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Order Flow Analysis – Strategies used to trade


For many of us we cannot think about placing a trade today without looking at what the Order Flow information is telling us.


For today I want to take a step back and delve into what we look at when we are wanting to see these Order Flow charts. But for that, we need to have a realistic look at the marketplace of today and by that, I mean the shortest time frame used by derivatives traders like me every day. If you are into derivatives trading, you may like to read on. For the investors working only on the concept of “time will make everything right” and the oft-repeated ” mutual fund sahi hai” this is not for you.


The derivative world of the kind I knew, changed forever in 2007 when the word “HFT” or high-frequency trading became common lingo. The media got into it with that “all I know is that I know everything’ kind of attitude and HFT was equated with speed and proximity and “risk-free” trading etc. etc. It hardly is and they make as many losses as us, though some are engineered for a “getting to know you” or a future strategy.  The media went on to say that HFT’s won all the time ignoring the few dozen (maybe more) firms which went belly up every time the market moved away from the normal. Even today anytime any instrument does a 2 sigma move, I scan the papers to see if any HFT went under!


Back in 2008 a lot of us were told that with the advent of HFT most of retail would be out!! Such statements made even today show that people have a very little understanding on how the markets run or work. Markets have always been about an auction process between a Buyer and a Seller and an aggressive player/players drive the market up or down in their pursuit of value. This value is a perception, a landscape and a clean understanding of this principle fuels a price move. If there is a landscape (read markets) and players in the landscape with differing views the markets will function depending on who has the bigger edge in understanding the changing landscape in every time frame. This has been true, whether you traded the markets in the past decade the past 20 years or the last 50. And it’s also the reason that retail who can see or have a bigger edge can easily beat sophisticated programs who often come to the market with an established bias.



Algorithmic trading is machine generated orders without human intervention

HFT would be the same on a bigger scale. There is an important difference between the 2 and all algorithmic trading is not HFT.

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the newest kid on the block and would one day take down HFT


So, what are the kind of strategies these machine executed orders look at?  to secure an edge however small that may be









So, to sum up, this is the complex world we are trading with as derivative traders now especially those of us who are in the shortest time frame.


This is how our competition today has evolved and to match it we have to begin with a knowledge of what it is.


At Vtrender we make efforts to understand the who, what, where, why and how, first before forming our own strategies and tweaking it to ensure that we stay with an edge This is the situation today and it may be different tomorrow. In fact there never has been a time in history when the markets haven’t changed. We are the market- you and me.


For that, I must know my “me” – and that is my strategy well

Order Flow can show me who is on my side or the other.


Thankfully I have invested in the knowledge of Order Flow to know this. Have you?


To read more about how an Order Flow chart will benefit you go here – Order flow chart


To know more about how to implement best practices in Order Flow reading visit the Vtrender Trading Room at –