Order Flow charts dated 27th Sept

When we think about how to measure volume in the market one of the keys is Order flow . It plays a role by telling us what the other traders have done in the market and are currently doing and this provides valuable clues and potential opportunities to trade.
An Order Flow trader can actually see exactly what is happening in the market as it happens.  Once you are able to understand what is happening in the present, you are able to make far better decisions about what might happen in the future. Order Flow provides traders with vision into market activity.

30 Min Bnf Bid 18 Order Flow Charts Dated 27Th Sept 30 Min Fp Nf 17 Order Flow Charts Dated 27Th Sept Delta Stack 17 Order Flow Charts Dated 27Th Sept Delta Stack Bn 17 Order Flow Charts Dated 27Th Sept


09:05   Vtrender Live : (09:04) Vtrender Live: option charts – https://join.me/646-173-190
(09:05) Vtrender Live: 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/110380437

09:07   Shai : (09:07) Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-26th-sept/

09:23   Shai : (09:23) Shai : Intra- Buy Nifty near 11070 sl of 11040 tgt 11130
(09:23) Shai : cmp 11077 buy lower

09:36   Shai : (09:36) Shai : Intra – Nifty book profits at 11087 here

10:05   Shai : (10:04) Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 25350 sl of 25445 tgt 25230

10:08   Shai : (10:07) Shai : quickest way to check rollovers on big sizes is to go to the top left of the screen here- https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/110380437 and here-https://join.me/646-173-19

10:16   Shai : (10:16) Shai : exit from the BNF shorts near cost here 25343

10:49   Shai : (10:49) Shai : Buy 25000 pe at 16 sl of 2. Tgt open. stay till 3 pm in it.

11:07   Shai : (11:07) Shai : Intra – Buy 25200 pe at 67 sl of 43 tgt 110.

11:16   Shai : (11:16) Shai : exit the 25200 pe at 70 here. stay with the 25000 pe

12:45   Shai : (12:45) Shai : 25000 pe at 44. Book half and ride the trest at cost

12:54   Shai : (12:52) Shai : Buy 25200 pe at 130 sl of 105 . aggressive trade

13:07   Shai : (13:06) Shai : Book the 25200 pe at 138- 142 here

14:00   Shai : (14:00) Shai : BNF exit the balance in 25000 pe at 25 now

14:17   Shai : (14:16) Shai : Buy 25000 pe again 29 sl of 12 . Hold for 120 .

15:01   Shai : (15:01) Shai : Positional update – close the 11000 pe – 10950 pe spread at a net cost of 31 here. entry was at 17 .

15:08   Shai : (15:08) Shai : Clsoe the 25000 pe

15:16   Shai : (15:16) Shai : BTSt- Buy BankNifty Oct F at 25170 sl of 25000 tgt 25500.



