04 Seshadri : fantastic trade Shai
15:04 Avinash : What a Trade Shai
15:04 Neeraj : 8600pe from 200 to 280
15:05 Neeraj : thanks Shai and Uttam
15:05 Uttam : nice Neeraj 🙂 congrats
15:05 Shai : Congrats Guy
15:05 Shai : 8497 trailing leave some
15:05 Jitender : Shai..yr view noe changes fr bottom already made ?
15:05 Jitender : 7400/7900 now poss ?
15:05 Shai : expecting some reds again
15:06 Shai : maybe 6800 Jit
15:06 Shai : I’m worried now on lack of bounces all week
15:06 Sameer : Shai 6300 ? perfet 2008 high
15:06 Jitender : i know..tx
15:06 Vishnu : yess same shai
15:07 Vishnu : in 2008 i hink we got good bounce some days
15:07 Tejpreet : Jit next few days am expecting some negative news on corona front for us … maybe a 20 % circuit and then like Shai said around 6800.
15:07 Jitender : k
15:08 Shai : Yes poss
15:08 Vishnu : oops shai
15:08 Shai : market not bouncing
15:08 Govind : 2008 issue started in April and imploded in Sep/Oct; this one is much faster
15:08 Shai : I’m invested 20L at 9000 levels Monday
15:08 Shai : but 6800 will be welcome to add more
15:09 Vijay : Shai can you please suggest some long terms stocks for VT team?
15:09 Piyush : Shai 8600 pe good to carry for tomorrow?
15:10 Shai : why take risk of carry
15:10 Ashwath : 4000 points shaved off the #NiftyAb sirf 8000 baki !!Face screaming in fearFace screaming in fear Scarry..
15:10 Shai : we have som much opp to trade live here
15:10 Chetas : futures discount has come down
15:10 Piyush : yes agreed,
15:10 Jitender : 4% today chief….total 20% invested
15:10 Prateeek : great trade shai. VT rocks
15:10 Sagar : Congo Jit
15:10 Jitender : tx
15:11 Jitender : all profits
15:11 Jitender : capital left
15:11 Shai : Congrats
15:11 Sagar : I earned 60% on invested amount
15:11 Tejpreet : I am still all cash even out of most of the gold units.
15:11 Sagar : Thanks to Cheif
15:11 Jitender : grt Sagar..take it out n buy gold
15:11 Jitender : asap
15:11 Jitender : Congrats Sagar
15:11 Sagar : seriously ?
15:11 Govind : I am all cash baby
15:12 Jitender : ys Sagar
15:12 Sagar : ok will do
15:12 Jitender : or save tem fr a rainy day..or buy bluechips
15:12 Tejpreet : All cash is also not good.
15:12 Sagar : THanks Jit
15:12 Jitender : dont lv it in tradn account
15:12 Rajiv : we carry shorts?
15:12 Jitender : ask MJ he lsitened to me and made money
15:12 Shai : Congarts – (15:11) Sagar : I earned 60% on invested amount
15:12 Sagar : i wthdraw daily and keep the my fix amount in accout
15:12 Shai : 10% to learning and 10% to charity
15:12 Jitender : +100
15:12 Govind : well, there is also gold and real estate of course…nothing in the markets as of now
15:13 Sagar : Thanks Chief sure
15:13 Tejpreet : +100 Shai
15:13 MJ : g
15:13 Ravi : Thanks Shai
15:13 MJ : Guys you need to know one thing. We have the best system in VT to trade live.
15:13 Ravi : Happy to have attended bangalore workshop and join the room
15:13 MJ : But nothing better to control the urge of overtrading. Do what jit mentioned.
15:14 Shai : +1
15:14 MJ : Life has been very different since then.
15:14 Shai : 8458 revised SL tgt revides 8353
15:14 Shai : revised*
15:14 Shai : red cot
15:15 MJ : Everyday since 2018 I have been getting my weekly profits out and been long in gold. Position size to be upped only when confident about the market and mental state. No moving away from process. Not even one single degree.
15:15 Tejpreet : For those above 40 and full time tarders ….when you have bumper profits start buying some annuity for a fixed amount as pension.
15:15 Rajesh : done for the day. Wonderful week so far.
15:16 Kushal : that is true discipline MJ
15:16 Kiran : i was watching the entire day… as I was missing out on trades….. did the last one… 2DT done… exited all pos
15:17 MJ : Also, feel free to bother these people on the room. They have blunt and direct advice for you. Always.
15:17 Shai : exit – cot went plus
15:18 Govind : Kite is having issues getting orders thru, careful
15:18 Uttam : BNF closing at dPOC of 20500
15:18 Shai : Hope all profitable today
15:18 Uttam : all the while NF made new lows BNF did not
15:18 Shai : Stay grounded
15:18 Uttam : +1 Shai
15:18 Shai : do the homeword and come prepared
15:18 Yash null : Finally +ve
15:18 Shai : these arew exciting times to be a trader
15:19 Kushal : Yes Shai 🙂 +1
15:19 Shai : but you need a 110%
15:19 Seshadri : +1 shai
15:19 Vijay : +100 shai, thanks for guiding us
15:19 Uttam : 110 is my house number too 🙂
15:19 Seshadri : shai please do a webinar on COT
15:19 Jitender : tell the 2nd houz no Uttam 🙂
15:19 Uttam : lol 301
15:19 Vijay : 69
15:19 Uttam : no 69 in it
15:19 Jitender : pure 69
15:20 Prakash : Shai, how long will these kind of days exist..?? a Week?
