Making sense- June July 2022
The system chugs along.. Trading is all about a process and a method. In the world of trading we all belong to, it’s your process which will help you gain an edge over other random traders or the ones with a poorer system in the market. Your process is simply your system and the discipline […]
Making sense May 2022- Orderflow edition.
Sell in May? Yes, the clock gets it right this time They say a broken clock is also right two times a day. In the markets, you can be right and you can be wrong but you can never be entirely right and will never be entirely wrong also. Sometimes, the elements come together for […]
Making sense April 2022
April continues to Yo-YO The Month of April started with a few sessions of big gains in continuation of the momentum seen from mid of March, but by the close had given up all gains and finishes lower. The Nifty was down 1.26% for the month. we saw the change in momentum and mostly went […]
Making sense Feb 22 and March 22
The Nifty went up 7.5% in March after dropping 5.04 % in Feb The larger story not reflected in the above percentages was the rise in volatility and the war in Europe sending unease across the trading universe But despite all that was said and done, it was a 5% correction in Feb which was […]
Making sense Jan 2022 edition
Edited excerpts from a monthly newsletter sent to Vtrender Trading Room members A month has already gone since the new year rolled on and the stock markets bumble on. More demat accounts were again opened last year beating the high mark set in 2020, which everyone thought was a high cos of COVID with it’s lockdowns […]
Of our working process through 2021 – with MarketProfile and Orderflow
We have had a great run through the year 2021 with our Order Flow charts and the trading process we have finetuned at Vtrender using the MarketProfile process. It has helped deliver in up, down and sideways markets. Here is a screenshot of the YTD performance There have been months in the year where the Nifty has […]
Performance Of The Trading Room In Sept, Oct , Nov Series ( consolidated post)
Updating the performance of the trades taken in the Vtrender trading room in a single post. All trades are taken live in a trading room which has active traders both new and professionally active. We have traders who are just a couple of months in trading as well as people who have been trading […]
2 day workshop in Bangalore Oct 2. 3
Live in Bangalore for 2 days We are stoked to announce our in person face-to-face workshop on MarketProfile and Order Flow on Oct 2 and Oct 3 in Bangalore The workshop is an added experience for traders where we meet, discuss and interact on the strategies and processes to follow in the markets. Pre- Covid our last workshop was […]
Performance of the Trading Room in August series
In the series of August, the Marketprofile and Orderflow system we follow managed to out perform the Nifty yet again. Our aim is to do 4X of whatever the Nifty does in a series , up and down and we manage to do it through our system of signals. If the Nifty moves more, […]
Performance of the Trading Room in July Series
Here is the performance of the Vtrender Trading Room through the series of July We started off slow but build gains through the series. Our focus is on a process. Randomness kills traders But if you follow a system to trade, you are on the right path in the markets. […]