09:04   Vtrender Live : option charts – https://join.me/646-173-190
09:05   Kathir : GM shai all
09:05   Sumit : gm all
09:05   Vtrender Live : 30 min charts – https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/110380437
09:06   Shai : Gm all
09:06   Praneeth : Gm All
09:07   Shai : https://vtrender.com/market-profile-analysis-dated-26th-sept/
09:07   Praneeth : Shai, your view on usdinr once u get a chance pls
09:08   Jitender : Gm Folks 🙂
09:17   Shai : an open in range and value
09:20   Shai : finallly a quiet monring
09:20   Shai : has been a while
09:20   Praneeth : 🙂
09:20   Himanshu : gm all 🙂
09:22   Praneeth : shai, dvah-dva play ?
09:22   Praneeth : *dval
09:23   Shai : Intra- Buy Nifty near 11070 sl of 11040 tgt 11130
09:23   Shai : cmp 11077 buy lower
09:24   Shai : in
09:24   Shai : 11040 zone a supp for day
09:26   Praneeth : any option experts here? Today option price would crash more because of IV adjustment?
09:26   Himanshu : shai .. historically in october IV go lower.. any good case for short some october pe?
09:26   Jitender : ys Parneeth
09:27   Jitender : vix already wn
09:27   Praneeth : thanks jit
09:27   Jitender : be careful to write if it goes abv 17
09:27   Praneeth : ok
09:28   Himanshu : ok jit
09:28   Mihir : Good morning 🙂
09:30   Vasanth null : hi everyone
09:34   Shai : 25420 res in BNF for day
09:36   Shai : Intra – Nifty book profits at 11087 here
09:36   Sumit : seller in BNF
09:36   Shai : yes gettimng sold
09:37   Shai : 25505 and 25440 ref zones from yesterday
09:37   Shai : 25510 was the faillure in B
09:40   Shai : Morning Vasanth
09:41   Shai : so I gota round to that 25300 volume in BNF from 2 days back.
09:41   Shai : It was shorts lifting from sept series. no rolls happened to oct
09:42   Shai : positional players booking
09:44   Shai : BNF a short with vwap minus + filter
09:44   Shai : 25230 obj
09:50   TP : GM all.
09:50   Praneeth : shai, another trip to dvah now in bnf possible?
09:51   Uttam null : Good Morning All 🙂
09:52   Uttam null : Tej that combo from 88 close to now 68
09:54   TP : Uttam not seen it just recovered my PC from BSOD.
09:55   Uttam null : so it decided to test you on expiry day 😉
09:57   Jitender : hope everyone knows tat RBI gave additional liquidity of 2% to banks thru SLR adjustment..tis came at 8.45am
09:57   TP : Yes did my trades on laptop.
09:59   Himanshu : 88k seller at VWAP?
09:59   Mihir : Himanshu looks like a rollover.
09:59   Praneeth : thanks jit
10:00   Uttam null : OAIR in value plus expiry day so looks a smaller range day at least till 2:30?
10:00   Himanshu : ok mihir
10:01   Praneeth : yes uttam, instead of 1000 may be 350-450 range?
10:01   Mihir : Uttam you online through mobile?
10:01   Uttam null : 11088 was exactly vah of composite of this week in NF
10:02   Himanshu : another 1 lakh volume
10:02   Uttam null : yes Mihir first was on mobile now on ipad
10:02   Sumit : sir, 1 l seller in nf ?
10:02   Sumit : or rollover ?
10:03   Sumit : 11060
10:03   Mihir : Oh okay. 🙂 I wish Webinato fixes their mobile app.
10:03   Uttam null : Sumit rollovers today so check Oct OF also
10:04   Shai : Intra – short BankNifty 25350 sl of 25445 tgt 25230
10:07   Shai : quickest way to check rollovers on big sizes is to go to the top left of the screen here- https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/110380437 and here-https://join.me/646-173-19
10:08   Shai : we are now matching them to the last sec