15:20 Yash null : why BNF ces goings mad?
15:20 Uttam : cos BNF is mad 🙂
15:20 Govind : PSUs recovering, why?
15:20 Gopi : some FM statements
15:21 Gopi : on bad loans
15:21 Govind : Oil India up 30%
15:21 Shai : roughtly 8177/ 8200 spot is the support here
15:21 Shai : if that breaks expect 6800
15:21 Shai : And that will be quicker
15:22 Seshadri : npa norms in PSU
15:22 Uttam : 100 points recovery in NF & 500 in BNF
15:23 Uttam : 20228 to 20758
15:23 Uttam : going for 21k?
15:23 Anil : Wow last few minutes recovery
15:23 MJ : vwap bnf wow
15:23 Uttam : (14:34) Uttam : BNF as it has been coiling(14:34) Uttam : 21k or 20k
15:23 Shai : yes
15:23 Shai : somnething up
15:23 Uttam : could not do 20k so now going for 21k
15:23 Vijay : Trading has been temporarily stopped for this segment.
15:24 Vijay : Zerodha giving this message
15:24 Govind : what segment?
15:24 Vijay : options buying
15:24 Uttam : hope PE buyers not got stuck 🙁
15:24 Govind : Anuj is gonna have a heart attack, he is so excited but does not know why the upmove
15:24 Amit N : i got struck Uttam in PE
15:25 Uttam : always keep a TSL in system Amit
15:25 Uttam : especially for these last 30mins
15:25 Rajiv : 10600 CE went up 20% in the last 10 minutes. YOu guys must think I am crazy to have it on the screen
15:25 Uttam : we have to be very quick in these markets
15:26 Amit N : yes, profits wiped out
15:26 Uttam : 🙁
15:26 Anil : Zerodha….8450 CE: Bid: 160 / Ask: 293
15:26 Uttam : now some reds in NF
15:26 Swapnil : ONGC 60 to 84 to 60
15:26 Govind : I was up 40 points in 8300pe and put an exit order almost at the bottom; order did not go thru…now it is in red
15:27 Uttam : oh god
15:27 Govind : but small lots, so no issues
15:27 Sanjib : Same with me
15:27 Amit N : yup same happened with me
15:27 Shai : Don’t do the 50 rupee in between strikes
15:27 Shai : stick with the round number ones
15:27 Uttam : yes
15:27 Sanjib : My NF SL order did not go through
15:27 Ravi : same here Zerodha exits getting stuck
15:27 Anil : ok got it
15:27 Govind : Made 5dt today and used a small portion of my profits Uttam
15:27 Neeraj : all PSU s rallied big time in last 10 min
15:27 Vishnu : some reds are here
15:27 Yash null : Dark RED COT in NF!
15:27 Uttam : -2L COT in NF
15:27 Anil : yes Zerodha is stuck
15:28 Srinivas : Zerodha used to suck a lot year back… stopped ID trading there.. use it only for positional
15:28 Govind : oh wow, 2.3L COT
15:28 Gopi : any shorts to carry
15:28 Srinivas : have a backup broker as well
15:28 Abhijith : 250
15:28 Kiran : are they preparing for tommorow? the COT ?
15:28 Abhijith : can v see gap down tom
15:28 Yash null : looks like system related issue, which got settle in last bar!
15:28 Govind : I have HDFCSec Sri, but they do not allow market orders and sometimes I like to have that option
15:29 Gopi : -3 lk cot
15:29 Tejpreet : Bye All.
15:29 Yash null : UT, BNF back to your fav place! 20500
15:29 Shai : Bye all
15:29 Govind : should I worried that the TV folks are more clueless than I am 🙂
15:29 Gopi : bye
15:29 Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29 Govind : Bye guys
15:29 Kushal : bye all
15:29 Uttam : yes Yash prominent POC it was so pulled it back
15:29 Vijay : Bye All
15:29 Rajan : Bye all…thanks everyone
15:29 Anil : have a nice evening all
15:29 Uttam : tom can move big
15:29 Manikandan null : Bye all
15:29 Avinash : Bye Everyone
15:29 Sanjib : Thanks All,Have good evening
15:29 Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:30 Govind : need to buy more Glenlivet
15:30 Kalpesh : 293500 negative cot
15:30 Kalpesh : last candle
15:30 Uttam : enjoy Gov, you deserve it buddy plus it will help you relax too
15:30 Santhosh : Tanx good day
15:30 Neeraj : bye all
15:30 Shai : some skipped orders there
15:31 Shai : exchange may cancle some trades
15:31 Shai : Bye all for now
15:31 Kalpesh : bye
15:31 Vishnu : ok
15:31 Govind : Thanks UG
15:35 Seshadri : thanks
15:36 Ashwath : bye guys..