10:13   Uttam null : RK you there?
10:13   RK : yes Uttam
10:14   Uttam null : movie time today or doing just fading?
10:15   Mihir : 47 ib range.
10:15   Mihir : From the way we’ve had last one week this looks quite amusing.
10:15   Uttam null : red at 11085 was good signal to short RK?
10:15   RK : looks like 11K-111100 range Uttam all day..as of now VAH failed and POC done..
10:16   Uttam null : +1RK
10:16   Shai : exit from the BNF shorts near cost here 25343
10:16   Kathir : usd/inr took supp 72.68 and reversed
10:16   Kathir : 72.67 low
10:16   RK : but tough to beleive this settlement will be done without noise..lets see
10:16   Uttam null : no wonder that 11050 combo has been going down since yesterday afternoon
10:17   Uttam null : hmmm yes small range and season of Neutral days so expiry also should be neutral 😉
10:17   RK : when writers doing firefighting all through expiry how can they be left on expiry day 🙂
10:18   Uttam null : poor fellas
10:18   Uttam null : B making inside bar of an already small range A
10:18   RK : but Shai declared 2 days back expecting quiet expiry..so limiting expectations unless you give sm surgical strike news 🙂
10:19   Uttam null : news comes first from Jit 🙂 so he must be upto something
10:20   Uttam null : 11045-40 imp to hold else 11025 and 11000 can come
10:21   Uttam null : upside now has res at 11065
10:22   Mihir : Oh yes jit is somewhere to find something imp 😛
10:23   Mihir : Notorious C period here.
10:24   Uttam null : right now C looks to be tamed and is making a double inside
10:25   Kathir : RK suyog has nifty range of 130 points 🙂
10:25   RK : yes
10:26   Uttam null : so chance of a 3IB on expiry or 1.5 on both sides 😉
10:30   Uttam null : oct CE making new lows
10:30   Mihir : Phew got out that C period finally.
10:34   Shai : 11040
10:34   Mihir : First trade of the day done.
10:37   Jitender : 230 done..tx Shai
10:39   Jitender : usdinr at DH
10:40   Jitender : if reverses bnf can do DH from here…else wud be thrilling
10:41   Praneeth : 25.4K CE low =6
10:42   Kathir : 25500 ce also
10:44   Mihir : Lets say hello to prev day low
10:45   Kathir : inr blasted
10:45   Uttam null : 11040 gone nf low so far 11026
10:46   Jitender : ys K..only thing m wary of is GOI meddling on expiry …as its defendn 11k expiry
10:47   Jitender : so DT done..n no positions as ofnow
10:47   Jitender : bnf abv 270 will be a clue n ST pivot
10:48   Mihir : 11009 coming
10:48   Kathir : ok jit
10:49   Shai : Buy 25000 pe at 16 sl of 2. Tgt open. stay till 3 pm in it.
10:49   Shai : woth the risk.
10:49   Shai : can have a waterfall decline if 25200 breaks
10:50   Shai : worth**
10:50   Jitender : so far bnf identical to yday moves
10:51   Mihir : Greens at low of Oct.
10:51   Mihir : NF.
10:52   Kathir : that pe high also 6 🙂 break it mihir
10:52   Mihir : Break 200 for that Kathir. Very juicy that can be,
10:54   Kathir : will do after 1.30 mihir
10:54   Uttam null : NF taking sup at poc of 3day composite for now
10:54   Uttam null : but A singles at top and C and D have made lower lows
10:55   Jitender : wats the VAH & VAL of the composite Uttam ?
10:55   Uttam null : 10980 and 11088
10:55   Mihir : Uttam 037 right composite poc?
10:55   Jitender : tx Uttam
10:56   Uttam null : i got it as 11025 Mihir
10:57   Mihir : Oh okay. thanks.
11:01   Praneeth : that CE crossed low(6)
11:01   Uttam null : 11025 getting buyers and holding
11:02   Uttam null : but plr down
11:03   Uttam null : 11025.15 new low
11:04   Mihir : Uttam giving vwap?
11:04   Uttam null : not breaking 11025 plus giving a total of 6
11:05   Uttam null : 11040-45 res above that 11065
11:05   Mihir : Tough day. Saving emotional capital for Oct Series.
11:07   Shai : Intra – Buy 25200 pe at 67 sl of 43 tgt 110.
11:16   Mihir : Uttam: 1.5 Ib and running up 🙂
11:16   Shai : exit the 25200 pe at 70 here. stay with the 25000 pe
11:17   Shai : was epecting a fster drop but is stalling
11:17   Uttam null : 11000 should come I feel
11:17   RK : +1 (11:17) Shai : was epecting a fster drop but is stalling
11:17   RK : it could drop harder
11:18   Shai : yeah
11:18   Shai : expiry math also in it
11:20   Jitender : Parneeth yday high on usdinr oct was 73.03 ?
11:28   Jitender : Ag shrt
11:35   Shai : 25200 the other player of last week
11:35   Shai : also pdl
11:36   Shai : swipe is stright down to 25090 if he is taken out
11:36   Jitender : buyn here..small sl
11:39   Jitender : hit 🙂
11:39   Shai : 101 on that PE
11:39   Shai : sucker
11:39   RK : Shai 🙂 quick drop
11:39   Jitender : +1
11:39   Shai : RK 🙂
11:39   Mihir : Expected faster. Too slow for my kind of trades. (10:48) Mihir : 11009 coming
11:39   Shai : 64 someone was buying that pe and 76 he was exiting
11:40   RK : next 100 could be more quick in BNF
11:41   Shai : 25090 vpoc
11:41   RK : yes
11:42   Jitender : Suyog’s range of 350 done in bnf
11:42   Mihir : OTF down since morning
11:44   Mihir : quick 50 below 11001?
11:45   Shai : 69 and 126 to watch on the 25200 pe
11:46   Shai : 69 again a buy and rest at 126
11:46   Shai : abv 126 faster 70 to 199
11:47   Jitender : Shai pls review the oct usdinr ?
11:48   Jitender : bnf abv 200 wud b interestn
11:48   Jitender : its in discount now
11:49   HK : Shai, after settlement, are you planning to put back the old 30 mins OF
11:49   Shai : 72.99- 73.06 res
11:49   Shai : morning buyer 72,81 to provide supp
11:49   Jitender : tx
11:50   Shai : yes HK (11:49) HK : Shai, after settlement, are you planning to put back the old 30 mins OF
11:50   Shai : yesterday high was 73.06
11:51   TP : Vix is high but still 109k call cheaper than NF .
11:52   HK : Jit, is sundar writing BNF ces?
11:52   Jitender : pain at 25.3/11.1
12:02   Jitender : Hk..no idea
12:02   HK : ok Jit, my point is CE penny writers can go under water
12:03   Jitender : yh
12:03   HK : just waiting for BNf to take out vwap for a big move
12:03   Jitender : nbfc’s slight recvry
12:04   Uttam null : OTF down stops in NF
12:04   HK : PSUs banks can rock swingwise
12:04   Jitender : bnf needs to hold 25.2 fr yr views
12:04   Uttam null : was expecting 11000 but low made 11006
12:05   HK : 12.30 will tell us
12:05   Uttam null : that 11050 combo now down to 56
12:06   Uttam null : 50% down since yesterday noon
12:06   Uttam null : 105 to 56 and stil trending down
12:07   Uttam null : needs to get above 69 that combo for a trneding move before expiry
12:08   TP : I think was 128 when i posted about that combo.
12:08   Uttam null : yes Tej around 2 i thnk when i checked it was 105
12:09   Uttam null : started a new leg down and closed at lows
12:18   Praneeth : anyone for bnf 25700 close?
12:19   Shai : you giot some news from the FM or from LIC 🙂 – (12:18) Praneeth : anyone for bnf 25700 close?
12:19   Uttam null : lol
12:19   Praneeth : 🙂
12:19   Jitender : or a peon tere 🙂
12:20   RK : intel says LIC being asked to take off for the day 🙂
12:20   Praneeth : hehe..
12:20   Jitender : bnf 195-225…recvrd my 30 points sl hit earlier 🙂 (11:48) Jitender : bnf abv 200 wud b interestn
12:20   Uttam null : to let all expire in peace 😉
12:20   Jitender : bck to 1.7DT
12:20   HK : many congrats Jit
12:20   Jitender : tx bro
12:20   Praneeth : +1 Jit
12:20   Shai : and the peon is actually the CMD of many companies
12:20   Uttam null : congrats Jit 🙂
12:20   Jitender : haha
12:20   Jitender : tx guys
12:21   Uttam null : lol Shai and even he may not be knowing it
12:21   HK : however I try ID, could never come not even 1% of you
12:21   Jitender : yh Uttam
12:21   Shai : lol Uttam
12:21   Jitender : HK..i cant do positional…all comes down to temprament
12:21   Jitender : m happy doint ID
12:22   Shai : Congrats Jit
12:22   Jitender : tx Shai
12:22   Shai : 25255- 275 res in BNF
12:22   Jitender : Hk..i tell myself everyday tat i will shift to positionals…but cant do it , as of now
12:22   TP : +1 Jit , in same boat with you without positionals.
12:22   Shai : abv that shoud swing to 350 if sellers don’t show
12:23   Jitender : ys chief
12:23   Jitender : +1 Tej
12:23   HK : GF says lots gonna fly after 1.30
12:23   Shai : girlfriend with the FM office also ? 🙂
12:23   Jitender : 270 or 200 brk now for me..till ten prem eatn 🙂
12:23   Uttam null : lol
12:24   Jitender : 🙂
12:24   HK : oh no….price action across broad market just a gut feel,
12:24   Jitender : if tat was the case Shai..Hk wud have been involved in the ra faele deal 🙂
12:25   Shai : yes HK 🙂
12:25   Jitender : nowadays Anup Jalota is inspiring many to put their focus in singing bhajans
12:25   Shai : if bull can wait till tom or even MOnday we get a stronger upmove HK, just my feel
12:26   Shai : lol- (12:24) Jitender : if tat was the case Shai..Hk wud have been involved in the ra faele deal 🙂
12:26   RK : yes on behalf bears am asking HK and other bulls to leave this to us for a day or two to wind up things 🙂
12:26   Shai : 25200 pe holding 69 nicely
12:27   Shai : (11:45) Shai : 69 and 126 to watch on the 25200 pe(11:46) Shai : 69 again a buy and rest at 126
12:27   Shai : avoid below 62
12:28   Kathir : 12:23 Jitender : 270 or 200 brk now for me..till ten prem eatn 🙂 – jit below 25175
12:28   HK : His Masters Voice shall be heard 🙂
12:32   Jitender : K 🙂
12:33   Jitender : will hedge bck abv 200
12:36   Jitender : 11kpe still being written
12:36   RK : CEs too
12:37   RK : in equal size addition there
12:38   Jitender : +1
12:38   RK : and MIhir seems printed 12.30 low
12:38   RK : and Uttam in work to his b profile
12:39   RK : lets see if these both can succeed in their mission
12:44   Shai : 127
12:44   Shai : 25000 pe 30+++
12:44   Jitender : rbi calls of meetn with IFLS board before their AGM
12:44   Jitender : +1 Shai
12:44   RK : lovely
12:45   Praneeth : +1
12:45   TP : +1
12:45   Shai : 25000 pe at 44. Book half and ride the trest at cost
12:45   Jitender : half booked 100 points 25090 (12:28) Kathir : 12:23 Jitender : 270 or 200 brk now for me..till ten prem eatn 🙂 – jit below 25175
12:45   Shai : almost 3 X in the 25000 pe
12:46   Shai : greens here
12:46   Jitender : awesum
12:47   Shai : this move failed me twice yesterday to this vpoc. satisfaction to get it right today
12:47   Jitender : +1
12:48   Praneeth : +1
12:49   Uttam null : 11000 gone nf dies exact val of composite 10980
12:49   Uttam null : does*
12:50   Shai : greens are there at lows
12:50   Shai : 11000 pe anyone tracking for OI?
12:50   Kathir : congrats jit
12:50   RK : yes Shai
12:50   Jitender : tx K
12:51   RK : they have not added yday and today since morning they seems switching to CE side
12:51   RK : lets see whats in store
12:51   RK : its trending since open above VWAP
12:52   Shai : Buy 25200 pe at 130 sl of 105 . aggressive trade
12:52   Shai : looking for that 70 pointer abv 126
12:52   Kathir : jit take bnf below 25020 now 🙂
12:52   Jitender : 🙂
12:54   RK : any big news around corner?
12:55   Jitender : (12:28) Kathir : 12:23 Jitender : 270 or 200 brk now for me..till ten prem eatn 🙂 – jit below 25175
12:55   Jitender : srry
12:55   Jitender : (12:44) Jitender : rbi calls of meetn with IFLS board before their AGM
12:55   Jitender : news
12:55   Jitender : tat caused the fall
12:55   RK : I think fall not yet started
12:55   RK : it was just spike 🙂
12:55   Jitender : 🙂
12:56   Kathir : RK – me having some 25k pe .tried placing order for 310 – zerodha says upper circuit limit for this is 186 odd 🙂
12:57   Praneeth : where bnf pain?
12:57   Praneeth : *where’s
12:59   Jitender : 25.3
12:59   Jitender : shld have cum dwn
12:59   Sumit : BNF next support ?
12:59   Jitender : 25.3 only
12:59   Sumit : 950?
12:59   Praneeth : thanks jit
13:00   Jitender : wc
13:01   Shai : 25060 minor now but below that another big flush down to 24865: (12:59) Sumit : BNF next support ?
13:01   Kathir : ty shai
13:06   Shai : Book the 25200 pe at 138- 142 here
13:07   Shai : will move into a lower risk 25100 pe
13:07   Shai : sl of 105 if holding
13:12   HK : Jit, what is the inference if BNf closes long away from max pain
13:14   Shai : careful with risk in BN here
13:14   Shai : don’t go overboard with size
13:15   Shai : can spin up fast abv 25125 for 25195 and 25240
13:15   Shai : that is the risk
13:16   Shai : below 25060 is the next fast drop where size can be added
13:17   Mihir : Lol RK. But It did give a bounce to sell. (12:38) RK : and MIhir seems printed 12.30 low
13:17   Jitender : HK in rare cases it becumz a resis
13:19   Jitender : 25.3pe abv 230 sustainence..shld rck
13:20   Jitender : wallah wallah
13:20   Mihir : Bam bam bam bam!
13:20   RK : and JIt Fall started 🙂
13:20   Jitender : objects in the rear appear closer than tey are– meatloaf
13:20   Jitender : rock on Rk
13:21   Mihir : I wanted this clean swipe below 11009.
13:21   Mihir : Came in SIP.
13:21   Mihir : Not complaining
13:22   Jitender : greens
13:23   Mihir : Aye Jit.
13:23   Mihir : BNF low magic.
13:24   Praneeth : good buying jit?
13:24   RK : dont chase longs today at lows
13:24   Jitender : nt yet P
13:24   RK : my 2cents
13:25   Mihir : Yes RK.
13:25   Kathir : 25th bnf vwap 25030
13:25   Mihir : RK 880 looks like?
13:25   Mihir : Too far off?
13:25   Praneeth : thanks jit
13:26   Jitender : 25710 low on 10th 🙂
13:26   Jitender : friday i mean
13:27   Praneeth : BNF PE OI is reducing jit?
13:27   Jitender : nt lookn at it…but SC must be on in 11kpe
13:28   Praneeth : ok
13:28   Jitender : after 12..i ignore OI on expiry day
13:28   Kathir : inr 73
13:30   Uttam : that 11050 combo above 69 does high of 88
13:30   Jitender : suban allah
13:30   Uttam : NF pullback low gone 10963
13:32   Uttam : Suyog’s 130 point range doen in Nifty
13:33   Kathir : hope suyog blesses with more 🙂
13:33   Kathir : vix still negative uttam.
13:34   Kathir : so pe writers not covering yet ? jit
13:35   Uttam : what a nice move in NF opened tested VAH of composite & neatly slided down first taking sup at POC then doing VAL & looks like leaving a tail there
13:35   Mihir : 80% of 30 is?
13:35   Mihir : 130?
13:36   Mihir : 104 that comes to.
13:37   Jitender : Kathir….pivot point here on both
13:37   Uttam : https://vtrender.slack.com/archives/C0F2X2TFW/p1538035697000100
13:38   Kathir : ok jit. ty
13:38   Uttam : still building up that composite & making it smoother with overlapping POC, Oct could start with a trending move
13:40   Shai : usdinr at res 72.99- 73.06
13:40   Shai : swing abv 73.06 then BN would get a catlyst for another leg down
13:40   Uttam : today’s pull back high got stopped just below that 11040 confirming it is planning to go lower
13:41   Mihir : Get 11k fast.
13:41   Mihir : Part booked at 985.
13:43   Uttam : RK you done with the lows or more coming 😉
13:44   Mihir : BEAUTY!
13:47   RK : Uttam more coming
13:47   Uttam : hmmm thought so
13:48   Uttam : lot of time left still
13:48   Uttam : NF first got rejeted at IBL then at prev week low
13:48   Uttam : and now unable to get above pdl of 11001
13:48   Kathir : jit take bnf below 25020
13:49   Uttam : below 10969 can give new lows RK?
13:50   Mihir : Uttam hence exited 🙂 11001 didn’t come in this move.
13:50   Mihir : Yest low.
13:51   Uttam : nice Mihir
13:51   Praneeth : +1 mihir
13:53   Mihir : Above 11001 can be a bazooka.
13:53   Jitender : K tryn
13:53   Mihir : 11001 11007 zone.
13:55   Jitender : 94 mins left 🙂
13:56   Praneeth : aiming for 10880?
13:56   Jitender : Parneeth..be swift
13:56   Jitender : keep part bookn
13:57   Praneeth : ok
13:58   Uttam null : J taking a break and K to resume trend RK?
13:59   RK : BNF dpoc down Uttam
13:59   RK : lets see
13:59   Mihir : Jit 2x phew 🙂
14:00   Jitender : congrats
14:00   Uttam null : ok RK
14:00   Jitender : Kathir abv 25130 i will be out
14:00   Mihir : Hard one today.
14:00   Shai : BNF exit the balance in 25000 pe at 25 now
14:00   Jitender : n SAR
14:02   Jitender : no positions now
14:02   Uttam null : pull back time or low done for the day?
14:02   Jitender : Uttam..2pm only..can still get volatiile
14:02   RK : hoping of trend day pullback 🙂
14:03   Uttam null : yep
14:06   Uttam null : vwap decider?
14:07   Mihir : Uttam Composite POC close you want to give?
14:08   Mihir : Bots Do you know where was IBL? 11041.
14:09   Uttam null : lets see what K has in store Mihir
14:10   Uttam null : ideally its a trend down month so close could be at lows
14:11   Uttam null : 10862 will be nice
14:11   Shai : 25145 git sold again
14:11   Shai : unrelenting sellers
14:11   Jitender : yh
14:12   Uttam null : Shai sep is a trend down month?
14:12   Shai : yes
14:12   Shai : stuck buyet at 25130 also
14:12   Uttam null : so close can be at lows?
14:12   Jitender : get ready K
14:12   RK : Jit 11K CE way above than PE OI now
14:13   Jitender : cool
14:13   Jitender : +100 (14:02) RK : hoping of trend day pullback 🙂
14:13   Mihir : +101 Loaded puts there 🙂
14:13   Mihir : Phew.
14:14   Mihir : Break time
14:14   RK : BNF solid trend day today
14:15   Uttam null : so trend down month closing with a trend down day 🙂
14:15   Uttam null : 10967 needs to break
14:16   Shai : Buy 25000 pe again 29 sl of 12 . Hold for 120 .
14:17   Shai : shoukd not cross abv 25125- 135 now
14:17   Shai : and close at lows
14:21   Jitender : Shai lvls fr 25.3pe..if poss ?
14:23   Shai : definitely poss
14:23   Jitender : tx
14:24   Shai : 156 a supp in it
14:24   Shai : 276 was res
14:25   Shai : below 155 can drop to 115 and 90
14:25   Jitender : cool…tx
14:25   Jitender : gv 400 in it 😉
14:25   Shai : wild it is
14:25   Jitender : yh
14:25   Shai : yes looking for that clean break below 25050 roughly
14:25   Jitender : k
14:31   Uttam null : K keeping all guessing still an inside bar
14:34   Praneeth : anyone bnf pain now pls
14:42   Jitender : m gettn 25.2
14:42   Praneeth : ok
14:43   Praneeth : 17L OI in 25kPE
14:54   Jitender : 2.55pm
14:56   Shai : last throw
14:57   Shai : spot not cooperating now
14:57   Shai : 25046
14:58   Shai : we started the series with a premium of 175 points!! now minus 30
14:58   Uttam null : NF does 3IB down
14:59   RK : so new series bump Uttam 🙂
15:00   Uttam null : you mean tom will be consolidation RK?
15:01   Shai : Positional update – close the 11000 pe – 10950 pe spread at a net cost of 31 here. entry was at 17 .
15:01   RK : no Uttam I meant you want to run up tmw
15:01   RK : 3IB down with MO-65
15:01   RK : and first day of series too
15:01   RK : MO at -80 now
15:02   Uttam null : hmmm but lets first close at lows today 😉
15:03   RK : unlikely seems
15:03   RK : all shorts made exit below day low
15:03   RK : 3IB is always good place to book posns
15:08   Shai : Clsoe the 25000 pe
15:13   RK : Shai any possibilty of overnight VIx crash?
15:13   RK : due to new series
15:14   Shai : no vix is actully into new series from friday
15:14   RK : so can expect more or less same momentum there then
15:15   Shai : starts reflecting voltility E-5
15:15   RK : ok
15:16   Shai : BTSt- Buy BankNifty Oct F at 25170 sl of 25000 tgt 25500.
15:25   Shai : settlement done
15:26   Jitender : yh..good good month
15:26   Shai : next move is upwards over next 2 days
15:26   Shai : Would be watching this BNF move till wednesday RBI .
15:26   Shai : Is actually 2 moves – one into RBI and we will do the exact opp once RBI is done
15:27   Shai : Let’s see if we get a bounce going till RBI now
15:28   Jitender : next day of Fed..spx usually sells off
15:28   RK : NF also closing at dVAL
15:28   Uttam : wow BNF 100 points up in 10 mins
15:29   Jitender : bye all
15:29   Shai : yes
15:29   Shai : defence was done through oct F
15:29   Shai : buyers there
15:29   Jitender : algo in nf
15:29   Shai : Bye all
15:29   Shai : Have a nice evening
15:29   Kathir : thanks and bye all
15:30   Uttam : thanks All 🙂 have a lovely evening
15:30   Praneeth : bye all
15:30   Upendra : Hello Sir @Shai and Hi @RK
15:31   Upendra : Please post the 5 minute Traing charts of NF and BNF in Forum if posiible
15:31   Upendra : *Trading room 5 minute charts


09:36   Gaurav : Shai can buy ARVIND futures October ?
09:43   Shai : arvind looks good for a bounce
09:43   Shai : 379 visible short term
09:43   Shai : sl at recent lows
09:53   Gaurav : Thanks Shai, one more please. Can I buy SREI Infra cash at these levels? Can hold for a one year time frame and longer
10:19   Shai : srei bottom not seen yet,. can still slip to 34 and 31 . review near 37.3 for a longer trem play
12:06   HK : Shai, pleae review Jet airways swingwise, making 2009 lows here
12:15   Shai : srei 34.8
12:17   Shai : weirdly my chart shows 0 for jetairways 😉
12:17   Shai : No I’m just kidding 🙂
12:17   Shai : can still drop to 126 and 107 below 240 jet
12:18   Shai : heavy one time frame down…bounces can get sold
12:20   HK : hahaha lol
12:32   Gaurav : Thanks Shai, will ask your again for SREI ariund 31 or 37.5. Not taking any position

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